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Is the merc/mando really as bad as they say?


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Getting to the point, I've read a whole load about how the merc/mando is the worst pvp healer, worst pvp class all together ect ect


Was wondering if you could give me some infomation on just how they stack up in the endgame, I'm looking to do premade regs with some mates on team speak and maybe some casual operations, not all the interested in arena or being a super hardcore raider tho (don't mistake my lack of caring for arena as me not caring about winning tho, winning is EVERYTHING!)


On paper a ranged class that wears heavy armor and can self heal seems like a absolute beast, so I am wondering why it is the merc/mando gets such a rough ride...


Any and all infomation about the class is welcomed and thanks in advance.



Edited by sternritterD
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Getting to the point, I've read a whole load about how the merc/mando is the worst pvp healer, worst pvp class all together ect ect


Was wondering if you could give me some infomation on just how they stack up in the endgame, I'm looking to do premade regs with some mates on team speak and maybe some casual operations, not all the interested in arena or being a super hardcore raider tho (don't mistake my lack of caring for arena as me not caring about winning tho, winning is EVERYTHING!)


On paper a ranged class that wears heavy armor and can self heal seems like a absolute beast, so I am wondering why it is the merc/mando gets such a rough ride...


Any and all infomation about the class is welcomed and thanks in advance.




Although I mostly have fun with PvP with my Merc than PvE (simply because I never bothered to gear her for them, juggling other characters) I have to say they are in an okay spot. IN fact, I play all classes and all of them are good in their element for PvP anyway. I noticed people who complain about Mercs, Snipers, Marauders etc etc simply don't or can't use them the way they want it.


I see a lot of Snipers just stationing and attacking, not a roll or movement or defense tactic at all. I see Marauders jump into a group and expect to slash their way through everyone because according to their dual wielding look, if they appear like a menacing warrior then they must be, and I see Mercs just running around shooting and try to face tank people.


The classes are all not built to face tank, people who have lesser reaction skills or muscle memory tend to like to do as much as possible with little effort. With my Merc, I do great against any class and I have defeated every single one of them. Yes I get killed a lot too but that's not the class to blame, it's the player set skill. There will always be someone better than you as you may be better than all.


People who say a character is OP simply doesn't understand how to counter them. All classes have a defense, and yes there are other classes that have an easier time doing so but they lack something as well. For example, Sorcerers are very strong and people don't realize they can dot you to death and that some dots have an high powerful last hit at the end of their animation. People don't expect it and then boom "Oh my god how did he damage me so much?!!) Easy, they dotted you with a skill for example Marauder's Force Crush which does regular dot damage and at the end of its ability it releases a high hitting damage point. When that strikes, maybe the Marauders just finished his Ravage skill or some other high hitting skill and it;s all added.


So naturally you freak out when your health goes down so fast. I do this to "overpowered" sorcerers all the time and they freak out and are forced to bubble and I can stun and repeat the process. For every class that has a strong attack they have a weak defense and so on. And a few classes have a moderate amount of both making them very average (aka Juggernauts and Guardians DPS specs).


As long as you know how to play your class and duel wtih everyone constantly so you can learn the buffs/debuffs of others, you will always be left in the dark wondering should I reroll. I suffered from this before and finally learned to play my classes. Also, again don't expect to win every time because no class can promise you that, all that matters truly is skill. I have defeated a fully min/maxed augmented dark reaver player when I was level 58 and had that player learned to play their class I should have lost.


In closing, I would say it is due to my experience that all classes are great in their element, you just have to adjust and learn to play with what you got. Some seem to have easier defensive cooldowns or rotations that others but that is just how they were designed. Mercenaries are fine as well as Marauders.


p.s. This game is not 1 vs 1 it is group play so if you land on a team that doesn't work together and you get focused, don't blame it on the class. Any class can be focused down, even tanks and I speak of experience. Enjoy your Merc! :p

Edited by PrincessNuri
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It's never as bad as they say.


Merc, as well as every other class, perform great in premade trinity comps. And they are still one of top choices for this generation of raiding. Just keep in mind that everything can fall to hell with next update.

Edited by Frenesi
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Merc is OK in regs and PVE because its a ranged class


It fails in arenas because its not good at looking after its health or its damage while being abused so it's a cheap kill for the other side to kill the merc first.


But you're not doing that so you won't need to care about it.


PVE it's the best choice of the 3 ranged options for current content, takes less damage than a sorc and isn't as useless at moving as a sniper.


Regs, you don't get focused as in arenas so you can keep chucking in ranged attacks and being useful all game. Not great at soloing objectives, it's more a supporting damage class.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I think the mando / merc excel in PVE. I consider most PVE content to be a cake walk with them. You will probably find that you can complete PVE content quicker and easier with either one than you can with any other class.


In 8 v 8 pvp, it is an excellent support class. But don't expect to be the hero. This class sucks at solo anything. You aren't designed to be the professional ball handler, you aren't designed to be the professional solo node taker, and you sure as all hades aren't designed to be the solo node defender. You simply don't have the focus break, effective escape, or CC to allow you to get out of tight spots. Your job is to destroy the target before it gets on you which is completely the opposite of what PVP is about. The target(s) get on you before you have time to destroy them.


This class has but one job. Kill stuff or heal stuff. That is pretty much it. If you don't rank in the top two DPS in the match, you are doing something wrong.

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