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PvE warzones


I don't always feel like questing or running an entire dungeon but still want to do something. I'm also not an MMO PvP fan at all so the current warzone options are useless to me. PvE Warzones where the objective can be something as simple as "survive" would be great for me to just log on, queue up and not have to worry about spending 10minutes in transit to a quest point or perfect group setup for an instance. Something Rift rifts like would be great in this respect too. While I hated that they always became a zerg, it was still fun doing zone events or running down rifts for that quick content fix.

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Didn't see this until after I posted this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=259257


Here are my 2 credits worth:

After reaching level 50, enjoying operations, PvP, Hard Mode flashpoints, the class story, maxed crafting, and basically sampling everything the game has to offer, I feel I can offer the following suggestions based on my month's experience:


1. Add a /rand or /roll feature to the game for those that wish to use it.


2. Add the ability to use master loot to normal mode operations. While I understand and respect your choices as currently implemented, for guild runs or groups that know one another well enough to avoid loot drama, the ability to CHOOSE (maybe open it to a vote?) to use master loot would be much appreciated.


3. Allow for multiple saved specs WITHIN advanced classes. While I would much prefer a true dual spec feature, I could tolerate respeccing if I could have my abilities and hot bars saved.


4. Add guild features beyond guild banks. A 'summon guild members' feature would be especially nice and really make guilds mean something since travel time can be quite long in this game. At present even with guild banks, they are little more than chat channels with extra storage space.


5. Make crafting skills other than biochem relevant at level 50. For example, I would suggest letting armormechs make +aim/+cunning armor plates that are superior to those that can be bought with daily tokens and synthweavers +wis/+str armor plates. Let armstechs make barrels that are better than the daily token ones. Basically, reorganize crafting so it is relevant. Even the Ops drop schematics are not as good as the gear that drops in the same tier of Ops.


6. Daily/Weekly PvP quests. 30/150 boxes or kills is too many on some servers (especially non-pvp servers). It too often devolves into NASCARing for boxes. I cannot believe this is what developers intended. When you can actually get a good battle going, its a lot of fun. However, this rarely happens in my experience.


7. Tune Hard Mode flashpoints to be more consistent. It is my experience that many fights are either bugged at times (Jindo Krey) or go from fairly easy at the beginning of the instance to extremely challenging (Boarding Party) so that the instance cannot be completed. It seems more reasonable to me to put the 'gear check' boss in the front of the instance. Not being able to complete the instance = frustration. I don't mind an instance being challenging, but the tuning seems off within the instance. It seems to go from manageable to impossible within the same instance. Make the first couple more accessible and save a couple others (from start to finish) to be more demanding. Perhaps the bonus bosses could be the real challenge?


8. Enrage timers are overused in Hard Mode flashpoints.


9. Call to ship function for fast travel. Let the player choose to call directly to ship on planets using fast travel.


10. Make costs in commendations for columi gear, etc. more reasonable.

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Everything posted here is from Ruin Gaming and myself... Your "hardcore PvPers"



The UI in this game is pretty bad. What i mean by this is that there is very little information we get from your UI and are more of less forced to pay attention to nameplates. Even the Focus Bar in this game is depressing. We also have no customizability over this UI and with no addons/mods in this game it is frustrating at times.


1 - You need to give us the option to edit our UI's to fit our playstyle. With the current UI it is fine if you dont take a game seriously and are here just for fun. However for the "hardcore" players we feel very robbed from the UI.


2 - The UI needs to give us more information about things. Currently you can't see when someone in your own party is debuffed! LIKE WHAT THE HELL?!?! Healers need to know when they can dispel someone in their Ops group. We can tell when someone is out of range but unless we are targeting them we can't dispel them.


3 - Focus frame i dont know why is in the game at the moment. It currently takes up way to much space and for what? Focus frame has no cast bar, cant move it, and it gives no information about buffs or debuffs. Currently there is really no point in using it unless you are a healer and you want to healbot just 1 person. You need to give us a castbar on it and information about buffs and debuffs.


4 - Ops / Party frames also give little like i said in number 2. We need to see our team members debuffs and buffs.


5 - Possible target of target would be a nice feature however with everything else wrong with the UI i can live without it for a while. However having a target of target means we always know who someone is on or who they will be on.



I am not sure on your stance about this issue but it would be nice to give players the ability to make mods for your game. Mods take a good or bad idea and make them even better which you later can turn around and implement into your game.


War Zones

I love the War Zones and i cant wait to see more in the future, however i do have some issues with them that i feel need to be addressed.


1 - Players that get DC'd should have a 1-2min grace period to be able to log back in before being removed from said War Zone.


2 - Give us the option to remove afk players from our War Zone. Give us a vote system or if you are not near a node and do nothing for say 1min you get removed. Like because when we start to lose a game we have the gosh darn stealth classes that just run off to a corner and afk, or you just have those random kids that are afking their valor ranks. Give us the option so if 4 people vote to kick someone then they either get no valor for that match or they get removed from the game or something to punish those players.


3 - Leaving a War Zone mid game also has no consequence which is kind of dumb. If i were to get kicked or if i leave a War Zone there should be some sort of debuff that i get like, you gain no valor for the next 10min or you cant do another War Zone for 10min. I shouldn't be able to join and leave the War Zones as i please with no consequences.


4 - Ability to talk to the other team is kind of silly. It was cool for the 1st couple weeks, but now its just being used to trash talk players when you are camping them in Ilum or when you zerg someone down. Like we can report these players and thats all fine and dandy but that just means more work for you guys.


5 - When can we expect bigger and better War Zones such as 16x16, 24x24, 100x100 and when will we see new War Zones. Like these same 3 are starting to get really boring and we are looking for something new. Huttball has an amazing potential of being an E-Sport and would love to see it there someday. However more to the issue at hand, we want to see more War Zones and give us more people to fight against.


6 - Let us que as an Ops group for War Zones already!!!!! Like running around with a 4man group is great but we want to get our 8man teams running and later on 16man, 24man, and maybe 100mans. So please give us the option to que as an Ops group!


Ilum and future open world PvP

Ilum is a failed experiment. 1st if was trade nodes and now its just camp at someones base till you got the daily and weekly done. Personally there is no point in doing War Zones other then to get the daily and weekly done because sitting in Ilum and farming kills is a better Valor grind. So many Battlemasters running around now thanks to how dumb Ilum is. I just rerolled and been 50 for 2 days and almost R60... Like that just isn't right.


1 - Ilum and future type places need to be more engaging. Gives us a reason other the dailies to be out there. Let us be able to take nodes and reward us with a Bag or Commendations, or add a boss inside the bases on a like 2 hour CD that we can kill that will give us a Bag or Commendations. Give us something to stay in these zones other then Valor and dailies right now.


2 - Remove the zone wide player is near whatever objective from the game. It really has no point other then to make it so you take out all the surprise factor from the game. A huge part of PvP is the ability to catch them off guard but you are making it so that we can't do that at all in World PvP.


3 - You need better designs when it comes to make a Fortress. These Ilum Fortress are terrible, i mean you have a cannon that can 1 shot people and thats it? Where are the choke points and player manned cannons? Where are the things we the players can use to hold off an Ops group that are farming us at our base? Basically all we can do is sit in our base and grip players in and let the cannon 1 shot them. I mean come on where is the fighting?


4 - Nodes/Capture Points should also have a bit of a defensive that we can use to hold off players. I mean really who leaves Walkers and Tanks defenseless?


5 - Less laggy please for the love of god. You need to be able to support atleast 100vs100 without us lagging to hell.


Max Level PvP

Once i am done with getting R100 Valor (which wont be that hard given some people are now hitting R80 thanks to Ilum) what am i supposed to do? Like once we are R100 Valor what can we look forward to and what kind of future grind (please be a grind) can we look forward to?


1 - A Rated type Warzone system needs to be looked at for the future if you want to keep the game at a competitive level. We need something to keep us PvPers busy and to give us an epeen boost. Without that we wont have a reason to play after we reach R100 Valor.


2 - Arena type system would be nice to see as well if possible. I know that the Hutts have something like that so i dont see what we cant have a 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,8v8 type arena system in the game in the future.


Space Combat

When i 1st heard space combat was going to be in the game i was like WOOT I CAN FLY AROUND AND FIGHT PEOPLE!!! Then i tried it and was very saddened by it.


1 - Give us a PvP option for space combat. I would be like you are driving a vehicle around space and you get to fight other players and blow up their ship. It could play kind of like how Aions flight combat worked however in a vehicle. It would also give us PvPers another thing to do and you could implement a type of ranked system or make it a Valor type grind. This would also give players more of an incentive to gear up their ship.


2 - Why do i feel like i am playing starfox inside an MMO. Like space combat should be more like a sandbox where i fly around looking for stuff to do. I should just be like... Oh hey ship take me here... Ok now lets play starfox for X amount of minutes.


Gear Mods

I really love how the Mod system in this game works. Probably the best i have seen in a while. However some issues and suggestions with it.


1 - Give Crafters the ability to make better Mods then what gear has. This will not only give you more options for what type of Mods to put into the game but it will also mean that there will be a point to get other crafting crew skills other then Biochem.


2 - We need Expertise type mods. You have made it so it is hands down the best stat for a PvPer which is dumb considering you guys said we would be able to use PvE Gear in PvP but if you want to have the edge you are forced to be in full PvP gear. Yes some classes can rock 2p PvP and 2p PvE but those are very very rare.


Class Balance

Yes this was obviously going to be in here. Personally though i think you are doing a great job with the balance and hopefully you keep it up in the future. Its way to early in the game to be constantly QQing about this class being OP and this class being bad because ive seen good and bad players of all the classes and the only super OP class was Ops/Smugs and they have been nerfed. Next on the list would be Sorc/Sages however they arn't the big of a deal as you can just burst them down really fast.

Edited by Spyderlol
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While moving about, I can use either my keyboard or mouse to change my facing direction. When outside of combat and standing still, if I rotate my view (change facing direction) with my mouse and thess press the forward button on the keyboard my character will run forward in the direction my character and screen are facing.


If I'm in combat, and I rotate my view the mouse in the same manner, then when I move forward, my character moves forward in the direction I was originally facing before I rotated my view. This is increadibly disorienting, especially during combat when I'm trying to line myself up for my next target move.


Can you make the forward movement consistent in all forms so that when I move forward, I'm always moving in the direction my character is currently facing.

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I was going to make an entirely new thread for my suggestion, but something tells me I might have better luck in this one.


All mission crew skills should give light side or dark side points depending on the mission; diplomacy shouldn't be the only one. Let's face it: some of the UT missions (for instance) are definitely of a "questionable" nature, and could very easily award DS points upon completion.


This will help to keep players from having to make stupid in-game conversation choices in order to manage their light/dark levels. In addition, it will help make it easier to keep a character in the grey zone for when Bioware finally brings in grey or neutral gear.

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suggestion : Enviroment


I would like more musical scores to be added as background zone music, zones feel bland and i feel disconected to the action while there is no music


game has an excellent system that plays a good musical crescendo when you activate your heroic ability , this could also be used synergetically with the background music in question to provide even more inmersion with the action

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My suggestions may have been already suggested in other threads, but I dont see them in the OP's original post, so here is my two cents....


Appearance slot - how come my companion gets one, but I dont. I hate what I am currently wearing, I look like I have a tea towel draped round my head, and this is part of a CHEST piece. Selecting hide head cover doesnt make the tea towel go away.


BANK - As well as a guild bank, I want an account bank, like EQ2 where there is a shared bank which characters on the same account can all have access to.


Zoning between planets. - Is it really necessary to have to zone 25 times when going between planets?


Companions - I want to be able to look at my companion char sheets when in raid or when they are away on missions. Also want to be able to hide companion head slot.


Galactic Trade MARKET - I want to be able to search for items without being restricted, ie. having to select first of all exactly what area of search I want, before the loose search field becomes available. Also the ability to buy individual items rather than having to buy a whole stack of crafting materials is particularly important.


I also want the ability to search for items by slot, ie search for waist or head piece rather than having to trawl through every single piece of heavy armor before I find what I am looking for.


UI - I hate not being able to put my hotbars and other windows where it is comfortable for me.


Server Forums - Please give the community what they want, Individual Server forums. The present format feels like a bodge job done by someone who couldnt be bothered to do it properly.

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We need a 64 bit client the bottleneck is the ram registry with 32 app.


Ilum 5 fps -> 4 proc 40 % charged.

graphic card -> 5 %

Ram -> only 2.2 for swtor 4 gb free.


Fixing texture utilization can give some fps but you don't solve the problem.

Edited by shaghat
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First off i would like to say i am not much of a pvper but i was wondering if perhaps we could have the option to create and gear (basic only) max level characters strictly for the use of pvp content only? These characters would remain separate from the "real" game and only have access to pvp instances and worlds and only be able to trade with other pvp only characters.

Also new Pvp legacy classes that are balanced between each other thus allowing Pve classes left untouched would be nice.

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Actually all of it are things the MAJORITY of SWTOR users want.


The MAJORITY of players want more PVP including large scale World PvP objectives etc.


Don't you worry there though little fella, they have a whole team dedicated to PvP and a lot of these requests will be met, and more. I am sure of it.


So how about you cut the crap and post a constructive idea instead of frothing at the mouth?


The OP summary seems very pvp oriented. I'm my experience the most needed changes are:


* Companions returning should not close all windows

* GTN and other icons don't show up on map until you're close. They should show no matter how far you are

* Should be able to sell commendation items back to vendors for commendations, not credits (so you can undo an accidental purchase) or at least have an 'are you sure' dialogue

Now if I may, the OP Top community requests does not reflects what we can see on these very forum:


Per replies

#1: Dungeon Finder Needed Badly, 1555 replies

#2: PLease allow dual specs Or cap respec costs, 1006 replies

#3: This games badly needs Mods and macros, 1000 replies

#4: Please introduce dual spec ASAP, 753 replies

#5: Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec! 711 replies

Per views

#1: Legacy names -- allows us to change them, 55497 views

#2: PLease allow dual specs Or cap respec costs, 38114 views

#3: Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game, 33532 views

#4 Dungeon Finder Needed Badly, 26741 views

#5 This game badly needs mods and macros, 25487 views

So while we can appreciate the great OP's job the provided list does not seems to represents what's really asked by most. And as you certainly noticed PvP isn't even mentioned in the top items.

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Now if I may, the OP Top community requests does not reflects what we can see on these very forum:


Per replies

#1: Dungeon Finder Needed Badly, 1555 replies

#2: PLease allow dual specs Or cap respec costs, 1006 replies

#3: This games badly needs Mods and macros, 1000 replies

#4: Please introduce dual spec ASAP, 753 replies

#5: Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec! 711 replies

Per views

#1: Legacy names -- allows us to change them, 55497 views

#2: PLease allow dual specs Or cap respec costs, 38114 views

#3: Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game, 33532 views

#4 Dungeon Finder Needed Badly, 26741 views

#5 This game badly needs mods and macros, 25487 views

So while we can appreciate the great OP's job the provided list does not seems to represents what's really asked by most. And as you certainly noticed PvP isn't even mentioned in the top items.


This logic is 100% flawed. You're making yourself look like a fool.


The data the OP takes his statistics from is this post, so why are you comparing it to the general forums to begin with?

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My thread was closed by GMs in another forum, reposting here:


I've played many MMOs and I can say this is the worst implementation of a PVP system I've seen to date.


People say that World of Warcraft wasn't a perfect game when it came out and they're absolutely right. It was never a perfect game. The huge difference between WoW and SW:TOR is that WoW didn't have 7 years of WoW to analyze before its release. SW:TOR didn't make nearly as much use of this open information as they should have. Why is there no matchmaking logic in respect to gear or premades when picking teams? This is something WoW has had implemented for years and should be an obvious tool for any modern MMO to adopt.


I'd love to have someone explain the logic behind the expertise system. I understand you want a time-sink for people to grind through, increasing hours spent on the game before exhausting content...but does its effects have to be so drastic? I thoroughly enjoyed PvP from 11-49 and then the instant I got level 50 I immediately lost 21 warzones in a row. I literally lost my entire way through valor 50-51. I understand that this is probably due to the fact I was queuing solo, but this is another problem in itself. That being said I'm sure my ability to participate being wildly diminished via an expertise handicap didn't help us win any games. I'd prefer a system where gear is normalized in warzones/battlegrounds, but I can't think of any reason as to why you would make the gear difference gap is wide as you have.


I like the fact that you tried to make it possible for people of different levels to play in the same warzones and kept it viable by breaking the level 50s out into their own bracket. While you acknowledged the problem of level 50s needing their own bracket you clearly didn't understand the cause. The difference in unlocked abilities did create imbalances between a level 11 and 50 character, but that wasn't the real problem. The actual problem was that the level 50s had access to large pools of expertise gear which were unavailable to anyone else. I played a lot of PvP around level 30 and never had significant problems facing level 50s until they began unlocking expertise gear, and to a lesser extent high-end PvE gear.


After playing SW:TOR I will never again play an MMO that does not normalize character equipment in PvP environments. My character became so weak upon entering a PvP gear saturated bracket that I lost all will to participate in one evening, leading to the cancellation of my account tonight. I understand this problem would have gone away as I obtained PvP gear, but I really don't want to get ***** and molested by people who have sunk more time in the game than I just so I can eventually compete on equal footing.


Without spending too much time on it I'll also say that I think the CC/Resolve system seems broken. My short and sweet statement about this is the second you introduce abilities that remove CC and a resolve system to limit CC you've already acknowledged the fact there's too much CC in the game. This system just seems extremely sloppy and I'm sure there's more then a few people out there who can say their character has gone from 100% to 0% while they had zero control over what happened.


Before this thread is bombarded with "you're bad"s or "you mad"s I'll quickly vouch for my PvP experience. I had a high warlord in WoW, 2x Gladiator titles in WoW on second class and PvP'd in many other MMOs ranging from EQ1 to APB to Aion. I'm not a WoW fanboy and I haven't played WoW in over a year. If you still think I'm bad please watch this video I made when I was level 43 and make your evaluation based on that.



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Please do not desecrate Dementrium's post with the standard "this is not wow" banality.


This is a good post that raises valid points which should be taken to heart by Bioware, not dismissed by kids with little pvp experience.

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Of course I want many of the things in this thread, but I'll add some stuff I don't see mentioned much.


1. Mail access on your ship!

2. Access to BOTH trade networks on your ship. I mean your faction network and the neutral Hutt network. Most people don't even realize the Hutt network exists!

3. Custom color crystals. Please see my suggestion thread here.


4. Customization, customization, customization! Now granted I may be spoiled a bit as the only other major MMO I've played is City of Heroes. But one thing wonderful in that game, YOU NEVER SAW ANYONE THAT LOOKED LIKE YOU! I mean it. There might be some slight similarities, but you never saw anyone that looked exactly like you. In a game with hundreds of players running around, it was great to feel like an actual individual.


Now I don't expect TOR to match that level of customization, but I think you should take any steps possible to further the level of customization.


Primarily, let us pick colors for our clothing. Picking between a few different patterns for certain clothing would also be nice.


Let us choose to wear a hood up or down! There are some cool robes that I feel I can't use because as a Zabrak my horns are everything. Without my horns out I just look like a human with stuff on my face.




Now of course there is more stuff I want, but these are some of the things I'd like addressed first. And thank you devs, keep up the good work!

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what warzones really need right now is a deserter tag.

there are so many warzones that I have lost because people keep quitting every 10 sec to a min.

this would force people to work at there quest instead of quitting and getting on another team to ease there way to there dailies.

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I think it would help if you could place waypoint markers on your map and maybe even notes on map.

PvP warzones where done kind of like wow in 10 lvl increments like 20 to 30 together and 30 to 40 ect. I dont know though works good like it is.

The ability to shift click an item to put in the search field in trade market if you wanted to search for more of that item.

I think it would help if the trade market would remember what you put an item up for sale for so if you put another of the same item in you wouldnt have to keep changing the price.

These may have already been mentioned if so sorry for posting. Dont really know if any of these would help or be good but just put them down anyway.

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I agree about the customization and the barber idea, they need more option to help define your character more. and the ability to maybe change the name of conpanions and customize thier looks more seems wierd that everyone is running around with conpanions that are named and look the same. Dont know how this would work but it would be cool. Hate to reference wow because this isnt wow and this game shouldnt be wow clone, but take the wow hunter he has many things he can tame and they are in certain classes like cats are ferocity bears tanks. so It would be cool or would have been cool. to have had a bunch of different looks or even races for each character and they could have still given them the same voices options and attacks for whatever character and class they where in,

like vette for sith warrior they could have maybe had different races or looks you could have chosen from or something and gave all of them the same dialogue options and attacks. I know this would be hard maybe even impossible to change but even renaming and simple customization options would be nice. Kind of hard to explain exactly what I mean but I did the best I could. Sorry for any confusion. Also just a thought in star wars lore isnt force sensitive ones suppossed to be the only ones who can craft a lightsaber. Dont get me wrong I like the crafting system. While on that subject I would like it if you could bring the crafting window up without it closing out the trade market window so you dont have search for what you where doing all over again. Kind of aggrevating.

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Customization, Customization, Customization!


Apperance Tab. I am so sick of not only looking like every other PvP Shadow in our gear but it's terrible looking and that's putting it nice. Who would want to wear anything brown and yellow and look like a bird... It was nice pre-50 when you could just add the mods to whatev you wanted and I guess this is how they wanted to work out their A-tab but it's a terrible idea that in turn costs a ton of creds. I don't see the harm in just giving us an A-tab, not only would it be better in terms of us not all looking the same but it would also give Armormech/Synthweaving a place in the already dead in the water crafting system.


Also, they should make the color crystals just be power crystals and have the color crystals put in as an A-tab as well. Again, would solve the customization people want AND again give Artifice another step into the economy.


Why not add in a way to let people re-design their toons after they've been made? I'm sure a ton of people would utilize this as they either end up not liking something they picked, or simply just want a new look or a change. With this being said, more player customizations would be nice.. especially more hair options. Maybe some long hair? God forbid there NOT be any long hair in this game.


There's plenty of other things I'd love to see and most of them have been stated in this thread. Here's to hoping that we get some of the things we'd love to see in this game since they claim to listen to the community and they want to give us what we want but I'm not holding my breath tbh.

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- more medals for healer classes in warzones like 150k, 200k, 300k heal done.

maby eaven some defender points in hutball when ur healing the one with the ball.


-make the illum pvp zone smaller so the pvp get more intense. it's far to big imo.

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