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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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I was writing a text wall but yeah I though why not making it so simple for BW.


Guys as mmo developers you failed big time if you have some mambo jambo fanboys cool kids coming here and tell that the game is so polished and have nothing wrong at all they not telling the truth and think if they act against people whom complain about the issues in game like this they would become so cool etc...


You have few options now before those years you guys spent on this project go with wind.


Shut down the servers kick those failures from warhammer epic fail project and I wonder you hired them for this game in first place anyway... get people with brain to fix the game then bring it back to us... please people are leaving save what left and with a good game you would bring back who left and even more people this game warped with star wars title so yeah.


Q: Doesn't Ilum the open world lol PVP remind you of Warhammer ?

Edited by Dark_magic
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none of the below requests reflect the desires of the majority playing the game. they pertain to the desires of the rather disproportionately vocal pvp/hardcore gamer percentage.


Simplest evidence of this that it does not have the 'shared cargo hold in between alts' legacy request, despite it was unanimously requested in pages long threads for weeks.


so please, cut the crap next time and dont present your particular perspective as the perspective of the majority.


The Suggestion Compilation Thread




Top 5 Community Requests:

- Precedents in other MMO's


1. Performance Improvements/Optimization. Ability Delay. Increased player caps. SWTOR should be able to handle more than 80 players on Ilum before sharding!

- World of Warcraft can comfortably handle 80 v 80 matches in Tol Barad and 120 v 120 on Wintergrasp. - Has no Sharding

- Warhammer Online comfortably handled 200 v 200 or more players in RVR lakes. - Has no Sharding

2. Additional Warzones and Additional Warzone Sizes (16v16 24v24 48v48)

- World of Warcraft provides a spectrum of Battleground sizes, many players are used to these. They provide a variety of different pvp environments and experiences.

3. Guild System Improvements: Increase guild size to 1000 and provide industry standard community support!

- World of Warcraft Guild System provides a variety of perks and benefits for being part of the guild.

- Warhammer Online provided some of the best guild perks, achievements and guild heraldry.

4. Expansion of the PvP Lake System

- We were promised 11 PvP Lakes, we would like to see progress made on improving game stability and furthering the initial promised content.

5. Guild Capital Ships!

- Mentions of community ships (major guild community/resource gathering projects and social hubs) have been made on the forums. We would love to see some more progress in this area.


- Continue providing new Flashpoints and Operations content (Excellent so far).


Updated: January 23

- UPDATE - Post Patch 1.1 many suggestions have been implemented. I will now organize suggestions by implemented/unimplemented.


I will attempt to update this thread frequently and prioratize major needed updates. I will base need on the number of people asking for specifc changes.


At the request of our gaming community I have been asked to provide feedback to Bioware discussing improvements to the game that they feel are most critical.


The general reaction to SWTOR has been extremely positive. However, in order to keep the interest of players and to continue to provide a vastly superior alternative to games such as World of Warcraft Bioware must do what it can to listen to the concerns and suggestions of their player base. If Bioware keeps the faith with the communities that populate it we will continue to recommend SWTOR and the subscriber base will grow.


We are looking for a good faith effort to communicate and implement the changes that are discussed here. Most are simple fixes that will increase the enjoyment and interest of players in continue to build on their characters, communities and make a truly long term investment in SWTOR and its possible expansions.


We are looking for community feedback that is intelligent, thoughtful and expresses the areas in which SWTOR could improve and expand to provide additional enjoyment and long term play value.


Please post your ideas below and I will list your ideas here! Thank you.


Feedback will be organized into the following categories:


Game Performance:



Guild System

Space Combat


Community Wishlist




- Ability Delay - Being addressed

- Sharding/Zone player caps. One of the major concerns discussed is the low player cap/faction imbalance issues.




Many Ilum Issues have been addressed since patch 1.1


Additional Fixes Required on Ilum


- PERFORMANCE! Ilum has been capped to approximately 80-100 players per shard. This is far below even Tol Barad in World of Warcraft (Maximum 160 players). We believe this is due to game performance concerns.



- Do not re-invent the wheel. Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.

- Additional Concerns: Sharding on Ilum due to client performance issues in groups larger than 80 players.

- Additional optimization of client and engine performance to support more players is critical!

- Faction Imbalance: Most servers are enormously Republic Dominated, there must be incentives for more players to roll Republic or Bolster/Tenacity Buffs for under-dog factions.


In order to provide the Warhammer/DAOC open world experience, or at least provide a Wintergrasp Tol Barad level of pvp the Ilum system must be re-worked.


Currently the pvp end game has been limited to three warzones which players grind for commendations and gear. However, the world pvp Ilum end game remains unfinished.


Mercenary Commendations:


- We were told that Mercenary commendations would be awarded from participating in open world pvp areas. Currently, with the chests and resources removed from Ilum and Outlaws den there is no way to recieve mercenary commendations besides warzone commendation conversion. This is a major oversite.

- Commendations must be rewarded from open world pvp.

- Taking Battlefieled objectives and Bases all should provide Mercenary commendations.


Battlefield Objectives:





General Changes/Optimization:


- Optimization. Ilum has technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)




- ALLOW FOR EXPERTISE ON MODS! This is our number one complaint in the game at this time. There is a brilliant customization/mod gear system in SWTOR. Why not allow it for pvp gear as well?

- Allow Expertise mods to be purchased with tokens. Allow players to stat/customize their pvp gear!




- Ability to queue up for specific warzones.

- Additional warzones.

- Larger player caps 12 v 12, 16 v 16 + etc.

- Queuing as premades.

- Bracket pvp for warzones.

- 50's ranked play for warzones.

- Ranking system for match making in ranked warzones.


World PvP:


- More World pvp lakes and objectives!

- More rewards from world pvp and objectives.

- Additional buffs for control of world pvp objectives.

- World pvp should award tokens and valour on kills.

- Players in world pvp lakes should drop items or commendations.


- Multiple Bases per side on PvP planets. You fight to control these.

- Put in a relic system where if you control certain bases it allows you to somehow seize the planets relic that provides bonuses to your side.

- Add in a Realm Point system that gives rewards that further player development and not the gear treadmill. This means you earn points for killing other players and capturing bases. Then you spend these points on new abilities.

- Allow guilds to claim outposts on planets. Upgrade the defenses, etc.





- PUT RESOURCE NODES BACK ON ILUM/OUTLAWS DEN! If there is an issue with low level players farming high level nodes put a level restriction on Ilum (40+)

- Optimization. Ilum has tremendous technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)


Character Customization:


- Greater degree of customization for characters at creation (additional body sizes, hair styles, eye styles and colors, features and extras)




- Training Dumbies!

- Combat Log!

- Add a /random roll feature!

- Public Questing! Currently there are a few group quests throughout the world. Add more! Public question is an excellent way to encourage groups of 4 or more players in the world to take on objectives and assist each other with achieving rewards.

- Additional Flashpoints (these are in the works)




- Allow both 8 and 16/24 man versions of operations! 8 player pve is not "epic" it plays out much more like an instance and lacks the sense of group challenge and complexity.

- Mounting in All Flashpoints/Operations

- Again, it is kinda tedious having to run a long distance after wiping especially if you can't mount. Why do some Phases allow it and others don't? Why can you mount in Boarding Party but not Foundry? It makes NOOOOOOOOOOO sense. Even from a realistic point, who would ever allow speeders inside a capital ship over a base? Are there mount restrictive "shields" or "beacons"? Tedious is not fun... Tedious is tedious. Which is bad, by the way.


Guild and Community Changes


- More interest and incentives for Guilds. This has already been a widely discussed topic, but it bears a little reinforcement. Guilds should be more than extended friends lists. They should have goals, advantages, interests, and unique content to advocate getting into them and interacting with others in the game.

- Guild Leveling

- Guild Perks

- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.

- Guild colors and insignia.

- Increase guild cap to at least 1000.

- Alliance system for coordination between guilds, Alliance chat channel.

- Guild Versus Guild Capital Ship Battles (Massive Warzone Boarding Action).




- More usable chairs

- Level of detail scaling (ability to control the draw distance for effects).


Personal Ships

- Interior color/exterior ship color has got to be pretty easy to skin. Having 4/5 color palettes would be great, even if it doesn’t translate to actual space combat. For instance Black exterior/red interior. Green/tan, Silver/black. Gold/Silver. White/Black. I hate my freighters colors. Use the Companion customization as a guide to ship colors.


Scaling issues:


- Corellia underwent a graphical overhaul prior to launch. In this overhaul many capital ships were added to the environment. However they were added in at under 1/8th their size! It is a major oversite in a game that otherwise takes such painstaking steps to ensure that the scale and scope of the environments is realistic. To see super massive capital ships simply tacked on to the side of buildings when they are supposedly several hundred meters long is immersion breaking.


Future projects for expansions.


Space combat expansion


- Ship customization. For example, changing the red color of the Defender like you can change your T7-01 companion color/look.


- The ability to name your ship.


- Interactive multiplayer games aboard ships and in cantinas with remote play (think chess, checkers, dice, etc. UO had this years ago.) You can play aboard your ship and link up with an opponent sitting aboard another ship.


- Class-based space missions (cargo runs for smugglers, VIP escorts for troopers, etc.)


- Docking and taking off from guild capital ships (may already be in the pipeline.)


- Multiplayer space missions with free roam (with boundaries similar to Battlefield games where you have to turn around if getting too far away from the campaign or you'll exit the mission for example.)


- PvP dogfights (pretty much requires free roam.)


- Large-scale multiplayer fleet battles (disabling ships, docking/boarding, and taking over enemies' capital ships too on foot afterward.)


For the large-scale multiplayer battles and dogfights, think of features from X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Battlefront, and Battlefield 2142 (titan maps.) Imagine manning guns on your faction's capital ship to shoot down enemy players in incoming transports and their ships or boarding a transport to dock with the enemy's capital ship, getting out on foot, and hijacking it. Or getting into your ship to fight enemy players in space around the capital ships.


- Additional Collector's Edition Items/Perks Provide more than a Light Armor mod set, provide medium and heavy versions as well!




Community Wish list Community submissions:



Guild System Improvements:


- Alliance Guild System - One thing that is annoying is having to have a big guild to raid and PVP. Some people are "Pro" while people like me are just "casual". Likewise, there are so many different people out there that like to do different things at different times. So I would propose an Alliance system, where possibly you could pool the different Guildies into one common area to ask for help. This would allow people to have their own guild, and not have to be apart of the big ones. This could be as easy as your LFG system, but for the Alliance Guilds, or maybe even go to a common chat channel. Remember, you kind of had this during the Guild Start up before launch.


- Guild Web Based interface - Which I think would work a lot like the Armory for WoW. Some where that you could set Guild Events, manipulate the Guild the same way you can do in the game. You could even have a mini forum there which would negate the need for any outside websites. Something to foster more Guild support than just having your names on a list in the game itself.


- Work Orders - Maybe have a crafting area, where you could place orders for mats or even gear itself. Along with a progression system, fulfilling these orders would award more guild exp.


- Guild Titles - Special titles granted to certain guildies based on their progress. A Guild Leader title, an Officer Title, and possibly others that the Guild Master could grant to their guildies. I would assume they would be rare, and would unlock based on guild progression. If you leave the guild, I assume you would also lose the title, less you have people creating guilds and dropping them just for the Guild Master title.


- Frontier zones.


- Player/guild facilities, outposts, bases, hubs in frontier zones.


- Relic System!


- Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


- A casino on Nar Shaddaa, speaks for itself really but a place where players can gamble credits.


- A pod racing track on Tattoine (not sure if this fits in with the timeline) - players can bet on Pod Racers or even take part (though you would have to make the races random or people may work out how to fix the outcome) could have Pod Racing upgrades.


- Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.


- Cross server dungeon finder.


- Cross server warzones.


- Advanced class switching.


- Dual spec.


- Improve fps performance in warzones which is terrible on some machines for no apparent reason


- Fix the various animation bugs and mirror class imbalances (due to animations most of the time)


- Combat log and possibly a recount function.


- GUILD BANK, the dev team should be fired for this one.


- Group finder, either cross server or not but it needs one either way.


- Fast transport to instance (flashpoint/heroic). THere should be a shuttle pickup that the group can initiate to get them all to the instance they are grouped for.


- Grace period on instance loot. Too many times due to game issues or not paying attention, loot get distributed wrong or someone decides they need an item they didnt need on.


- Competitive cantina mini-games


- More variety in moddable gear


- Galactic Market Additions - Ability to search without selecting all of the functions, just as ability to search JUST by typing the name of an item.


- Extending the limit on Warzone Commendations to 2000 - 4000 (why 1000?)

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third option :


you go back to wow.


majority does not give a crap about pvp. period.


I was writing a text wall but yeah I though why not making it so simple for BW.


Guys as mmo developers you failed big time if you have some mambo jambo fanboys cool kids coming here and tell that the game is so polished and have nothing wrong at all they not telling the truth and think if they act against people whom complain about the issues in game like this they would become so cool etc...


You have few options now before those years you guys spent on this project go with wind.


Shut down the servers kick those failures from warhammer epic fail project and I wonder you hired them for this game in first place anyway... get people with brain to fix the game then bring it back to us... please people are leaving save what left and with a good game you would bring back who left and even more people this game warped with star wars title so yeah.


Q: Doesn't Ilum the open world lol PVP remind you of Warhammer ?

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It would be nice, if the completion of companion missions wouldn´t close the open windows like Mail, Galactic Market and so on... so if there is an open window, just put the completed quest in the pending tab in the upper right and/or give some sort of short notification....



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I guess I should start by stating that I am an MMO noob. SWTOR is my first MMO experience and so far it's been an amazing adventure into the Star Wars Universe. It provides an ample supply of geek juice for me.


With that said.. My suggestions are strictly personal gameplay opinion - I apologize if my suggestions have been said - and if you are an MMO vet - please forgive my naive approach to the game mechanics..


So here's what I would like to see:


1. More open PVP and more rewards.. It's nonexistant until you reach Tatooine - after that open pvp is somewhat a rarity to the overall game. I think this is because there's no real "incentives" for open pvp. No loot, no experience boosts, no real reason for republic v imperial battles on the open world outside of the occasional dance on a dead body.


I think Bioware has made great efforts - but limiting open pvp and rewards to one planet which should be avoided at all costs unless your level 50 only encourages grinding quests or whatever to reach 50. I personally was not a fan of the grind to 50 and if it wasn't for such great guildmates I doubt I would have reached 50 early on.


I don't know how this breaks down to game mechanics.. I just feel like Warzones are not enough and have kind of dreaded doing my PVP daily out of fear of playing my umpteenth huttball match. I'm not knocking huttball - but the ratio is like 5 huttball matches to every 1 alternative.


Ilum only exists for lvl 50 with champion gear. And doesn't really promote open pvp. I don't know if it's by design but maybe if there were incentives to open world pvp we would see more open world battles and maybe some raiding outposts instead of grinding hardmodes and flashpoints.


I just would like to see more open pvp. It's great fun.


2. One of my favorite bounty hunter quests was on belsavis where i had to hunt down like 6 bounties on one planet - each were elite and in areas with challenging mobs I had to fight through just to get to my bounties. I loved it! But when I finished the quest I realized that as a bounty hunter it was the only time I actually "felt" like a bounty hunter instead of an errand boy. I know it's crazy to change the bounty hunter storyline.. But would it be possible to get more quests like "Target Rich" on Belsavis? Maybe scatter some champion bounties in other worlds where we have to fight our way to them?


3. Nerf Sages. Or at least force them to spec in one area like all other classes. The ability to spec in both healing AND dps is just downright ridiculous. In Warzones, Sage's are more terrifying than Sith Warriors, Sorcerers, Assassins, etc.. I know this suggestion will be hated by Sages but in my opinion they are the single most powerful class in the game and throw warzones out of balance. When it takes 3 level 40+ (BH, Sorc, Warrior) to down 1 level 20+ Sage - there is a serious imbalance.


4. Don't make WoW please. I love this game, I love the storyline driven RPG aspects. But please don't follow the WoW blueprint. Just keep doing what Bioware does best. Stay creative. Keep doing your own thing. I may be too loyal or bias to be taken seriously when I say this - but I trust in Bioware. I have faith that we have only just begun and we have only hit the tip of the iceberg.. But please don't make WoW. Keep pushing the envelope and thinking outside the box rather than following the WoW blueprint.. Be Bioware instead of Blizzard - the 50 cap on pvp is a small example and although not a game killer it concerns me that people who say Bioware is making WoW with lightsabers will become a reality. WoW has already been made and Blizzard is the master with making that type of MMO. Going head-to-head would be a losing battle - stay different. Give us innovation - reinvent the experience but not the wheel.


5. Customer service sucks over the phone. In-game system is better.. Have your in-game reps answer phone calls cause your phone reps stink.



I apologize if this isn't proper feedback. I understand if you just delete my post and ignore everything I said.. Either way..


Thank you for delivering the Star Wars experience I have only ever dreamed of.

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none of the below requests reflect the desires of the majority playing the game. they pertain to the desires of the rather disproportionately vocal pvp/hardcore gamer percentage.


Simplest evidence of this that it does not have the 'shared cargo hold in between alts' legacy request, despite it was unanimously requested in pages long threads for weeks.


so please, cut the crap next time and dont present your particular perspective as the perspective of the majority.


Actually all of it are things the MAJORITY of SWTOR users want.


The MAJORITY of players want more PVP including large scale World PvP objectives etc.


Don't you worry there though little fella, they have a whole team dedicated to PvP and a lot of these requests will be met, and more. I am sure of it.


So how about you cut the crap and post a constructive idea instead of frothing at the mouth?

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Actually all of it are things the MAJORITY of SWTOR users want.


The MAJORITY of players want more PVP including large scale World PvP objectives etc.



Don't get me wrong, I'd very much like some mass pvp similar to EVE's territory control or something. First thing would be to fix faction inbalance though. Anyway, it does no good pulling these "majority wants this" claims out of air, given that not long ago BW themselves stated that about half of player population has been in a warzone. That's a bit far from majority wanting pvp to be the top priority ;)

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Defualt Sprint to either on or off depending on my last selection like my 'stances' after death.


Defualt my crafting to my sort 'level'.


Defualt my last companion to the last 'level range'.


Default my mission tracker to either 'show' or 'not show', depending on my last choice.

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I guess I should start by stating that I am an MMO noob. SWTOR is my first MMO experience and so far it's been an amazing adventure into the Star Wars Universe. It provides an ample supply of geek juice for me.


With that said.. My suggestions are strictly personal gameplay opinion - I apologize if my suggestions have been said - and if you are an MMO vet - please forgive my naive approach to the game mechanics..


So here's what I would like to see:


1. More open PVP and more rewards.. It's nonexistant until you reach Tatooine - after that open pvp is somewhat a rarity to the overall game. I think this is because there's no real "incentives" for open pvp. No loot, no experience boosts, no real reason for republic v imperial battles on the open world outside of the occasional dance on a dead body.


I think Bioware has made great efforts - but limiting open pvp and rewards to one planet which should be avoided at all costs unless your level 50 only encourages grinding quests or whatever to reach 50. I personally was not a fan of the grind to 50 and if it wasn't for such great guildmates I doubt I would have reached 50 early on.


I don't know how this breaks down to game mechanics.. I just feel like Warzones are not enough and have kind of dreaded doing my PVP daily out of fear of playing my umpteenth huttball match. I'm not knocking huttball - but the ratio is like 5 huttball matches to every 1 alternative.


Ilum only exists for lvl 50 with champion gear. And doesn't really promote open pvp. I don't know if it's by design but maybe if there were incentives to open world pvp we would see more open world battles and maybe some raiding outposts instead of grinding hardmodes and flashpoints.


I just would like to see more open pvp. It's great fun.


2. One of my favorite bounty hunter quests was on belsavis where i had to hunt down like 6 bounties on one planet - each were elite and in areas with challenging mobs I had to fight through just to get to my bounties. I loved it! But when I finished the quest I realized that as a bounty hunter it was the only time I actually "felt" like a bounty hunter instead of an errand boy. I know it's crazy to change the bounty hunter storyline.. But would it be possible to get more quests like "Target Rich" on Belsavis? Maybe scatter some champion bounties in other worlds where we have to fight our way to them?


3. Nerf Sages. Or at least force them to spec in one area like all other classes. The ability to spec in both healing AND dps is just downright ridiculous. In Warzones, Sage's are more terrifying than Sith Warriors, Sorcerers, Assassins, etc.. I know this suggestion will be hated by Sages but in my opinion they are the single most powerful class in the game and throw warzones out of balance. When it takes 3 level 40+ (BH, Sorc, Warrior) to down 1 level 20+ Sage - there is a serious imbalance.


4. Don't make WoW please. I love this game, I love the storyline driven RPG aspects. But please don't follow the WoW blueprint. Just keep doing what Bioware does best. Stay creative. Keep doing your own thing. I may be too loyal or bias to be taken seriously when I say this - but I trust in Bioware. I have faith that we have only just begun and we have only hit the tip of the iceberg.. But please don't make WoW. Keep pushing the envelope and thinking outside the box rather than following the WoW blueprint.. Be Bioware instead of Blizzard - the 50 cap on pvp is a small example and although not a game killer it concerns me that people who say Bioware is making WoW with lightsabers will become a reality. WoW has already been made and Blizzard is the master with making that type of MMO. Going head-to-head would be a losing battle - stay different. Give us innovation - reinvent the experience but not the wheel.


5. Customer service sucks over the phone. In-game system is better.. Have your in-game reps answer phone calls cause your phone reps stink.



I apologize if this isn't proper feedback. I understand if you just delete my post and ignore everything I said.. Either way..


Thank you for delivering the Star Wars experience I have only ever dreamed of.


Only thing i disagree with is number 3 about sages, the class is not that over power you just need to know how to use your class, it also depends on how well gear you are and how well you know your class, Also Sorcerers are the same class as a sage they just have different skill animations and few different skills but over well the same class. JK is same as a SW their are mirror classes.

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My minor gripes about the game: While I really like SWTOR there's a couple things that I'm not too thrilled with. The first is the chat box. The text is so small and up in the corner of the screen that while fighting for long periods of time you can easily miss messages from friends, etc. I'm sure once the UI changes are put into effect the text will be easier to see, but I think the font should be changeable as well.


Second is getting the attention of party members. Last night my friends and I did a flashpoint and I was trying to tell them to stop so I could give a boss strategy, but no one noticed my text. In FFXI they had the <call> command which sent out a call to party members alerting them of something. Is there something similar in this game?


And last is the health/force bars. It's 2012. You couldn't think of something more intuitive than plain red and yellow bars? This isn't street fighter.

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I think that there are three issues that are spoilling this otherwise fantastic game.


Firstly, Spaceflight. I am so disappointed with this sub par 1990's on rails arcade shooter. Of all the formats to have chosen this must be the worst decision made. I mean what about Xwing vs Tie Fighter?Alot could have borrowed from this classic game. When I fly around the galaxy I want to fly, not just teleported from one planet to another. Missions could use the same mechanics used in the Xwing game. Juggling the shields fore and aft, ion cannons to disable enemy ships, sensors to identify cargos, jump points, gravity wells, all the things needed to make fighting in space a challange and therefor a joy. Not just a Wack A Mole how fast I can move my mouse cursor.


Secondly, Everybody is the same. I'm playing as a Sith Assassin and every assassin I meet is almost the same as myself. Same clothes, same big ugly side kick, same ship, same everything except for the face. Star Wars is all about being different, about standing out from the crowd, about being a Hero. How can I be a hero if the person running infront of me is almost me.


Thirdly, Atmosphere. How cool would it be for an NPC to walk into a canteena, buy a drink, sit down and then leave when he finished. Or may be two other NPCs to get drunk and fight one another and then getting arrested. Or someone comming up to the player and offering a death stick. The Star War world Bioware has created is very sterile. Nothing happens unless activated by the player.

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1) Spaceport design - I haven't been to all the planets yet, but I'm already tired of jogging from the nearest taxi into the spaceport, and then jogging THROUGH the spaceport to get to my class hangar, and then jogging through my hangar to get to my ship. Even the model I first encountered on Taris, and have seen repeated, takes way too long to get to my ship - (really, there's more spaceport INSIDE my hangar to get through before I get to the actual hangar?). I don't even want to talk about Coruscant. Either make my vehicle usable in the spaceport, or move and shrink my hangar, please. A certain amount of 'realistic' travel is immersive...but at this point, it's adding up to a lot of non-value-added time spent, and it works against all those other fabulously immersive details you've worked so hard on.


2) Taxis and quick-travel points at ALL spaceport entrances. Not "nearby"...AT. IN would be even better...but 'AT' is a minimum requirement. What airport does not have a taxi stand on the sidewalk out front?


3) Not so many chained quests, please. I realize it helps build a story line, but it makes it difficult to group with friends and quest unless you designate specific characters and ONLY play those characters together.


4) Free range maps, please. Painting glorious Tatooine desert to the horizon on my screen, complete with sand crawlers in the distance, and then flashing a fatigue/turn around message when I try to go SEE the crawler is just mean. Putting mountains I can't climb over, even if it takes me a while to do so, is also not nice.


5) Let me decorate my ship. I want to find odd or pretty things in my travels, and put knick-knacks on my nightstand.


6) I realize jedi are essentially monks. But must our robes be so drab? And must our hats be completely ridiculous? What, exactly, is the POINT of spending an hour customizing facial features and hair only to end up wearing glorified potato sacks and humiliating headgear? Or worse yet, ending up with a piece of 'chest' armor that mysteriously includes a hood that can't be hidden, even though my ridiculous hat (thankfully) can be? (Speaking of hats...i want to hide my companion's as well.) Yes, the sage currently wandering around Alderaan with a 'republic dancer' bikini top and jedi robe skirt is me. It was my only option. At least let me have the armor those female sith NPCs get! Or Leia's skirt! And let armorsmiths/synthweavers make them in different colors, pretty please. They can be 'orange' moddable gear and expensive as hell - but please let us have them. /grovel


7) Why, oh why, is the galactic trade thing not available on every planet? Throw a kiosk in a spaceport, or wherever you have a cargo hold available.


8) Please let me switch my ship droid's personality for one of those fabulous droids in the 'black bisector' quest line. Or push him out an airlock periodically. He was entertainingly fussy for the first few days. Now I am seriously considering calling him in my next boss fight, just so I can watch him get stomped. It'll be worth the armor repair.


I love the artwork, love the story lines, love the variety of planetary environments, and really like how differently the classes play. Crew skills system is brilliant. Mod system for armor is brilliant. So many things are lovely that what isn't really stands out!


Thanks for all you do,



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My current wishlist:

The ability to hide the headpiece for companions as well. Most of the helms my guys run around in are either

1: Really ugly.

2: Covering their entire face / head.


3: Both of 1 & 2 at the same time.


And, of course, Dual Spec.

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The OP summary seems very pvp oriented. I'm my experience the most needed changes are:


* Companions returning should not close all windows

* GTN and other icons don't show up on map until you're close. They should show no matter how far you are

* Should be able to sell commendation items back to vendors for commendations, not credits (so you can undo an accidental purchase) or at least have an 'are you sure' dialogue

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Personly I think the biigest change needed is more species and better character creator. Its touched on briefly on the OP but while I agree open world PvP needs a revamp however I think the longer the character creator is naff less and less people will take advantage of a revamp if we get one.
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First of all I must say I really liked the game when I first logged on. After playing WoW for 6 years, SWTOR was a nice upgrade.

As a SW fan from childhood I love the storyline with class missions and companion missions.

It might be a little too much Mass Effect in there, but I still like it.


Unfortunately the nice graphics and amazing story didn't make the bugs and amateur-like ui any less annoying. To be honest I expected less bugs from a company like Lukasarts and Bioware. If you wanna compete with the best MMO as I assume Bioware is trying to, you can't expect people to have patience for very long untill most bugs are fixed. To stay in business you have to deliver something that is better than the rest, or at least just as good. Otherwise people will move elsewhere and find other games that gives the experience they want.


I'm talking about:


-auction house that doesn't work properly


-When you try to buy something for a vendor using "show useable", you might still end up with something unuseable.


- I have leveled 1 char to 50, but when I got there I didn't even have money enough to buy my new spells... and that's after saving all I could and not buy anything else than my 90% speeder. So I was stuck with class quest I could not finnish because my gear was to crappy and my spells the same... As a hero I should not have to focus on credits (which only lead to the dark side and ebay gold)


- I also miss a lot of info about what can I do when I hit lvl 50? Where do I go to find heroics and other stuff? Some information or points at the map would be nice.


- With 30-40 something spells I think it's only stupid to only have 20 spellslots at the bottom + the sidebar. It should be prossible to have the double amount and in my opinion, because I would like to have stuff like quest items, med-packs, fleet pass, quick travel and other useable spells for easy reach. I use left sidebar for my companion spells (more control over aoe and other abilities since sompanion spells can't be moved either... and after placing all my spells I have no place to put fleet pass, quick travel, med packs, quest items and other.


- Chat window us confusing. Remove direct link to chatwindow when I right click an item for restacking. No matter what I do it always seem to end up in chat. At least let me hit enter or something if I wanna post anything.


-Too many companions... probaby too late to change, but for me it is too much gear to update and companions to get affection. The first 2 companions I sort of got a little affection for, but the rest are just.. I dunno.. a waste of time?


- Please make the C2-N2 shut up aboard my ship. If I could grind it out the garbage-hatch of my ship, he would be long gone =) Even tried to kill him and not revive it, but the fu**er was back on my ship again when I entered... /sigh


- The speeder is no speeder at all... It's too slow and should be at least 200% before u even think about a name like SPEEDER. Also don't dismount me just because someone shoot at me. In the movie u see speeders like they are supposed to be... Fast moving and still going even if some sandpeople sniper or imperial soldier tries to take a shot.


- windows in the game, like bagspace, character, crafting and other should be moveable and resizeable. At least 3 windows open at the same time, and don't close them randomly because I wanna open something else at the same time.


- Looking for Group is... hehe.. what should I say... for me it's not working at all. I spend too much time getting a group, so that is something I just skipped along the leveling.


- It's too much trouble getting from one planet to another. I would like an option or change the fleet pass to beam me up to my ship instead of the republic fleet. Also the cooldown should not be more than 30 mins top. Some people have limited playtime, and travelling takes too much time if you just want to go back and learn spells before you go on with missions.


- I would also like to remove the orbit docking staion or whatever it is... Why should I dock in orbit and then do some useless running to take an elevator down to the planet... and if that wasn't enough, I also have to run another minute to get out of the arrival zone and into the city where I am doing missions... Skip all that! Make my starship land on a landing pad in the middle of the city or planet. Too much running and waste of gametime as it is today. In the movie the ships landed on the planet. Why not in SWTOR?


- Redesign maps. I find the maps confusing when I am in a city or some place with different layers/floor. Hard to find you teammate if you group up and they are on another floor than me. Seems Like I have to make a guess and just take an elevator or run up to another floor and see if I can find my teammate on the next map.../*


- Remove spacebattle! If this is the best Bioware can present, I would rather kept it away. This is 2012, not 1980. I played this kind of arcade back in the 80's. Surely u must be able to present something better than this.



I know there are a lot of negative comments here, but I am just so disappointed. I had expected more from Lukasarts and Bioware together, but at least I care enough to tell my opinion =)

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Ruin, thanks for maintaining this thread. Some recent suggestions of mine you might want to add:


Allow hood up with masks (currently SOME head pieces leave the hood and others don't). Ideally add a toggle for hood display/don't display. Here is a very quickly thrown together photoshop of the Inquisitor class quest mask with a hood... to serve as an example http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f90/Swiftblade13/?action=view&current=maskwithhood.jpg


Move the ship "landing/docking" cutscenes from when you click on the exit door to when you finish loading to the destination. It breaks immersion to get up from the pilot seat looking out at space, go click the exit door and THEN the ship lands (being flown by a companion/droid I guess). Also the "takeoff" cutscene should be moved to after you get in the pilot seat, or just have you spawn in the pilots seat after the cutscene instead of at the door. The only complication with this is the view out the glass, and if it is too much work to allow us to look out the windshield at the inside of the hanger someone suggested blast doors could close on the glass when in the hanger.


Allow Dark Side players to display a lower level corruption than actual current alignment rank. Currently we can turn it off... but many of us want the "Dark 1" corruption effect but are STRONGLY encouraged to go to dark V for the tangible benefits. If the lower corruption effects could be selected we'd have more dark side players running around LOOKING like dark side people instead of the same as light side people. Again easy to implement.



Thanks again!

Edited by Corvairnut
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