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Ok here i go...




1. Another funny thing i've come across is the insane difficulty to gain affection with companions Female to Female (cant speak for Male to male lol), in reality same gender romances or similar should be possible and so should be put into the game.


Example is being a female inquisitor trying to gain affection with Ashara Zavros, the affection gains almost feels bugged and might be, most likely due to that 2 characters of the same gender in this game atm cannot even truly like each other and nevermind have some sorta love for each other may it be a friendly one or a more romance'ish one.(Again cannot speak for similar Female to Female companion relationships but will check that out)



This is something the devs have already acknowledged. They just didn't have time. They'll be adding homosexual relationships in future companions. :) Bioware has always been fairly open-minded and have allowed people to do what they want in previous games, and they will add functionality soon as they can.

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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread. We wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that this thread is for suggestions only. Please do not discuss game issues unless it directly relates to the feature you are suggesting.


For a list of bugs/workarounds, please see *** Ultimate Bug list : Check here for known bugs and possible workarounds ***.


Also, some suggestions have dedicated threads, such as:


Dungeon Finder/LFG Tool

Damage Meters/Recount

High Res Textures


Advanced Class Respec

Hide Companion Head Slot

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I don't suppose you could maybe tell us if you are planning on bringing hoods and masks back together could you? They were in one of the earlier Beta builds....and not only that there are drawing, pictures, ect all over this website with hoods and masks as one. why take them away? as jedi or sith we need hoods.


Speak yellow typing dev person dude. I beg of thee.

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Here are my constructive tips:


1.) Stop censoring the forums. Every single negative thread about folks speaking their minds (mind you they are paying subscribers) ends minutes later with a response from a forum mod that they are closing the thread. This speaks to me that they don't want bad press about their game because they feel others would agree with that poster and it would ultimately end in more cancelled subscriptions.


My suggested fix: let people speak their mind and fix the issues they are talking about. Complaining is a form of suggestions. Your customers are telling you what is wrong, it's your job to address those issues. It is not your customers jobs to come up with the fixes for you, and even when they do you don't listen anyways (i.e. rollback?)


2.) Pay whoever is policing the forums to fix the issues. I.E. you can close threads and police the forums at 2AM, but you can't issue an emergency patch to fix huge open issues in the game until later the next day. Seems like the priorities are backwards.


3.) If you want to police/censor things, how about starting with all the ridiculous character names and guild names that you stated up front wouldn't be tolerated. I could list you a few examples, but all you would see is asteriks *****


4.) Don't delete this post (which i'm sure you will, even though i'm tried to conform to your requirements for providing CONSTRUCTIVE feedback).


Thank you

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Didn't see this thread till now so I will just mix my thread with this one..


[First time posting something on these forums, normally I am just a browser looking at the QQ from other players.


What I have to share is just something my brother and I were just discussing while we looked at patch notes and then seeing the massive QQ/youtube videos of imbalance.. Some of the main reasons why there is so many Imperial is obvious.. Bioware had to realize that by putting popular sith characters like Darth Maul, Vader, Boba Fette and Palpatine that there wasn't gonna be imbalance from the get go. Atleast give Republic a Yoda or hell a race like that annoying Jar Jar Binks... I mean sure they gave a Han-Solo and Luke or Qui-gon idk but seriously? The Jedi war looks and moves like Vader. Could change up some of the classes by giving Republic Bounty Hunters as well as Storm troopers to Sith. If there was a lil more flavor to the Republic other than picking your spec... things may have been different.


For example, I played WoW along with many of you. What made the "good side" different and stand out? Gnomes only, Paladins only ( yes I know that was only at the beginning) but you see what I'm getting at (atleast I hope). So why not make the Republic snipers be able to choose a Wookee race or Imperials be a Jawa for Operative.. So if you want that race you have to play THAT side or THAT class but by doing this you would have to remove the "mirror" aspect of the classes.




Any ways that's all I have to share, feel free to discuss at your leisure.. plz try not to troll too much is all I ask.


(Also.. why the hell does my Imperial ship not make the infamous scream noises while flying /sadface)]

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I have no issues with the cool down on the pvp heals being longer however what i would like to see back is the old grey icons if it is not useable. I am normally very patient but clicking abilities that are 1-10 seconds from being up and getting nothing because it "looks up" is about to make me emo rage. Would not quit over it but it has made playing smart with abilities hard, i die far more often because i think i can use an ability click it and it wastes precious second that allows the other player to stick the light-saber though my head.


Consider putting it back how it was, it worked very well.




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Few suggestions


1) We need option to turn off visual effects. It makes combat less chaotic.


2) We need option to hide enemy/friendly legacy+guild+title. Only character name in nameplate.


3) Make my health bar visible without my character name. Omg, i know what my character name is, i just want to see health bar.

Edited by plodTwoZeroNine
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SUGGESTION: Listen to your player base


SUGGESTION: Respond to your player base, no one sided blogs filled with promises and no deadlines doesn't count. Learn from a company that's been around the block; swallow your pride and start getting dev's to participate more in the community forums. Give us feedback on our suggestions as it's your early player base that's going to make or break this game.


IE Needs more "blue posters".

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2. Companions are a big part of the game, but should there really not be more to it than that companion affection only affects crewskills efficiency?

Why should such a major part of the game be so restricted, its like its put into focus but still not so...


Have had same thoughts. Not quite 50 yet, but from what I've read/heard it does bother me that when the (main) storyline ends, your companions go silent and there's not even much use for them.


Some suggestions related to companions:


- Allow more use for them, specially at 50. If its too hard to balance them in pvp, fine. But why can't we use them in operations etc? Since they take player slots in FPs it's quite rare to see them used there either. It's like they add this wonderful unique feature... but make it pretty much single-player only, in a MMO game!


- More interaction with them. And if at all possible, conditional interaction. Your married companion being exactly same (replies, comments etc) as you first got him/her? One with 10000 affection behaving exactly same as he/she did at 0? Kinda breaks immersion.


- Couldn't they for example give say a (random) weekly quest to do something, "go save my old friend" etc. Would also help with the same daily/weekly quests people are getting bored with.



Another feature that feels quite unique to me at least, but that for some reason loses much of it's use at 50. Crafting.


- If I got this right, you simply can't make better, or even similar stuff than raid drops. What's the point in having the skill then, except to equip alts. My apologies if this has been changed/fixed, it's what I've learned from the crew skills forum and heard people telling.


- Related to this: the modding system at 50. I sure hope they'll allow full customization soon (able to remove mods with full benefits to the gear you like looks-wise), I doupt most people want to look like clones.



Various other suggestions:


- GTN needs big improvements, specially the search. If you're worried about server load, add a cooldown (10 secs, 20 secs, whatever it needs) for searching with item name only, but allow people to do that!


- GTN interface has to be able to remember it's settings when you close and reopen the window. With the limited number of windows we can have open, nothing like searching for something, finally finding it but having to open inventory/character panel/etc to check something... and have the GTN window close and reset!


- Crew returning from their mission popup should not close all the other windows! Especially annoying when searching GTN or removing/adding mods. Have the mod selected and about to put it in... and bam, all windows reset and my lovely lizard tells me he's returned from mission. Aaargh!


- Faction balance seems to be out of hand. You can't (and shouldn't) force people to roll either side, but please, remove the obvious (disadvantageous) differences between mirror classes, like one having damage-delay due to graphics! And also take a look at the armor looks... everyone have their own taste, but many seem to prefer imperial desings. Anything not "forcing" people to empire at this stage would be good.


- This might have been changed in last patch, but if not. Leveling is a bit too easy. Or maybe easy is wrong word. Let's say fast. I fully understand wanting to attract casual gamers, and nothing wrong with that. But looking at the speed even the "casuals" are leveling, I'm a bit worried if BW is able to add new content quickly enough. Sure it's nice now to feel you can achieve so much so fast... but this instant gratification only lasts while there's still stuff to do. I somehow doupt couple flashpoints/operations every few months is enough, specially since the game is advertised as STORY-driven mmo and thats what people get on their way to 50.


- EDIT: One more thing. This game has very nice music... but theres something wrong with the way it plays. Usually works in class quests and on most heroics, but when traveling on planets it starts ok on entering the world... and then at some point just stops. Needs a loop!



In summary... very nice game that I could see to expand to the best mmo there is. But don't be afraid to expand and use the things that makes this game unique. For me, thats companions, the crafting and modding system, and the overall SW theme with it's story.

Edited by Freor
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Pro suggestion, TEST your patches prior to releasing them. I've heard it works good. Additionally...


*. Different maintenance times for EU and US, don't be cheap

*. You are making a lot of profit from our subs, use some of that money to provide us with real customer support. Unanswered tickets for days are not a good thing.

*.This is not a mass PvP game, so don't try to make it one. You can't have 50vs50 battles in this game, it was not designed for this. The ilum daily/weekly change is a stupid idea, which comes out of being lazy to provide a serious "fix". It promotes lag, clubbing/kill trading and everything that destroys the PvP experience. It's a lazy "fix" that breaks Ilum pvp even more.

*. Try not to make the same mistakes you did at Warhammer.


A lot more, but will stick with these. Thank you for reading.


P.S. I had to take 80% of someone's HP before he got dismounted in Ilum. Seriously, do you even bother to TEST your mechanics? Stealthers is another issue... A lot of people just go away and fight only if there are 3vs1.


Don't make it so easy to escape a fight in a PVP area.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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Didn't see this thread till now so I will just mix my thread with this one..


[First time posting something on these forums, normally I am just a browser looking at the QQ from other players.


What I have to share is just something my brother and I were just discussing while we looked at patch notes and then seeing the massive QQ/youtube videos of imbalance.. Some of the main reasons why there is so many Imperial is obvious.. Bioware had to realize that by putting popular sith characters like Darth Maul, Vader, Boba Fette and Palpatine that there wasn't gonna be imbalance from the get go. Atleast give Republic a Yoda or hell a race like that annoying Jar Jar Binks... I mean sure they gave a Han-Solo and Luke or Qui-gon idk but seriously? The Jedi war looks and moves like Vader. Could change up some of the classes by giving Republic Bounty Hunters as well as Storm troopers to Sith. If there was a lil more flavor to the Republic other than picking your spec... things may have been different.


For example, I played WoW along with many of you. What made the "good side" different and stand out? Gnomes only, Paladins only ( yes I know that was only at the beginning) but you see what I'm getting at (atleast I hope). So why not make the Republic snipers be able to choose a Wookee race or Imperials be a Jawa for Operative.. So if you want that race you have to play THAT side or THAT class but by doing this you would have to remove the "mirror" aspect of the classes.




Any ways that's all I have to share, feel free to discuss at your leisure.. plz try not to troll too much is all I ask.


(Also.. why the hell does my Imperial ship not make the infamous scream noises while flying /sadface)]


I agree, I either want class balances, or i want class uniqueness, the unique idea is more appealing, I think my sniper should get owned if my jedi gets on him, but i think my sniper should be able to sniper and 2 hit something otherwise. I think a little less balance if each class had its uniqueness and merits would be cool, otherwise do not fall into what wow did by giving everybody a counter to another class and then not balancing them. when everybody has the same ability with a different name it better darn well be balanced, but if each class had its unique abilities and fit the story that would be alot more fun, now in warzones u would need some serious outlines for groups though, 2 heals 4 range 4 melee etc type functions but this could be very cool <and yes I remember when pallies were just 'good' lol

Edited by CriDaDimon
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1. Detailed mesh on our own characters and companions.

2. Photorealistic textures on our characters and companions.

3. Bump maps on our charcters and companions :p

4. Major guild help -

A. calendar of events

B. wisper/invite from guild page,

C. cargo holds

D. more ranks

E. more space for info

F. meeting areas

G. transport guild/group member to location 30 mincd

H. npc with a list of guilds on the server, basic info and a apply button (also a accept button for officers or gm with the rights - one without the other is pointless)

I. Guild ship/senate voting areas - polls and officer/leader election ability

J. Screenshot gallery for guild members to upload and browse

K. Guild professions and level listings

L. View regular or officer note on roster page

M. View last online on roster page

5. Companion story lines and interaction at 10k affection

6. Show/hide hood even with helmets

7. Major character customization help-

A. Body -

i. arm slider

ii. leg slider - w/bottom size

iii. torso slider - w/beer gut size, boobie size

iv. body graphics - hairy chests, tattos, tramp stamps, undergarment styles

v. fingernail colors

B. Face - make up hair style changes after creation in game

C. Show hide each armor slot

D. Light side graphics - similar to sith corruption but with glow or halo type effects

8. Class specific gear working for companions

9. Add friends not online

10. Transport to heroic area or flashpoint location - or simply a group transport to one party member with a decent cd like 30 min - 1hr

11. Crafting skills able to make gear as good or better then you can find in ops or mission rewards, as crafting skills take alot more work, from materials to leveling the skill

12. Crafting skills able to turn white, green, blue, purple gear into orange

13. New planets not just new flash points on major patches

14. Ship interior customization and ability to invite group members on board and travel together.

15. pvp space battles

16. level requirements for world lock boxes

17. Ability to loot lock boxes while in combat to stop the ninjas

18. Diplomatic mission rewards - ie bonus for lightside not killing to complete a mission/bonus for darkside killing 30 to complete the mission

19. Link professions in chat



That is most of what I can think of off the bat.

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no it should be balanced, asking for powerful ANTI-classes is like "I am not skilled, but please at least let me win vs X class, even if the skill gap is big and not in favor of me". No offense meant, but that's just silly. It should be like... be able to WIN vs all classes, if the gear/skill gap is enough. Some classes you'll win easy, some harder, but you should be ABLE to.
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no it should be balanced, asking for powerful ANTI-classes is like "I am not skilled, but please at least let me win vs X class, even if the skill gap is big and not in favor of me". No offense meant, but that's just silly. It should be like... be able to WIN vs all classes, if the gear/skill gap is enough. Some classes you'll win easy, some harder, but you should be ABLE to.


as i said, my agent should be able to sniper my jedi and win easily, or my jedi should be able to lightsaber my agent and win easily, it should be balanced, but not as close as you are saying and only if each class was unique, not its mirror image on the opposing faction. unless they are unique and fitting a storyline, ya if it is basically the same thing on each faction it better be balanced and exactly so


But I would enjoy the idea of each class having its uniqueness and ability that is hard to counter if it is appropriately engaged. Explosives should really hurt, sniper shots froma distance the longer you aim and take your time, the more powerful the shot should be<more accurate, and if i stab u with a lightsaber in melee it should do some major damage, or if i shoot you with lightning bolts from my fingers at close range it should do some major damage where farther distances should do less, each class would be cool having its own combat dynamics in thsi regard, but where they are all so balanced, it is kind of funny to see soembody slashign away at you with a ligthsaber and barely damaging you or gettign blown up with explosives and walkign away withalmost no scratches.


Sure give them a counter, a defense liek the old boxing games, if you pop your 1 sec shield perfectly when i hit you with a lightsaber it deflects it, or if i use the force to push the explosion away etc, but it needs a defensive move to counter an obviously over powered attack for the class


That is the idea I meant

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- Crew returning from their mission popup should not close all the other windows! Especially annoying when searching GTN or removing/adding mods. Have the mod selected and about to put it in... and bam, all windows reset and my lovely lizard tells me he's returned from mission. Aaargh!


omgoodness yes lol try writing a ticket and ur companions keep returning lol

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An option that queueing up abilities does not cancel channelling of other abilities.


Example: Unload then tracer missile, with the current delay/ funky animations it is hard to get the last tick of unload and queue up tracer missile without standing around for 1 second doing nothing.


Retaliation should add the damage on your next attack instead of starting a new animation "off gcd" which does not work most of the time. Sure fixing animations would work, but this is much easier and less annoying.

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1. In pvp, the minimap obscures the top of the right click slot list. The mini map needs to be movable, closable or resizeable so as not to obscure the quickslot top end.


2. Sticky crew skill selections. If I need level 2 items and I do a level 2 mission, the next time I choose that particular skill, I should not have to reselect level 2 missions.


3. Consistency between crew skill items and mission selections. If the crafting material is a level 2 gemstone, the mission selector should say level 2 and not level 20-25.


4. This one might be far reaching, but I was in a pug yesterday and the healer did not know to charge his blaster. Need to add a tooltip or pop-up that reminds people that they use the rapid shots to harm enemy or heal friendly. I was aghast that a lvl 19 had not figured that out yet.


5. Need a way to differentiate between ignore and friends. Also need an ability to add a note to a friend or ignore. Some people are genuine friends and I want to hang out with them, some are shady and I am not sure if I want to totally ignore them or work with them in hope they get better. A note list would be great. e.g I've ran with JOEBLOW and he needed on 2/3 items. Possibly a one-way mofo and an ignore candidate.


6. While waiting for pvp queues, give us something to do while in fleet. As it is now, there is nothing you can do. You can chat and that is it. Perhaps some training dummies or a fishing spot.


7. Speaking of training dummies, I used to love experimenting on training dummys in conjunction with a damage meter in wow. SWTOR needs this capability. Add macros and open up your ui so we can write our own damage meter. If you want to go one better than wow, add a offensive training dummy. ie. one that shoots back. Its one thing to know how much damage you can put out, its another to say how much you can take.


A good way to qualify for a raid is to ask a candidate, show me how dps you can dish out on the raid boss dummy. In wow, there was no way to ask a tank, show me how much damage you can take from a raid boss dummy.



8. Also the game needs a threat meter. And if you want to really surpass wow, make an offensive training dummy which responds to threat. Then you could ask a player (or teach them for that matter) lets see how well you can manage threat. I'm going to tank the raid boss dummy, lets see you dps w/o getting threat.


9. Add a pvp bg for 8 players total. Four vs Four. Add another one for 16 vs 16.


10. Add a 4x4 three way deathmatch. ie. three teams of 4 players. Make it king of the hill. See which team can hold it the longest. Disable communication between teams. Make it so that you can not queue together for this game to ensure that two groups do not gang up on each other. However, once you complete the game, allow the same teams to stick together if they all requeue. This way you can teach people to cooperate together. As it is now, people get lost from one another and its hard to communicate.



ie. 12 people queue for the king of hill match. They arrive, get time to meet their team mates, find out who is dps, tank, heals. etc. Start the match. After the match they select requeue. If all four on a team re-queue, they are kept in group when complete and they may remain together in these matches as long as they re-queue.


11. And I save the best for last, give the ability to mute the super annoying npc voices such as your robot, the announcers in huttball and darthmaul in the attack/defend spaceship. Seriously, if you want to do one thing to show some love, give me the ability to mute these guys. I don't listen to in game audio anymore when I am in huttball or in my spaceship.


12. Speaking of audio. Give in game controls for streaming music feeds or on-disk mp3's.


13. For pvp matches give a codex entry what each of the awards mean and how to get them. Give a list of available awards. To be honest, I get an award/medal such as Defender - 1K defenese in a single life and I have an idea what it means, but I don't really know nor do I see any benefit.


14. And what is the MVP choice? Does anyone pick those? Do I get any benefit if I pick a MVP? If I do pick someone as a MVP, do they know I picked them? Bottom line why pick someone if it does not benefit me in someway? Especially if everyone is a stranger.

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5. Need a way to differentiate between ignore and friends. Also need an ability to add a note to a friend or ignore. Some people are genuine friends and I want to hang out with them, some are shady and I am not sure if I want to totally ignore them or work with them in hope they get better. A note list would be great. e.g I've ran with JOEBLOW and he needed on 2/3 items. Possibly a one-way mofo and an ignore candidate.


6. While waiting for pvp queues, give us something to do while in fleet. As it is now, there is nothing you can do. You can chat and that is it. Perhaps some training dummies or a fishing spot.


completely agree



7. Speaking of training dummies, I used to love experimenting on training dummys in conjunction with a damage meter in wow. SWTOR needs this capability. Add macros and open up your ui so we can write our own damage meter. If you want to go one better than wow, add a offensive training dummy. ie. one that shoots back. Its one thing to know how much damage you can put out, its another to say how much you can take.


A good way to qualify for a raid is to ask a candidate, show me how dps you can dish out on the raid boss dummy. In wow, there was no way to ask a tank, show me how much damage you can take from a raid boss dummy.



8. Also the game needs a threat meter. And if you want to really surpass wow, make an offensive training dummy which responds to threat. Then you could ask a player (or teach them for that matter) lets see how well you can manage threat. I'm going to tank the raid boss dummy, lets see you dps w/o getting threat.



completely awesome ideas


and i liked the king of the hill idea, maybe increasing rewards as your group of strangers held the hill each match etc


12. Speaking of audio. Give in game controls for streaming music feeds or on-disk mp3's.


yes, why cant i play more music, i love sw music, let me loop it or pick from a selection of songs to keep on while im off on the planets doing missions for hours on end, give each planet its own scored music list, but real good orchastral music from the movies not just like what we hear in the cantinas

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reading the op's update, i see alot on pvp and tbh only some of the changes really sound very good, and i see nothing on actual graphics like textures, and i disagree with a few also like - Advanced class switching. TBH I like that your stuck in what u pick as far as advanced classes go - dual specing? maybe so u can try different roles heal or dps, but advanced, i do not agree with, It would really make my shadow and sage repetative for one.


And again, a very large huge pvp list with not really much in the way of our main equity as players, our characters, customizing them, makign them better since we stare at them 100% the time, every girl i know wanting to change their hair after creation, showing/hiding different gear slots some hate bracers, others hate head peices still others dont want shoes on,


you seem to propose an aweful lot of pvp and rewards based on that, but very little with character customization, though it is one of the most sought after aspects, especially the girls , one sentence on charcter customization and <has to scroll the page, on pvp rewards? pve and even guild and friends lists is lacking substantially


I see nothing on crafting skills being made more viable,


I see alot missing with a primary focus on pvp it seems to suggest your list of what the community wants is really biased to pvp end game only


everything else seems to get a sentence while pages are dedicated to end game pvp


the looking for group being abused like it has in so many other games as well, nothing is touched on there,


And honestly, the one topic that had thousands of pages mutliple threads had to be made to accomodate it on the texture issue and detail level of our charcters and companions isnt even on the list, it is hard to take this as representative of the players general wants


not trying to bash you and i commend your intentions, but from the current read it seems very biased to just wanting more pvp rewards while everything else is kind of stuck on the back burner as a single one line issue and i see nothing on numbers here of how many wanted what to see a priority, and i do not believe better pvp rewards are the priority for most of the community over simple things like showing or hiding hoods, textures we were promised, basic chat and guild and friends list functions, ability delay etc


no disrespect but this is a very biased i want pvp rewards, pvp is the most important im a write pages on pvp rewards and say its what the general community wants the most, ways to improve it - while everything else gets one line and no numbers to support any of it list

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