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Cartel Coins


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When I first started playing, there was some cartel stuff I wanted, and I didn't want to wait to gather 500 coins a month, so I purchased a bunch. Now I've got a bunch of coins I don't know what to do with. There's nothing else I seem to want, and I keep adding 500 each month. There doesn't seem to be as much gear available as I'd thought. I guess I'm going to start unlocking various things. What's cool and useful? Cheers!
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You already have...?

5 stronghold bays

5 cargo bays

Rocket Boost, all three levels

full 8 inventory rows

As many character server slots as you might possibly want

All species unlocked

Strongholds unlocked

All useful legacy perks


That's the stuff I go for. But as someone above mentioned, I usually got them via GTN. But if you have CC to burn and playing dress up isn't your thing ...

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Also i most of time save CC for collection unlocks. Collections allow you to buy items on one character and then unlock them for whole account if you pay some CC.


You can for example buy some nice mount on one character, use it on him (which will unlock it in collection for that character), then log into another char go into the collection find the mount and unlock him by paying some CC for your whole account, so any of your charters can get copy of that mount from that collection and use him.


Edit: "DocDAM" beat me with it :(

Edited by ShawDou
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I would get Rocket Boost first and foremost, it is simply invaluable at this point for me. Other then that I would go with global unlocks, I would make all my alts and buy all the cheap cargo/inventory for each one before proceeding with those global unlocks; they are not retroactive unfortunately. Edited by Ryanplex
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I advice you to unlock a stronghold and start to decorate it, I have found much joy in decorating my strongholds.


Unless you want a specific stronghold that is expensive like Yavin or Tatooine then I would recommend just buying it with credits. They are not only fun to decorate but they also provide great utility, deffaintly everyone needs to own at least one!

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Unless you want a specific stronghold that is expensive like Yavin or Tatooine then I would recommend just buying it with credits. They are not only fun to decorate but they also provide great utility, deffaintly everyone needs to own at least one!


Yeah, but buy the first step with cartel coins that is the difference if you activate it for some point. With cartel coins the re activation cost is 0 if you ever feel like deactivate your stronghold.

Edited by Icestar
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1. Legacy storage - Keep all your mats there and all your toons can use them or rapid transfer of legacy items without looking for a mailbox

2. Rested XP - hang out/log off from there and get the same benefits as logging off in a cantina/fleet


I think those are the big ones

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Yes, Legacy storage is the main one. It gives you one bay (up to 5) that is accessible by ALL of your toons in your legacy. Put craft mats in there and all toons can access from anywhere.


Plus, you are given, or can buy, active decorations for:

vendor (sell your junk, repair)


cargo hold

GTN terminal

item modification

appearance modification

gathering nodes (they have a resource limit, usually one per 4 hrs per toon, so it isn't infinite free mats)


And you can instantly access from anywhere. And return back to where you were previously


And it gives you instant access to fleet, or the world it is on.


Basically, it is the single biggest quality of life improvement they made in the game, IMO.

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What DocDam said. Plus, if you have one of the droids, you have a vendor to throw useless bound stuff to and who will repair all your gear. A properly equipped stronghold is absolutely the best place to hang out in SWTOR. Everything you need is right there. No running around. The only reason you would need to visit fleet is for crafting schematics and upgrades. All my guys make "our" stronghold the base of operations for everything.
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So what are strongholds for anyway? Why would I ever want to hang out there?


I use it as a kind of home base, I got most of the things I need there. Banks, legacy banks, modification station, appearence changing station, lots of nice environment to make me happy.


I only miss a travel terminal then my stronghold would be complete.


I think it is worth to decorate atleast one stronghold to get the feel of it.

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I use it as a kind of home base, I got most of the things I need there. Banks, legacy banks, modification station, appearence changing station, lots of nice environment to make me happy.


I only miss a travel terminal then my stronghold would be complete.


I think it is worth to decorate atleast one stronghold to get the feel of it.

THIS... I have this sort of utility zone on both DK and Coruscant in the corridor just after the entry room. It has the three prefab droids, the decos-for-credits woman that you can only have four of (but she will give 5th and above new characters 100 credits for further decos of herself...), a mailbox, the Legacy Storage Kiosk and Cargo Hold Kiosk, an item mod station, and a small number of purely decorative items (work shelves, lights, carpet). The zone spills into the entry room and the room opposite at the same end, with an appearance mod station on one side and a GTN wall terminal and mailbox on the other.


Why those two? Because they are cheap, and I'm a cheapskate. (Well, no, I'm not, but playing Preferred I had to pretend to be a cheapskate. Now I sub, and can put more stuff into the game.)


Coruscant is maxed out on installs. The big room at the top of the stairs is fitted out as a sort of miniature private Pitt Rivers museum, a sort of random collection of stuff with no overall theme. The balcony has a Sarlacc pit on the circular platform, and my allotment of 50 temple chairs (the bugged ones) arranged as if they are set up for an audience. The garage is full of mounts, mostly speeders but a couple of animal types. The stairs are decorated with the artwork that was given away by a vendor a while back (3rd anniversary?).


It is a bit jumbly in places, but it works for me. (If you want to see, on Mantle of the Force, search the Republic public stronghold list for the name "Kylath". At the moment, that might be difficult because I'm mostly levelling my sin.)

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There are soooo many things you can use cartel coins for .... unlocking legacy perks .. unlocking crystals, gear, weapons, vehicles legacy wide ... getting a stronghold and unlocking rooms after the main ones ... buying emotes crystals pets that are on sale ... getting cargo bays and unlocking them legacy wide ... getting packs and selling the items on the GTN for creds ... buying unlocks and reselling them on GTN like species, hair, slots etc.


For me I never have a lot of coins because I'm always buying stuff lol. Oh you can also get reputation from buying packs and using the rep for that specific rep slot that lets you get stuff from that rep vendor that you can use or sell also.

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gathering nodes (they have a resource limit, usually one per 4 hrs per toon, so it isn't infinite free mats)
There's no "limit". The "Resource Exhaustion" debuff is random. It seems to be a fairly high chance to get it, but I've been able to use nodes in my stronghold as many as three or four times before getting it.
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I'd unlock all the global legacy stuff like your ship unlocks and rocket boost, mind the credit prices though since it's sometimes better to pay in credits rather than cartel coins. I also used CC to unlock the bank tabs legacy wide.


Definitely agree with this. Use the coins to unlock your Legacy stuff.

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Not necessarily, Treek tanks and heals simultaneously


Treek works this way now but it does sound like all companions get equal power in the expansion that scale with the character.


If they do keep Treek as a better companion then all the others I really hope they create a mute function for her.

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