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Merc / Commandos need more abilities to counter other classes


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The state of pvp in this game is unacceptable for our classes, Our DPS heals are a joke compared to DPS sorcs and Rollipoli hand behind a tree and heal ops/ scoundrels. We have our most critical abilities forced into the discipline skill tree, Electro Net just gets removed by other classes defensive cooldowns, which is strange because i thought it was made to counter those abilities that allow classes to run away.


My New Abilities.

Heat Sensors: Allows The Merc/Mando to see through all stealth for 12 seconds.


Radiation Missile/ Radiation Shot: Reduces Heals received by the target for 40% for 15 seconds 1 minute cooldown and target is immune to ability for 45 seconds after


Electro net and Commando Version redesign: Snares target for 20% and increases by 20% every 2 seconds and then immobilizes the target for 8 Seconds, Cannot be Resisted, Removed, Absorbed, Deflected including its current damage effects. Only Breakable by the CC break ability everyone has.


Not a Bad Time For a Hunt( Merc Name ) High Valued Target ( Commando ): Places a Beacon on a enemy that increases damage to that target by 30% Last 10 seconds Only Works on Targets with 80%+ Health

Edited by sartt
bumping and because bioware pvp devs are retarded
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Stealth detection should have the same radius as the sage's earthquake AOE. I do find it quite odd this class gets an AOE the size of a small nuclear blast, while the Merc / Mando AOE options are very tight and narrow. Sure they do more damage than the Sage's but the sages can serve multiple uses where as our AOE is more restrictive in PVP.


To be truthful, I don't even use the stealth detection except in very rare occasions in PVP. It is just too limited. Ad I don't recall ever using it in PVE. Not in the two years or so I have played as a merc or mando.


The merc / mandos do need a fighting chance against stealth. I will be the first to admit that. Because as it stands now, they are the first to be attacked and the first to be killed in any 4 v 4 match. And their ability to effectively detect stealth while they can still use some of their range offense is a key part of that.

Edited by ForceWelder
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I agree the focus breaker is the major part of why mercs/mandos are the first attacked, however they are also poorly designed. For example why would a ranged class have a melee root? HTL/HO are the worst escapes in the game as every class can out run you. They have 2 major DCDs which are on a 2 minute and 3 minute CD, other then that its the threat dump and dot dmage rewduction (if you spec to it). Also while this doesn't really affect survivability have you noticed sorcs interrupt is 18 secs and a mercs is 24, why?
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