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Saber wielder


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Some of the replies in here are pretty funny with all the knee jerk anger.


If sages/sorcs are basically just wizards then why not take the sabers away entirely? The fact is they have them because they are iconic to the classes in the SW Universe. As has been said they are essentially just there to make us easily identifiable to players as Jedi & Sith. A few defensive animations that really have no impact on the game to any measurable degree. Why such aversion to Sith and Jedi using lightsabers in this post? It is the iconic weapon of the class Yoda and Palpatine (the inspiration for these ACs) were both more than capable with lightsabers. Why such lame and unimaginative thought processes going on that "lightsaber attacks must equate to melee dps"? Warriors/Knights have a couple of saber throw abilities which is far more than Sorc/Sages have and they ARE Melee DPS...so what is wrong with the idea of proposing ranged based lightsaber attacks for the ranged Jedi/Sith? If the Melee Jedi/Sith get them why not the Ranged?

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Some of the replies in here are pretty funny with all the knee jerk anger.


If sages/sorcs are basically just wizards then why not take the sabers away entirely? The fact is they have them because they are iconic to the classes in the SW Universe. As has been said they are essentially just there to make us easily identifiable to players as Jedi & Sith. A few defensive animations that really have no impact on the game to any measurable degree. Why such aversion to Sith and Jedi using lightsabers in this post? It is the iconic weapon of the class Yoda and Palpatine (the inspiration for these ACs) were both more than capable with lightsabers. Why such lame and unimaginative thought processes going on that "lightsaber attacks must equate to melee dps"? Warriors/Knights have a couple of saber throw abilities which is far more than Sorc/Sages have and they ARE Melee DPS...so what is wrong with the idea of proposing ranged based lightsaber attacks for the ranged Jedi/Sith? If the Melee Jedi/Sith get them why not the Ranged?


Would rather have a discblade as an option, "a symbol of telekinetic mastery".

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at the moment the most important thing is that we get 1 of the two situations.


1: A way to hide lightsabers from showing up in our hands while casting since it looks ridiculous




2: make the lightsaber actually have a good use in the sorcerer/sage arsenal other than looking retarded.



I'd still prefer 1 but 2 is also a way to go I guess for a lazier solution.

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You guys realise the day your saber will be usefull is the day you'lls top to be a ranged to be a melle in PvE ?


kinda like ops that are forced to be in melle in range because they have 1-2 melle move. Sure they can move out but its a DPS loss if your not about to cast an instant CD

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I always wondered why Bioware didn't just switch the main and offhand slots for sorcs/sages. Make a model for the focuses, have us use the force to "hold" them hovering in front of us and new animations moving the focuses around when firing off force attacks. And our offhand slot would be a ligthsaber. When we needed to deflect attacks, the animation would just switch, you'd pull out your saber and block. As soon as you're out of combat, the animations switch back to focus. That way your char isn't constantly switching between focus and saber if you start off firing with the focus and then keep getting attacked while trying to fight back.
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You guys realise the day your saber will be usefull is the day you'lls top to be a ranged to be a melle in PvE ?


kinda like ops that are forced to be in melle in range because they have 1-2 melle move. Sure they can move out but its a DPS loss if your not about to cast an instant CD


Just look at all the pages and you'll realise that they either don't care or don't understand. And from what it seems, most people asking for that are casual players who don't really take part in ops (no offense here).


Even if I'll admit that the lighsaber is useless, I still like my sage to keep it out when entering combat, I'm a jedi afterall !

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Just look at all the pages and you'll realise that they either don't care or don't understand. And from what it seems, most people asking for that are casual players who don't really take part in ops (no offense here).


Even if I'll admit that the lighsaber is useless, I still like my sage to keep it out when entering combat, I'm a jedi afterall !


I kinda agree with you. But also I wouldn't mind one of the spec to have some melle moves if the other DPS spec would remain 100% ranged and viable. But I doubt they could balance it and I would hate to feel forced to use the spec with melle moves.

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I kinda agree with you. But also I wouldn't mind one of the spec to have some melle moves if the other DPS spec would remain 100% ranged and viable. But I doubt they could balance it and I would hate to feel forced to use the spec with melle moves.


As mentioned earlier, if melee attacks became usefull, you wouldn't leave melee range to use them. So I'm afraid it won't happen.

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Well, I'm pretty sure you don't do challenging content where you have to put up as much damage as possible because, if one of the attack that contribute a lot to that damage require you to be in melee range, you won't stay past melee range.


People are talking mostly from a lore perspective with some usefulness that does not really have to be applicable to high-level end-game content. And even in that case it really depends as the focus is to use the saber in some obvious useful way, which does not necessarily imply a melee attack, it could be for that matter very nicely tied to a ranged one.


Lastly, dismissing other peoples views with the claim "you don't do end-game content so you are clueless" is not only impolite, but also makes look foolish when that is not true. Here are some examples where even sorcs could use a white-damage melee attack if it was up to the same standard as a ranged one; pve-wise malaphar, sano in commanders and hk and core in revan where you are in melee range; pvp shroud of sins nullifies every single attack sorcs have and no you won't go to melee range to deal a meele attack but if it happens to be then you can have the option.

Edited by MusicRider
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With the new Mastery stat combining all the stats maybe we will see the melee bonuses from strength working on our saber attacks from Mastery as sage/sorc? It never made sense that we mysteriously lose bonuses to our melee attacks at level 10 from Willpower when we had them as a Consular/Inquisitor.
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Oh... My idea under this thing is that it would be cool to have attack that would be one target (maybe with additioná aoe damage) that would kinda look like the sabers Revan sends at you in ToS. Like you'd channel while your saber would be spining around the person in range and hurt them over the chanel. That would be awesome use of lightsaber and still a ranged attack and not similar to other class attacks.
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Make overload into a saber swing animation.


Put a speed increase buff, or slow debuff on Thrash or Saber Strike. Even a slight DR buff could be neat.


Let them reduce cooldown of Polarity Shift or Recklessness, or even Force Speed! Yes, Force Speed!


Even a stun utility could be welcomed by some... we just want some (even suboptimal) reason to use our lightsabers!


Let's make a pact! No longer will our lightsabers remain flaccid and unused...

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