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Some General Suggestions


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So here's some general suggestions that I've been talking to about with other people who've found em awesome. Now I know some of you might not like these suggestions, but let's face it, a lot of it's fact by now, especially the first one I'm putting out there.


Here's the "Too Long Didn't Read" version (or "TLDR" as some people call it): Less restrictions, two awesome strongholds, ship idea, and space ideas


1: Should probably lighten up on the restrictions a little, or majorly. I've lost count, of how many friends of mine this game has turned away. I get them on, they play until level 20 and then it hits them, the restrictions on them are too much, they've practically have to pay to breathe, or pay 5 dollars by the keystroke. So in turn, they leave, and go to games like Star Trek Online, where the free to play model is more in favor of the players.


I know what a lot of you are saying at this point. That they need money to host the game. But come on, it's EA, they swim in money practically, the day an EA title doesn't bank millions, and doesn't give them enough to do whatever they feel like for atleast the next 20 years, hell will freeze over. But you've also have to be honest here. The restrictions are a lot. A lot of us are starting to feel like EA doesn't care about it's players, and their only care is money.



2: Strongholds! My personal favorite topic. Have you ever been to a pretty looking planet? And was like "Holy **** I want a stronghold there!"? I have! I'm sure a lot of you can agree with me on this one. Rishi and Manaan strongholds. Both awesome views. Maybe give the Manaan one the option to be above, or underwater. As for Rishi, let's face it. A tropical theme! What else is there to say?


3: This idea always goes over well with friends. We should be able to buy our own ships and customize the interiors and exterior's how we see fit. It would allow for a lot more diversity, not one ship would be the same. Because I'm sure a lot of you are tired of the just basic ship that they give, and don't let you do anything with.


4: Free roaming ship in space. I know a lot of you have brought this up before, and I would too. The idea for it's just too awesome. While yes, it does take a page from Star Trek Online's book, I'd say that's a good thing. The idea of open space, would more or less expand the star wars universe in my opinion. I should point out. Actually would give you a better reason to have a ship. Don't you agree?


Well those are just some of my suggestions, hope you like em!

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Ok, so basically what you're saying is all these ideas are pointless?


just some, the free to play restrictions should never be lifted, or maybe even tightened. AS for they bank in millions, well money is fungable and the profits from one game go on to allow them to keep making new games. as for SWTOR it basically is funding itself for the most part, and allows them NOT to have to put more money into it to keep it going, its virtually self sustaining.


customizable ships maybe, but i doubt that will happen simply by the fact that they were already done and coded, and don't think going back and retroactively making them customizable is practical. Especially the number of interactions that occur there would make cut scenes difficult potentially.


free form space, well originally that was GSF, but rumor is (and I mean RUMOR) that is something that maybe coming down the pipe, but probably not in the same sense as most people want it.

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