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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want to like this game, but the real issues do not get fixed


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You don't have enough self doubt, you should have more. Too much self entitlement to recognize that the game doesn't need to change, you need to.


All of your post is a list of L2P issues or a case of playing the wrong genre.


You suck at the game or just find it too hard to play. And instead of improving you want the game to be streamlines,dubmed down and made horrible. The game mechanics are not bad, you are, and you should feel bad.


Close the door on your way out.


its an automatic door, it will close by itself...just have to make sure OP doesnt' get hit by said door when leaving.

Not sure if OP picked wrong class, wrong game, or needs to go back to mario as OP seems to wants two buttons...attack and defend. maybe a jump but might be same as jump wasn't sure if 3 buttons were too much.

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As for the Orbital Strike/Freighter Flyby question, all I can say is a :rolleyes: directed at Bioware, not you.


It used to be really powerful and worth a 3 second cast time (yes, it used to be 3s, not 2). But there was a spec that had buffs to AOEs, and Bioware grew displeased that people would precast OS before a pull and get extra "burst" on single target from an AOE ability.


In the process they didn't just nerf it, they nuked it from high orbit in the same manner that Darth Malak destroyed Taris, and made it completely useless to even have on your quickbar, as you point out.


Later, after 3.0, they did the same thing to Force Storm...nerf it to near uselessness because it was OP in one spec (rather than, you know, toning down the buffs from the one spec that made it OP...) :rolleyes:


LOL, BW nerfing Force Storm was pure stupidity. Best animation in the game on a popular character. Dumb.


This is the only game I have ever played where when surrounded by mobs, I have to run backwards to blow them off. Great fix to Overload as well.


I never will understand devs. They end up, probably by accident, with a character that is much played and liked so they feel obligated to ruin it. Dumb.

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LOL, BW nerfing Force Storm was pure stupidity. Best animation in the game on a popular character. Dumb.


This is the only game I have ever played where when surrounded by mobs, I have to run backwards to blow them off. Great fix to Overload as well.


I never will understand devs. They end up, probably by accident, with a character that is much played and liked so they feel obligated to ruin it. Dumb.


when an ability is both over powered, has little force/energy requirement that it becomes candidate for a nerf. When that ability is an AOE and is used extensively as part of a single target rotation, you get bet it will be nerfed and hard. When that class is the new FoTM you can bet not only will it be nerfed hard, there will also be an equal number of people complaining about said ruining of the game, as those gladly welcoming the nerf.

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when an ability is both over powered, has little force/energy requirement that it becomes candidate for a nerf. When that ability is an AOE and is used extensively as part of a single target rotation, you get bet it will be nerfed and hard. When that class is the new FoTM you can bet not only will it be nerfed hard, there will also be an equal number of people complaining about said ruining of the game, as those gladly welcoming the nerf.


The easy and sensible fix would've been to make FS consume Recklessness charges per tick, not per use. That way it could have kept its usefulness but the nonsense of having 12 seconds of autocrit (back to back Recklessness-charged Force Storm, which is where the problem was) would have been dealt with.


But Bioware is apparently incapable of doing a graduated nerf over time, carefully tuning an ability until it is balanced. Everything must be castrated and then Force crushed and then nuked from orbit all at once.


Now the only use of Force Storm is to either stop caps (but overload, if available, or bubblestun is often better because of the delay for the first tick of FS), or to proc Chain Lightning (ironically in the spec that needed the FS nerf the most).

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BW nerfing Force Storm was pure stupidity. Best animation in the game on a popular character.


I agree, the class have never been the same after that. I understand that something had to be done but not the extreme way they did it.

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