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Why all the hate on the Bounty Hunter?


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I started playing like a month ago and I've refused to play the class since everybody was saying *Worst class is Bounty Hunter with the dull dead boring story and lame gameplay and so on.


But to be honest I decided to ignore all the hate and made a Power Tech Bounty Hunter and so far I love the class it's a fresh air from the Jedi Guardian and Warrior Sith Immortal.


I love to run around and Kiting big ****** elite and champion way stronger than me and kill them by taking barely any damages.


I must admit that the storyline isn't as good as the Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight, but come on what did you expect?


This is a Bounty Hunter all he want is doing random job and make money and I don't see people giving the job of *Saving the galaxy by killing X mega big bad guy* to a Bounty Hunter.


I'm doing Balmorra right now so I just started, but so far I love the class story, so unless it get *Jedi Consular* boring mode I will probably enjoy this character even more that my Sith Warrior since I love the class style.


Without giving any spoiler, does the class become super weak or the story really get ultra lame later on or something?

Edited by LinkNukem
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Well, chapter 1 is basic bounty hunting. "Your target is on the planet, go get him."

The interesting parts of the BH start in chapter 2 because that's when it gets personal.


Chapter 1 is basically the same for everyone, other classes deliver smuggled goods, heal afflicted masters, find artifacts of power, hunt down terrorists and defectors, or do fetch jobs for their master's local goons. Everyone follows their job description. In Chapter 2 more of the same gets personal, and in Chapter 3 you deal with it.


Smuggler and bounty hunter (and for the most part Inquisitor) are special due to their motivations, though, everyone else aims to further their faction's position, gets commands from their superiors and follws them. Smuggler and BH answer to no one, they have their own selfish goals and are only loosely aligned with their faction. And later on both showcase the down sides of the Republic, which in itself makes for an interesting story. Everyone knows that totalitarian systems are bad, especially for second class citizens, but it's not all love, peace and harmony in a democracy either.

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I started playing like a month ago and I've refused to play the class since everybody was saying *Worst class is Bounty Hunter with the dull dead boring story and lame gameplay and so on.


But to be honest I decided to ignore all the hate and made a Power Tech Bounty Hunter and so far I love the class it's a fresh air from the Jedi Guardian and Warrior Sith Immortal.


I love to run around and Kiting big ****** elite and champion way stronger than me and kill them by taking barely any damages.


I must admit that the storyline isn't as good as the Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight, but come on what did you expect?


This is a Bounty Hunter all he want is doing random job and make money and I don't see people giving the job of *Saving the galaxy by killing X mega big bad guy* to a Bounty Hunter.


I'm doing Balmorra right now so I just started, but so far I love the class story, so unless it get *Jedi Consular* boring mode I will probably enjoy this character even more that my Sith Warrior since I love the class style.


Without giving any spoiler, does the class become super weak or the story really get ultra lame later on or something?


What I love about this game is that you have detractors for all stories. The Imperial Agent is regarded as the best story by most but even on these forums there's a thread that pretty much states "I found it boring as hell. ___ Is the best story." it's amazing how the stories feel completely different from each other. I have a friend who's favorite character is Yoda and Qui Gon Jin. He swears up and down people are wrong and the consular story is the best star wars story ever told.


Personally I've always been a Sith guy so the two sith stories I think are the best star wars experience in a video game. Now my fiancee is a massive Mandalorian fan girl. She also is partial to Han Solo. Krissy absolutely adores the smuggler and bounty hunter stories but doesn't much care for the others.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I LOVE the BH personally. AP PT has imho by far the best gameplay in the game and I loved the story also Mandos4lyfe! What is so great about the story, is that everything you do throughout the story, felt to me like it was your own decision. You werent following orders, you werent being forced and you just worked with the Sith, because they are convenient allies, but you could always kick their teeth in, if they annoyed you.

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in the story first chapter is cool but 2nd and 3rd are horrible. The style of play is my favorite. And in pvp Im having a blast compared to melee jobs. A lot of people hate on BH but I find it to be one of the best jobs. Ive realized im a mando at heart. Haters gonna hate, wouldn't be the game without em.
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The BH story is for people that are fans of BHs and Mandalorian lore in particular.



Having in mind that imo mandalorians are one of the best things about SW, yes it's one of my most favorite stories.


However if you just popped in swtor/SW and have no idea about mandos or BHs in SW's context it can be a bellow average experience.


... Also, wrong forum section.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I for one loved the bounty hunter. My merc was such a "I hate most things. KILL EM!" guy he was so fun. The story seemed forced because bounty hunters normally just go from one planet to the next doing whatever, but the Great Hunt was a great way to make the story continuous, and chapter 2 flowed from it really well. chapter 3, though, I thought was kind of random, but it worked, so i had no complaints.
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The Bounty Hunter class story is a lot of fun. I think half the people who call it boring are just coming from a bias of preferring the force users.


Having played all except jedi sage at this point, I consider bounty hunter story as second best of the bunch. (First pick being SW). It starts off as an almost disney-style innocent fun adventure, and after attacking a republic official things start spiraling out of control beautifully when republic sends people after you and you keep dealing with them. Eventually BH ends up certified bad*** (1 million credit bounty on his/her head), and one of the few class stories that give the feeling (illusion) of freedom. Your ship comprises of fugitives who are their own master more than the crew of almost any other class. Also one of the few stories where I don't feel a predilection to choose either light or darkside. I think either works well for BH depending how the character feels about the way things turned out. The whole story feels nicely orchestrated, although tad tragic. But thats why I love it.

Edited by Karkais
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Having played all except jedi sage at this point, I consider bounty hunter story as second best of the bunch. (First pick being SW). It starts off as an almost disney-style innocent fun adventure, and after attacking a republic official things start spiraling out of control beautifully when republic sends people after you and you keep dealing with them. Eventually BH ends up certified bad*** (1 million credit bounty on his/her head), and one of the few class stories that give the feeling (illusion) of freedom. Your ship comprises of fugitives who are their own master more than the crew of almost any other class. Also one of the few stories where I don't feel a predilection to choose either light or darkside. I think either works well for BH depending how the character feels about the way things turned out. The whole story feels nicely orchestrated, although tad tragic. But thats why I love it.


I'm in the midst of playing a BH now and it is turning out similar to how you played yours. I've gone with a mix of light side and dark side choices and how the character reacts varies by situation. I've also been playing the character as motivated entirely by credits and having no personal loyalty to the Empire. So far at level 43 or so she's still neutral in alignment.


My Jedi and Sith characters leaned either heavily light side or dark side.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I just leveled a trooper up and was thinking I made a mistake and should have went with a bounty hunter. Doesn't really sound like that dull of a story hunting down bounties. The trooper story was a little too military focused for my taste, though I guess I should have expected that from a soldier.
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It's my favorite class game play wise. In my opinion the story becomes pretty weak after the first act and of course the BH ship is again in my opinion pretty lame compared to some of the others. That being said BH is and always has been my favorite class :sy_bountyhunter: Edited by Motovator
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