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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Purchaseable CC unlocks - For in game credits?


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Wouldn't EA get so much profit if it will be possible if people could buy CCs in unlocks to sell on the GTN?


IE: 1k coin purchase tokens to sell on CM for the price of what normal CC is?


I know the CCfers will probably be spamming this up, but for the legit buyers would definitely buy these?

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Wouldn't a simpler version of this just allow people to sell their CCs on the GTN directly? (forgive me if I misinterpreted and this is what you meant)


Example you offer 100 CC on the GTN for 100k credits. This deducts the CC from your account and when I buy them adds them to mine. If they don't sell they go back in your account. Safe, secure and avoids credit spammers from making a profit because they are eliminated and replace by BW as the middleman.


This would also allow F2P to have other people supply them with CC that they can afford with their credit cap, through consistent work and trading. This generates BW some more money and makes a viable F2P option for unlocking game mechanics, and appearance options.

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Yeah or something like that, I meant for people to actually buy CC unlocks like account unlocks and stuff, to be able to sell 1 1/2 days later though


Well with my suggestion there is no risk for either side... I've made trades with people before but they took a risk. I would tell them the exact item I wanted from the Cartel Market then we'd agree upon a price. They would buy it, then 36 hours later trade with me on the agreed upon amount. Now there is a big risk to the person who bought the CC item(s) since the other party could back out and leave them holding something that maybe someone else would not want at that price. My way, you trade the CC for the credits directly, then the CC purchaser can buy whatever he wants and the seller takes no risk (neither does the buyer).

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You do realize that by being able to buy CC with ingame credits, EAware doesn't make a profit and ends up with loss ?


But to get CC in the first place you have to pay for it, so basically people will probably end up spending more tbh

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But to get CC in the first place you have to pay for it, so basically people will probably end up spending more tbh


Until you factor in all the complimentary CC's that players get for subscribing, security keys, refer a friend, etc.

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Yeah didn't think of those forgot, maybe to only make the purchasable CC be sold instead


How would you differentiate between "bought" and "complimentary" CC's?


You can now use any CC's to purchase CM items and sell them on the GTN after the bind timer expires. This may be as close as you get to being able to "buy" credits.


If your goal is to eliminate the wait for the bind timer to expire, I suspect that BW will likely not remove or lessen that bind timer, or any restrictions associated with said bind timer. I doubt that BW would allow anything purchased with CC's to be immediately sold or otherwise transferred. The bind timer exists to help reduce credit card fraud, if I am not mistaken.

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Well my initial thought was to add a CC item you can use CC to buy, IE: 1k for 1k Token to sell in game for credits but still has the 1 1/2 day Cd. It would just be like buying packs but I bet it would sell faster to those that really want credits over CCs and those that want CCs to either buy escrows / Server transfers / etc, that can't buy any.


Would help both F2p/Pref and Subs imo.

Edited by Theeko
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Until you factor in all the complimentary CC's that players get for subscribing, security keys, refer a friend, etc.


Those exist right now, so they are already IN the economy (CM economy). They buy things and those things get sold on the GTN too. And I think just the option of trading CCs for Credits would encourage people to buy some directly when they want some extra creds. Best part is this doesn't generate more credits, it merely moves them from player to player.

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