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Any ideas?


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I've done the 'in-game' date thing before and some of the locations and ideas I used were...


- Rock climbing on Tattooine. There's a series of cliffs that you can RP scale down close to one of the datacrons. It's not the one on the Jawa Sandcrawler, nor the one that's hidden in the cave w/ the sand people. (Although that makes a good location too)


- Fishing on Alderaan. There are several locations on or near rivers that you can RP going fishing.


- Big game hunting on Belsavis. There are several large beasts on Belsavis that you can RP hunt.


- Snowball fights on Alderaan. There are also plenty of locations on Alderaan that are snow covered. Building snowmen, or having snowball fights are good ways to spend a date.


- Illegal speeder races through Kaas City, on Dromund Kaas. Took a date there once and had a really good time dodging the pacification droids that are peppered throughout the city.


Hope this helps.

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