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Slot 1 & 2 abilities for Sorcerer/Sage?


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[Edit: I'm Lightning spec]

What do you all put in your #1 quickbar slot for the Sorc/Sage? And in the #2 slot?

And do you change it as you level?


I've always stuck with the basic free attack in #1. And, stupidly or no, kept the basic resource-using attack in #2. But the Sorcerer is my first class where these are totally at odds with the class playstyle, i.e. near-useless. I'm guessing with their huge resource pool, that having a basic attack that uses some is not an issue, so what do you make the basic attack? Shock? Force Lightning (and end channel at discretion)?

Edited by DocDAM
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What do you all put in your #1 quickbar slot for the Sorc/Sage? And in the #2 slot?

And do you change it as you level?


I've always stuck with the basic free attack in #1. And, stupidly or no, kept the basic resource-using attack in #2. But the Sorcerer is my first class where these are totally at odds with the class playstyle, i.e. near-useless. I'm guessing with their huge resource pool, that having a basic attack that uses some is not an issue, so what do you make the basic attack? Shock? Force Lightning (and end channel at discretion)?


Depends on my spec. On my Lightning Sorc I placed the standard attack in slot 1 - better not to misclick something useful ;) - and Thundering Blast on slot 2.

On my Balance Sage, slot 2 is filled with Sever Force.

My healing Sorc, on the other hand, filled slot 2 with Deliverance.


Reason behind this is, slot 1 can be activeted by right-clicking too, and the last thing I want is to start a fight while not still ready. Sorc/Sage is a ranged class, so most of their attacks are ranged aswell, which makes it easy to misclick and start a fight agaist a mob.

Slot 2, on the other hand, is easy to reach with my fingers as I move, so it's usually either something I can cast on the move, an instant attack or - in case of my Sorc Healer - something that I have to use often. :)

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I completely redo the key bindings. And put the most reachable keys on the first bar so that my most useful abilities are the easiest to use. What abilities those are do change with level, but they find their permanent home a lot faster now on my third and fourth sorc/sage. As ranged, I still have the two initial melee abilities on my bars, but those slots don't have assigned keys, so if I want to use them, which I never do, I have to click them.
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Added that I'm a Lightning spec.


Good point on the misclick. I've already saved my bacon a couple of times when nothing happened (some long range mob accidentally targeted). But conversely, I've clicked a bunch of times when I wanted something to happen but they're out of range :)

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Personally I'd go with the instant self heal in slot one, your ranged DPS or heals, so you don't need to be at melee range. No use for the lightsaber. I always have Force Storm on 2, just for the fun. Either Thundering Blast or Force Leech on 3 depending on what spec I play and Force Lightning on 4. I don't remember the rest :D.
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