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WAY Too many Rakata Supertech


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I'm thankful for Rakata Supertech, I have a variety of Rakatan adapted Cybernetics (I have a specific one designed to increase willpower to resist those pesky jedi mind tricks) and Rakatan tech laced throughout my various powertech armors, not to mention this one little one I have enables me to some very fancy things with my fire attacks. :rak_03:


translation: your character's a Mary Sue

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If anyone is ISIS its the Jedi.


Rakat tech is trash. Everybody who uses it that our characters meet end up defeated. Useless tech from a useless race.


In a shocking turn of events nobody could possibly predict, everyone that doesn't use Rakata tech against our characters also ends up defeated. So either everyone besides player characters is useless and every tech that isn't created by or out of player characters is ueseless as well.

Or, since this is a MMO with overall at most decentish writing, much more likely: The main characters are protected by plot armor so thick that a Death star could blast the planet they are standing on into particular matter and they'd still survive... somehow. Probably because the Plot...... uhm I mean the Force... yes that's what I meant... was with them.

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