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KOTFE Old Factions breaking Immersion ?


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This isn't a "cataclysm" style expansion where old worlds are going to be war torn by Valkyrion and his forces. Let's get that out of the way first :)


It's going to be adding onto SWTOR in a way where it brings very heavy story content and gets back to what BioWare is best at. In no way shape or form are older worlds going to be unplayable or anything like that.


It's just adding onto the game. They are adding mechanics, overhauling some old ones, adding some new ways to play. They aren't taking things away.

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have no problems taking some liberties...but sometimes i really wonder what people are thinking.

Well, to be honest, I've been thinking of renaming my legacy. Again. I'd mistaken the meaning of Foresworn, and it does create an interesting nameplate: Kylath Foresworn au Coeur Pur, which you might put into English as "Kylath Foresworn of the Pure Heart". (It's the Light V title, anyway.)


The conundrum? "Foresworn" is an alternative spelling of "forsworn", formed from the verb "forswear", to commit perjury, which don't work so well for "au Coeur Pur".

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If any of my characters who are participating in KOTFE return to Fleet or an earlier planet, I'm writing off the experience as a cryo-sleep-induced flashback.


blame the kolto...its a rush! as often as my chars hit it, can't be side effect free.

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