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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lucien Draay's armor missing important part


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I'm sorry but the armor given is NOTHING like the original. There is WAY MORE than just the shoulders that needs fixing:



1) Its missing the shoulders.

2) You gave it those weird gloves.

3) Its missing the nice LONG metal bracers that are almost as long as the entire forearm.

4) The white isn't white - its a dirty off-white.

5) There's barely any gold and it looks spray painted on - not beveled like it is in the comics.

6) You replaced all of the black & dark grey with brown leather - why?...

7) On the original there are three black bands around the torso with 6 buckles WITHOUT a useless belt - in your version there are 2 bands with 4 buckles WITH a useless, ugly belt.

8) The collar going around the back of the neck is not high enough.


Why? Please, just stick to the original versions. We DO NOT want your interpretations of the armor, just give us what is already there, the originals. No twists, no messing with it. We want it vanilla. PLEASE.

I totally concur. Please fix it, BioWare!

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It's like they have Mango (Chris Kattan character) making outift designs for swtor...


I mean, the amount of usable jedi armor in the game is rather pathetic. Skin tight, non baggy, constant hoods, complete ignorance of a tiered robe/tunic look, awful selection of boots, lightsabers that should (for the most part) be in the adult section of the store, and lack of appropriate dyes/color schemes


They've completely missed the jedi look for this game.


There are a couple sets that aren't bad. Like the recent legacy set, but that set has major lightsaber clipping.


I really like the most recent drop of lightsabers too, the ones that aren't out yet. Good, traditional, accurate depictions.

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I'm sorry but the armor given is NOTHING like the original. There is WAY MORE than just the shoulders that needs fixing:



1) Its missing the shoulders.

2) You gave it those weird gloves.

3) Its missing the nice LONG metal bracers that are almost as long as the entire forearm.

4) The white isn't white - its a dirty off-white.

5) There's barely any gold and it looks spray painted on - not beveled like it is in the comics.

6) You replaced all of the black & dark grey with brown leather - why?...

7) On the original there are three black bands around the torso with 6 buckles WITHOUT a useless belt - in your version there are 2 bands with 4 buckles WITH a useless, ugly belt.

8) The collar going around the back of the neck is not high enough.


Why? Please, just stick to the original versions. We DO NOT want your interpretations of the armor, just give us what is already there, the originals. No twists, no messing with it. We want it vanilla. PLEASE.


my thoughts exactly :confused:

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The pack is probably getting released next week, so I hope some changes have been done to this armor... or at least you decided to make a new one for next shipment. We have two versions of Malak's armor and a few other doubles, so we can certainly have two Draay's armors.
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There is no way they're going to do any changes to the robes. Best (or rather worst) they can do is to add the hideous shoulder pads it had in Dulfy's preview.


Imo the problem is that we can't preview / test upcoming cartel market items. Important lore sets come out with things added for lols by cm designers or looking nowhere close to the originals, like in this case. We can't preveiw them and voice our concerns and then we get stuff that's weird at best.


Another big problem is that cartel market designers add way too much from themselves, especially to Force users' sets. They uncessesarily try to complicate or maybe try make the armor sets appear more "unique" by adding random attachments that look odd but surely stand out and almost never look good:


- Hump-sack on Jolee's robe back and neckwrap on Vrook's completely ruin those looks,

- Sion's armor got a massive pauldron screwed into your body,

- Atton's collars are MASSIVE thus ridiculous,

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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So many people get mad at the fact they cant replicate these armors exactly. Its quite obvious by now that they dont have the means to - whether its game engine restrictions, lack of skilled enough artists, laziness or greed. Im curious as to which one it is and I would like an explanation for once :(
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Another big problem is that cartel market designers add way too much from themselves, especially to Force users' sets. They uncessesarily try to complicate or maybe try make the armor sets appear more "unique" by adding random attachments that look odd but surely stand out and almost never look good:


- Hump-sack on Jolee's robe back and neckwrap on Vrook's completely ruin those looks,

- Sion's armor got a massive pauldron screwed into your body,

- Atton's collars are MASSIVE thus ridiculous,


I know right? One of the important lessons I learned in design school is less is more.

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So many people get mad at the fact they cant replicate these armors exactly. Its quite obvious by now that they dont have the means to - whether its game engine restrictions, lack of skilled enough artists, laziness or greed. Im curious as to which one it is and I would like an explanation for once :(


Making a vest with pronounced shoulders would require making an attachment exclusive to the set instead of a body paint or copy-pasting other resources. :[ Not to mention making more bulky sleeves.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Too bad that they decided to add this version of his armor, would be much better if they will add this one as well or fix the one they already added. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150808201835/starwars/images/8/8e/ShiiChoDisarmingSlashKOTORHomecoming.JPG :csw_yoda:


You literally need to have brain damage (as a designer) to think the one you posted (that they're modelling theirs off) is nicer than this one:



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You literally need to have brain damage (as a designer) to think the one you posted (that they're modelling theirs off) is nicer than this one:




I could say the same about you. (as a designer ofc)

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Well, i've got the set...


Not very happy about it. It is extremely underwhelming and not looking good on male characters at all. Chest piece + pants combo also doesn't work well because of the lower bit of the vest being designed so it sticks out way too much in order not to clip with the conal leg piece.


I think it should be renamed and a proper Lucien set delivered some time in the future. It would need more creative leg piece model than this common cone. Revan Reborn has exclusive leg model. I know it's extra work but we really could use some diversity in clothing models from time to time. All we get are the recolors of the cone or the skin recolors of the legs, most of them with the same extra armor attachment models.

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