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You do realise most of those are like discussions between a couple of people right?


I gave you a thread from our community, where is the outrage? It's that simple. BW don't censor peoples outrage unless it breaks the rules around mining or abuse etc.


You implied that stream would confirm something to do with companions that would have a large negative reaction from our community. I gave you a thread that is 55 pages long and has what is probably 100's of people posting and asking questions in there. There is barely a handful of negative outraged people amongst all of that and most negative posts are double ups of the same people. Where is your outrage? I give you 55 pages, you give me a few links to a couple of peoples twitters conversations, even the reddit thread pales in comparison.


If the lack of outrage you thought would happen doesn't wake you up to the fact that you are in tiny minority in hating on KoTFE then nothing will and you are just trolling BW/KoTFE for whatever kicks it's giving you.


Nah they delete posts all the time if you go back you will notice some of your post have been deleted too it's all a matter of people reporting you otherwise it will just get glossed over so people are probably reporting the negative posts and then BW is deleting them.

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You do realise most of those are like discussions between a couple of people right?


I gave you a thread from our community, where is the outrage? It's that simple. BW don't censor peoples outrage unless it breaks the rules around mining or abuse etc.


You implied that stream would confirm something to do with companions that would have a large negative reaction from our community. I gave you a thread that is 55 pages long and has what is probably 100's of people posting and asking questions in there. There is barely a handful of negative outraged people amongst all of that and most negative posts are double ups of the same people. Where is your outrage? I give you 55 pages, you give me a few links to a couple of peoples twitters conversations, even the reddit thread pales in comparison.


If the lack of outrage you thought would happen doesn't wake you up to the fact that you are in tiny minority in hating on KoTFE then nothing will and you are just trolling BW/KoTFE for whatever kicks it's giving you.


You gave me 55 pages of people asking more questions because BW screwed up the stream so bad that they only covered 3 topics due to them taking about 15-20 mins fixing the stream and spacebaring through the story hell it was so bad they didn't even answer anyone's questions from the chat like they said they would.

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Nah they delete posts all the time if you go back you will notice some of your post have been deleted too it's all a matter of people reporting you otherwise it will just get glossed over so people are probably reporting the negative posts and then BW is deleting them.


Yes for talk around mined data which you've done a lot of. Not for having a negative view on BW. There are entire 100+ page topics on negative BW stuff that never got removed ( ravagergate, slot machine to name a couple ).

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You gave me 55 pages of people asking more questions because BW screwed up the stream so bad that they only covered 3 topics due to them taking about 15-20 mins fixing the stream and spacebaring through the story hell it was so bad they didn't even answer anyone's questions from the chat like they said they would.


I didn't give you anything, the community did. If it was as bad as you make out that thread would be FULL of people saying so.


Unfortunately for you and your hair brained argument most people are reasonable and accepting of technical issues and are liking the changes coming . Where is your outrage?

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Go ask Musco on twitter yourself unless you are afraid that he will tell you what I am saying is right.


Lol I love it. You are pure gold. :D


You make a statement and then expect me to prove it for you and try imply I'm scared if I don't. :D


Newsflash: You are perfectly capable of doing that yourself - unless you're "afraid" ... lol.

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Clearly you have some sort of comprehension issue or something.




As I stated if you want to further THAT debate you can do so there. You seem determined to strawman things here even further though so if you are going to bother then do so properly.

It's not about saying they are different things, it's about saying potato is talking crap from what Kaizer has presented and there is no evidence to support his claim what so ever ( unless Kaizer is just baiting and actually has some evidence up his sleeve he has yet to provide, or you yourself since you're taking the same path it seems ).


If every chapter has AT LEAST 1 hours cutscenes ( regardless of if you get to see them or not, we could assume you should at least see half of it as there is no class stories to seperate them - you can argue this point if you like but at least back it up with some sort of proof otherwise your assumption is as good as mine ) and there are 9 chapters for what potato said to be even close to the realm of reality ( 6 - 8 hours of content if you watched everything and skipped none of the mobs. ) that would mean you would blow through each chapter killing every mob you come across in about 50 minutes in the best case scenario ... killing every mob.


So from at least 1 hours cut scenes per chapter you are making an ASSUMPTION that we will only get to see 6-8 minutes of it from our choices? The other 40ish minutes is killing mobs. What are you basing this assumption on? Where does your 6-8 minutes come from?


I find it rather cowardly that you would strawman this argument in this regard when there is a topic that's already gone over it ( and wasn't it you that MFollin called you on this sort of "playtime" thing previously in another topic and left you running in circles? Maybe it was someone else ) yet you don't seem inclined to post there to further your assumptions ( or even go over everything that's already been debated there ).


Comes from the fact that while the stories maybe the same for all class in the expansion the characters respond differently to you depending on your class like T-7 will say more to the Jedi Knight because he knows them and less to any of the other classes in the game so what Draqsko is getting at is because they respond differently BW adds up all the time of every class together to get the 1 hour.

Edited by Kaizersan
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Comes from the fact that while the stories maybe the same for all class in the expansion the characters respond differently to you depending on your class like T-7 will say more to the Jedi Knight because he knows them and less to any of the other classes in the game so what Draqsko is getting at is because they respond differently BW adds up all the time of every class together to get the 1 hour.


None of that is proven however. Go read the thread that specifically discusses all this in detail ( feel free to further the debate in fact by posting ) and you'll see what I mean.


Making comments like "6-8 minutes of cutscene per chapter" is no more proven than if it actually is "1 hour of cutscenes per chapter" in the sense of what you actually get to experience.


Either way ... 50 minutes total play time per chapter not space barring and not skipping any mobs is just a silly thing to say imo.

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Honestly I am finding it to be a waste of time to argue with Menace because in the end when the expansion comes out and everything I said is shown to be correct I will be sitting in my chair smiling at the fact the I was right.


Oh I know you're wasting your time because your argument is so baseless. :)


Me - I'll be off playing some KoTFE, doing it again on another character, doing the operations in their new form, ... whatever else tickles my fancy. Generally enjoying the product I pay for as I do now. ;)

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Oh I know you're wasting your time because your argument is so baseless. :)


Me - I'll be off playing some KoTFE, doing it again on another character, doing the operations in their new form, ... whatever else tickles my fancy. Generally enjoying the product I pay for as I do now. ;)


No the waste of time comes from the fact that you won't accept the truth that will be proven in a few months and good thing that the expansion is solo mode because you won't have many people to play with after everyone clears 9 chapters before early access is even over.

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None of that is proven however. Go read the thread that specifically discusses all this in detail ( feel free to further the debate in fact by posting ) and you'll see what I mean.


Making comments like "6-8 minutes of cutscene per chapter" is no more proven than if it actually is "1 hour of cutscenes per chapter" in the sense of what you actually get to experience.


Either way ... 50 minutes total play time per chapter not space barring and not skipping any mobs is just a silly thing to say imo.


Ok lets do a bit of math there are 8 classes and each class play thru per chapter in the expansion is 6-8 mins that means the total time with all 8 classes per chapter is 48-64 mins which is how BW gets their total time.

Edited by Kaizersan
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No the waste of time comes from the fact that you won't accept the truth that will be proven in a few months and good thing that the expansion is solo mode because you won't have many people to play with after everyone clears 9 chapters before early access is even over.


Yup, that sounded just like a factual statement with all those ... facts n all.

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Ok lets do a bit of math there are 8 classes and each class play thru per chapter in the expansion is 6-8 mins that means the total time with all 8 classes per chapter is 48-64 mins which is how BW gets their total time.


Sweet so we are getting class stories then, good to know.

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OP here...


10 minutes of cut scenes per chapter is ridiculous. It'll be more than that.


The devs are working hard to make sure the community likes this expansion. I'm almost certain things were changed with the companion system due to community fears that they would lose companions. The solution that they came up with is pretty smart. Nobody really complains about companions in KOTOR anymore.


The devs aren't going to do all this work and then throw it all down the drain by massively undercutting cut scene content.


A more realistic estimate is 30-60 minutes of cut scenes per chapter. To think otherwise is just being silly.


The class story comment shows that someone really doesn't know what is going on...

Edited by MuratReis
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Yup, that sounded just like a factual statement with all those ... facts n all.


Let me leave you some a quote from the great Carl Sagan "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It has to do with the flip-side of the all too frequently recurring case of assuming facts not in evidence. It's no less safe to assume those non-evident facts are true than it is to assume they are false. It has to do with the cases where people weren't aware of some possibility or piece of information and therefore jumped to the conclusion that it wasn't there. If we don't see or understand something, let's at least consider that maybe our vision or thinking needs some adjusting before rushing to declare it completely absent or unworkable."

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