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What you do for leveling as a Operative?


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All I got "snipe" ability and few stab skills. I dont have any distance attack abilities like sniper's, what should I do for leveling without getting cancer? I'm not trolling or something, I really want to know this because there's many Operative characters in fleet and I want to know what they doing in combat?


-Kaliyo is a tank yes yes I know, but without enough help she can die too

-Stab stabby? how so? I dont have 999 tactical advantage

-snipe, stab, snipe, stab and...? snipe consumes 20 energy and ıf I spam snipe my energy will be done

-Grenade ability? No thanks, that pointless ability deals very less damage with huge energy consumption


so you see this is a "learn to play" question and I must get all help I can get


Thanks in advance

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I leveled my operative as healer spec. That being said, you have some other ranged attacks, carbine burst I think its called for one, but the operative is meant to be more an in the enemies face assassin melee class. I'd suggest checking out youtube for pointers playing that class and your spec.
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Depends, do you level as a healer?

I was running with a tank companion until I got a dps.

Did whatever came to my mind, autoattack, snipe, shiv, backstab, grenade - it did the trick, was stealthing a lot :p


As a dps operative you should use what you get...look at your skill tree to know what skills ge the most bonuses and use them. Sniping is not the ebst option I believe since you get no bonuses for it. Operatives are melee dps, lethality being somehow semi-ranged. I imagine Kaliyo would be the best suited companion to level with as a dps.

Edited by Asheris
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Basically fart around with what you've got until you've leveled more and unlock abilities. That includes grenade reliance.


I use scrapper/concealment for farming dailies for creds since they're ridiculously good at burning through them quick.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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They arent supposedto be a ranged class, get close with stealth, and knife / grenade them.


if you are playing an operative as a ranged dps class you are doing it wrong. There is a reason you don't have a "throw knife" skill.

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if you are playing an operative as a ranged dps class you are doing it wrong. There is a reason you don't have a "throw knife" skill.


sever tendon?



to the OP: At low levels, you won't be able to use knife for every attack, but if you use concealment spec, stealth up to a mob, use backstab, lacerate, shiv, lacerate and then start working in stuff like carbine burst while you wait for cooldowns, using lacerate whenever you get tac advantage (a lot with trash mobs)


once you get some skills, you get tac advantage for using lacerate on a poisoned target (corrosive dart, or later when backstab poisons) or at late levels even sever tendon gives tac advantage, and you can use nothing but knifes pretty much. Great fun.

Edited by MadDutchman
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First of all an Operative is a melee class. While you have a few abilities that hit at range, none do enough damage to do anything beyond get the mob's attention. So get used to being up close and personal and adopt a melee's mentality.


Out of all 8 of the ACs, Op is probably the worst for AOE trash killing goodness, so you have your work cut out for you. I recommend stabby spec as it gives enough burst (even at lower levels) to help you manage your trash packs effectively (don't forget your CCs). Your grenade helps with more than 2 weak/normal enemies so don't ignore it. Carbine burst is an ability that requires skill/practice to set up properly (Kaliyo in tank spec can gather them up for you which helps a ton) and drains energy so use sparingly. Focus on generating TA as much as possible and never allow yourself to cap (If you can make more TA, do so, and if you cannot, use one - when everything is on CD and you are out of TA, *then* you can use another ability like the basic attack, DOT reapplication, etc.)

Edited by Zharik
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sever tendon?



to the OP: At low levels, you won't be able to use knife for every attack, but if you use concealment spec, stealth up to a mob, use backstab, lacerate, shiv, lacerate and then start working in stuff like carbine burst while you wait for cooldowns, using lacerate whenever you get tac advantage (a lot with trash mobs)


once you get some skills, you get tac advantage for using lacerate on a poisoned target (corrosive dart, or later when backstab poisons) or at late levels even sever tendon gives tac advantage, and you can use nothing but knifes pretty much. Great fun.


was thinking more along the lines of saber throw where you are primarily throwing the knife from a distance as a primary/main attack. But yes, had forgotten about that particular skill, been along time since i played an operative and when I did was leveled as a healer.

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It been more than a little while since I leveled my operative. But I did it as a heal spec. To be honest, I found HK to be a good fit for my operative. Especially once I hit 55 and could get him the 192 gear courtesy of one of my 60 alts.


But with that said, the class is a melee class. The guns are more for show than anything else. And in PVP, I don't even bother trying to do DPS. At most you can get a stun in with a few stabs before you are all but forced to switch gears, heal, and save yourself.


As for my scoundrel it is a pure close range DPS class. I run with Treek on that one and stick her as healer and not tank. You practically have no range on some of the ruffian skills. You practically have to be on top of your target. And if Treek is well geared, you don't have to worry about her taking on agro. She can tend to hold her own. She is like the Ewok version of "god" droid in the solo operations.

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But with that said, the class is a melee class. The guns are more for show than anything else. And in PVP, I don't even bother trying to do DPS. At most you can get a stun in with a few stabs before you are all but forced to switch gears, heal, and save yourself.


You kidding? I feel bad for juggs when I 1v1 them into oblivion with my scrapper with his silly bare fists. And on my guardian I dread the sound of flying fists or shiv... and the hahas are suddenly not funny at all! :mad:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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