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Time to Prepare


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With the upcoming release of KOTFE, I find myself even more tempted to play a dedicated force user. My main is currently a Gunslinger and he will soon be changed into Infiltration Shadow (I will rp myself making the decisions) walkthrough. Here is how I decided could make the same character.


Iskalon Sea Cave


As Sullster walked through the dank cave he could hear the scurrying of unknown vermin in the dark shadows that enveloped him. He was always more comfortable in the dark than the light both figuratively and sometimes morally, he often kept his windows at a 85% tint in his Nar Shaddaa stronghold believing that it also created some form of ambience.


As he proceeded further into the cave he found a small ancient storage room. He placed the small Rakatan item that he had been carrying next to a pile of long forgotten lightsaber pieces and crystals.

Almost as soon as he placed the item down Sullster heard a familiar voice, after releasing the grip on his lightsaber hanging at his hip he hid in the darkness.


“I’m a mean Jedi!” mumbled Guss as he wandered the cave getting closer to the room.


“Urgh, I can heal like a pro and he always sends me on these crew missions and always to caves and crashes”


Guss sighed and continued “Why can’t he find lightsaber crystals anywhere else?” apparently quite irritated he was being used as a crew skill lackey.


Guss finally found the small room and the treasures that it held, he hastily placed the items in the bag looking forward to returning to his bunk on the ship. He spent some time examining the small Rakatan artefact, shrugged and stuffed it in his bag. Guss then proceeded to leave the cave with a bit of a skip in his step and just at the furthest ranges of Sullster’s hearing he could hear “Weeeeee!”. Sullster muttered to himself, “Finally the Loop is ensured, Lets see if I can make a larger difference this time round” he looked down at his hand where little flames of force fire rose from the palm of his hand, he then clenched his fist. “We will defeat them”


Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter

Later that day, Guss returned back to the ship with the spoils of his endeavour and placed them in the Captains quarters and shot to the bar to get a drink, and hopefully not talk to Corso. Sullster was currently on Ziost with Risha apparently following leads and Guss didn’t fancy waiting up so he left Sullster a note on a datapad and went to his bunk for what he thought was a well-deserved rest.


Later that day Sullster arrived back on board,


“Well that was informative… not” began Sullster,


“Well if you didn’t try to either flirt or bribe with every person we encountered we may have got more information” Jested Risha.


Sullster saw a datapad hanging off the bar in the rec room, it looked like it had been strategically placed to be one of the first things noticeable before the widely stocked refreshment cabinet. Sullster picked up the datapad which read:



I went to Iskalon and found a cave (well more like chose as there were hundreds of caves) the entrance looked like the head of a Devaronian so I thought it was fitting!

I got a nice haul, quite a few lightsaber crystals and a small artefact looking thing. I placed them on your cabinet in your room for your perusal.

Any chance you need a healer on your next escapade?

I’m a mean Jedi,

Languss Tuno


Sullster gave his companions the nod that meant he was done for the day and retired to his room, there he found two bags, one full of small pieces of underworld metals that he had sent Akavvi out to obtain earlier and the small bag from Guss. As he emptied the bag onto the bed he saw the strange little item that was mentioned in Guss’ datapad message. As he picked it up a small blurred hologram appeared.


“Close and lock the door”


Sullster shook his head “and who might you be?” he queried.


“Close and lock the door” the hologram repeated.


Sullster hesitated wondering what it was and why it wanted the door shut, if it was something lethal it’s unlikely that closing the door would precipitate anything, maybe some form of gas, he thought. He walked towards the door whilst taking a small oxygen pill from the drawer.


“Close and lock the door” the hologram repeated


“What if I don’t want to?” Sullster asked.


“Close and lock the door” the hologram persisted.


Sullster went over the various possible scenarios of risk that could have resulted in the shutting of his door with a strange object and decided that he was too curious to care about the risk. Sullster locked his door and faced the hologram.


"Initiating Room Scan” the hologram blared

“No recording devices detected”

“No digital transmissions detected”

“Initiating Room Seal”

“Room Seal initiated”


“Scanning biological lifeform” instantaneously a red light scanned Sullster’s full body.

“Identity confirmed, correlating with timeline data


“Time line data?” Sullster muttered to himself.


“Temporal match – activating hologram”


The small blurry hologram that was over the object tripled in size and took form. Sullster could not believe his eyes, it was him but he had a lightsaber attached to his waist.


“Greetings from the future!” the hologram said exuberantly


“The future?” Sullster retorted.


“Yes the future!” The hologram replied


“I know that you’re thinking this is a scam or a trap but it’s not” claimed the hologram.


“How do you know I’m thinking that?” asked Sullster


“I remember being you talking to me thinking that this was a scam” stated the hologram.


“Right...” Sullster responded.


The hologram let out a loud sigh, "listen I am a holographic copy of you from the future, kind of


“Kind of?” Sullster queried


“Technically I am a copy of you from about two days ago but the alternate you that went back in time to train to face the upcoming threat”

“What threat?” said Sullster confused.


“Look there is not much time” claimed the hologram.


“This device is an experimental piece Rakatan technology that has been adapted to distort time and space enabling time travel within a few galactic years”

“Seriously?” said Sullster bemused.


“Yes – this device is located on Krios 6 a planet on the edge of the Rishi Maze. The co-ordinates are on the small silver device attached to this one”


“But the device is here?” said Sullster


“Was I really this stupid, come on you have watched plenty of time travel shows and holovids use your mind!”

“I have to get the device when I’ve gone back in time and program myself into it to pass on to me as I am now so I can go back in time? – Causality loop? said Sullster with a huge smirk.


“Exactly!” replied the Hologram


“But why would I go back in time in the first place? I know that I have or that I will but why would I?”


“There is a threat coming that is larger than the petty war of the Empire or the Republic, and using just your blasters and wit isn’t going to cut it – you need to train your force techniques”

“I can throw rocks and use the force to choke someone now and again with great concentration, maybe every 15 minutes but I prefer to use my blasters!” claimed Sullster


“Although everything is not blaster proof as we always say if you have no blasters you have no weapon, with training you are the weapon” claimed the Hologram.


“I’ve always fancied being a Jedi, all them female padawans running around”


“Actually you will become Sith”


“What!?!? – Never!” shouted Sullster


“I was joking! you actually go on to defeat the Emperors children, sort of”


“The Emperors children? I read some intel reports acquired from the SIS that said some of them were killed by the Barsen'thor and one of the Jedi Council was responsible for shielding them?” said Sullster knowledgably.


That’s you” claimed the hologram.


“Really?! I became a Jedi Champion? how, why?”


“Short story – You can use the force as you know but you have been subconsciously repressing used it to its full potential. Furthermore according to pieces of data that were somehow sent back from further in time from the original future where you stayed here and faced the coming threat as a simple gunslinger - the republic and empire will fall to something or someone called Zakull – a lot of the data was damaged.


“But the information on him is public, he has a full life background how can the Barsen'thor be me?”


“Yes - when you travel back you will appear on Nar Shaddaa near an underworld slicing hub, take the silver data stick from the device then destroy the remains. Use the data stick at a nearby holoterminal, it has a sophisticated hacking program that will insert your fake background into the republic database as well as create an account with credits in it. You should then visit some of the Jedi outreach stations and train until you are eligible to go to the academy”


“It’s that simple?” said Sullster


“Technically its already happened but you need to do it yourself to become the Hero of today” the hologram urged


"So I just go back in time, train to become a Jedi and this makes me better how?" Sullster questioned


"You will be one of the few Jedi who can create a ancient shielding technique and a learn to bend the force around you to become invisible"


“Invisibility without a stealth generator?? Sign me up - So what do I have to do to become a time traveler extraordinaire??” asked Sullster comedically


“PASS PHRASE ACCEPTED – Initiating Temporal incursion”


And with that a bright light surrounded the Captain’s cabin and Sullster disappeared. The door finally gave way and Corso and Rishi rushed into the room, “Captain?” they both shouted. A familiar voice behind them toted,


“I told you I just went back in time to become who I am now, I’ve just left to complete the causality loop, it’s really me!”


“We will see” said Corso “We will see”

Edited by -Sullster-
Few Major Changes
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