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Class for PvE solo


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I have five classes above level 40 and all are stuck at a boss I simply can't beat. My level 50 Mercenary, is now stuck, too. I leveled her to 50 in 2011 without too much difficulty. What has changed to make the bosses so darned tough to beat? I play solo. My classes 40+ are Mercenary, Sage, Scoundrel, Sentinel and Sorcerer.


I do know how to gear well, and use CC skills.


I would like suggestions on the class that is most likely to get to level 60. Also the best companion for that class. I want to be able to do the new story lines.


What level is needed for The Outlander?

Also, where can I find suggested builds?

Edited by Cryshal
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All classes can be leveled to max level. This month alone I leveled Assassin, Powertech, Sniper and Gunslinger. Perhaps you're underleveled? The first time around my Operative was five level under the quest level for skipping past mobs and not being in guild. Taking advantage of everything that boosts 12xp you should be comfortably 2-3 levels ahead of quest level. At level 47, take the quest on your ship and head to Makeb.


Tell us which bosses you're having difficulties with (one boss in Voss is indeed a pain for Sorcerer). Usually against I boss that I know will be tough I active Heroic Moment, and use every legacy skills available to me.


On that note, you might want to try leveling a tank. The slowness is exaggerated Imo, but it comes with the advantage of increased survivability and ability to solo bosses quite easily. For class guides, Dulfy is the best place to go.

Edited by iusCogens
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If you want a bit of a cheat mode, buy Treek. That little furball heals and tanks better then most tanks and healers I've had the misfortune of meeting in flashpoint PuGs. :p Personally, I stopped using her, because the voice nearly made me go insane after leveling two characters.


A few tips I personally use while leveling alts;


  • The way I level is in full moddable gear and put in new commendation/crafted mods on level 10-19-29-39-49 (with the 12x exp). Earpieces start at lvl 19 and implants at 21. Don't forget 2 lowbie relics if you want to PvP once in a while.
  • Keep companion gear as up to date as possible. Especially if you're a DPS. This is probably the most important thing during the leveling process to prevent a severe case of deadness.
  • If you are a pure DPS without off-heals, use a healer companion. If you are a DPS with off-heals, use a tank companion. If you're a tank or a healer, use a DPS companion (only if you're having problems, I usually run DPS/DPS combo for everything besides Heroics or tough bosses for speed murderifying mobs)
  • If you simply cannot possibly get past a boss fight, you can always ask if anyone can help you. If you group up, they can enter your story zones as well. I've helped a few people who were in trouble and actually ended up with a few good people on my friend list. :)
  • Be sure you're not underleveled. To prevent this from happening even with the 12x exp event, chug those complimentary EXP boosts. 12x EXP + 25% of that amount = yummy experience cookies. If you have a little bit of cash and you've run out of exp boosts from mission rewards, you can buy 'm off the GTN.
  • Extra note on the previous point; If you happen to be at a point where you are overleveled, you can complete multiple story missions and NOT accept the reward. Once you got a few completed, use an EXP boost and gain +25% exp on all those missions from a single EXP boost. That's not just yummy experience cookies, but also a big slice of yummy experience pie. Once again to prevent being underleveled.

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I can't get Treek. I only have 23 points in Legacy.


Defecter, thanks. Those are good basic points. I've been looking at all my characters to see where I can make changes, or if it's even worth it for that character. I may start a new one, they level fast.

Edited by Cryshal
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I can't get Treek. I only have 23 points in Legacy.


Defecter, thanks. Those are good basic points. I've been looking at all my characters to see where I can make changes, or if it's even worth it for that character. I may start a new one, they level fast.


you dont need 40 legacy to get treek you can also buy her from cartel shop for 2100 cartel coins

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Which boss is giving you trouble that you cant beat. I didn't have problems until one of the bosses on oricon. I was forced to shout and get a group to kill it. Maybe you should try that and lfg.

there are u tube vidoes for most boss fights, you might be able to fine one on the boss your having trouble with.


to me BH merc was the best pve job ive played so far. marauder is a bit of a challenge until you get a good rotation down. Sorcerers should never die if played right. But some bosses take a minute to widdle down.


I bought treek. He was a waste of cc's to me. The regular companion healers are adequate enough.

Edited by Ghenghis-Khan
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