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Will we finally see Defensive Forms aka Stoic/Brazen become a passive in KOTFE?


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Or will they stick to their retarded excuse and pretend Sents/Marauders actually have a CHOICE if they wanna pick Stoic/Brazen?


While the Fury/Centering generation applied by Defensive Forms (and the new Brazen/Stoic) improves the DPS and defensive output of Marauders/Sentinels who are being actively attacked, it does nothing for those who are avoiding damage or attention and allowing their team/companions to draw the target’s ire. Due to this fact, we are leaving this Fury/Centering generation skill as a player choice and not moving it to a class-baseline passive.


  • Will we get even a SINGLE rootbreak that does NOT require a heroic point?
  • Will we get our old self-heals for Anni back (in turn, remove the incredibly ****** DoT-spread)? At this point I would even be happier with 1% heals compared to what we have now.
  • Will Annihilation get fixed and feel like the fluent spec it once used to be, or will they continue to behave like stubborn kids that don't wanna give up on their little new toy aka Force Melt?

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Or will they stick to their retarded excuse and pretend Sents/Marauders actually have a CHOICE if they wanna pick Stoic/Brazen?




  • Will we get even a SINGLE rootbreak that does NOT require a heroic point?
  • Will we get our old self-heals for Anni back (in turn, remove the incredibly ****** DoT-spread)? At this point I would even be happier with 1% heals compared to what we have now.
  • Will Annihilation get fixed and feel like the fluent spec it once used to be, or will they continue to behave like stubborn kids that don't wanna give up on their little new toy aka Force Melt?


This the devs' last chance to prove they are actually competent in balancing classes and they read our feedback.

We are the only AC who has their movement speed increase in Masterful tier instead of Skillful. We are the only ones who have their MI breaker in Heroic tier. We are the only ones who need to choose between MI break and dps increase/wasting a utility point on free breaker. Gathering Centering/Fury is the most important aspect of the class, yet Contemplation/Brooding is still Heroic utility, while vg/pt has stack gathering passive and mando/merc can do it without utility. Both of our strong defCDs have 3min CD. Watchman/Annihilation players loathe Force Melt/Rend as much as possible, our selfheal is nonexistant, we want 2.10 version back!

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