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Knight and novels


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1- In the book, DECIVED they find T7-01, the Knight's first companion. During companion conversations he relates to events that took place in the book.


2- in REVAN scourge has a vision of a powerful Jedi standing over the emperor, this Jedi is the knight. Scourge is also the last companion of the knight.


Also, many peoples say Kira is the most detailed companion in the game, I personally am not sure of this. and has one of the best stories in many people's opinion.


Why is it the knight feels like bioware made it first as it tied up loose ends and was made quite enthusiastically. It also is the only class that has DIRECT links to the books.


please comment and I am open to critiscisiam


Also, please don't say "and I am open to critiscisiam" :p

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Well, the main character in all the movies has always been a Jedi Knight... it stands to reason that they figured most people's first impression of the game would come from playing a Knight. It was the first class I actually played during beta.


And I'd say the Sith Warrior gets some pretty preferential treatment too, since it's basically the Vader class. :p

More love interests to choose from, an apprentice to either corrupt or to save...

Edited by Callaron
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Main character of the Original Trilogy: a Jedi Knight in training

Main characters of the Prequel Trilogy: various Jedi Knights.


It is kind of the iconic role for the protagonist of a Star Wars story, so it's not that surprising that it holds true here, as well.

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