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Selling Imp guild w/ Flagship, more info inside...


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Hello all, I'm the GM of a guild that has recently transferred and already purchased a flagship on our new server and all of our officers, founders and the majority of our active members have all left to join with us. We no longer have any need of our Guild on Bastion and are interested in selling it. Here are the specs...


*Flagship with 2 unlocks (Hangar Bay and right Hangar deck)

* 4 Tabs of the Guild Bank are open

There are still over 100 toons in the guild (most are inactive), over 100 Qualifying accounts so the 10% bonuses are still active.

During conquest the guild had won 1 planet and placed in the top 5 very consistently. I'm not going to post the name because that's not really important because a guild renames can be bought haha.

Many decorations included, some of the rare or special decorations are as follows:


Utilities: Appearance Mod Station, Cargo, Legacy and GB, 2 GTN Kiosks, Item Mod Station, Mailboxes and a Contraband Slot Machine


Civic: Commemorative Statue of Revan, Custom Huttball Stand, Statue of Eternal Grace, Statue of Karaggaa.

Furniture: Throne of Enlightenment, Dreadful Throne and Altar, Dejarik Table, Casino Table x2, Cantina Bar Set, Jedi Small Council Table x5.


Mounts: BA-2 Walker, Cyan Sphere, KX-7 Command and Recon walkers, Kalakar Strike and Advanced Simulators, Landslide Assult Speeder, Jetpack, Military Uxibeast, Overlord's Throne, Marshwood Vorantikus, Twilight Vrake and as a pet the ST-N3 Power Droid.


Personnel: All 3 Jawa vendors, 2 Imp Grenadiers, 31 Imp Guardsmen, 1 Kel Dor Jedi Master, 3 Imp Medic Droids, 3 Meditative Padawans, Rakata Mystic, 2 Revanite Vendicator and a World Breaker Monolith


Technological: Holocron of Dread and Fear, Imperial Transport Shuttles, All datacron decos (light and dark), Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks, Jedi Library x6, 2 of each Datacron master decoration (dark and light), 2 Minefield Makers, People's Tower Holo Terminal, 3 Planetary Holo Map (Ilum), 2 Security Cameras and the X-70B Phantom Starship.



What I ask if you're interested or know someone that is please respond to tell me you sent a mail in game and send it to the toon Auginas for more information or to follow up. All of the things involved above are very expensive totaling probably 80million or more easy. I'm not crazy enough to ask that. I would love to get 40mil for all of this or make a serious offer. (The money is going to buy more decorations and flagship unlocks for my guild on our new server.) Thanks guys!

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