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full server, yet feels empty


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This thread is a complete and total waste of space on these boards. I see people in game all the time on many of my character. I'm not sure why you are all so obsessed with seeing other people.. It's not that special just means you'll likely be competing for quest objectives.


I see people talking in General chat all the time, and I do flashpoints plenty, also try going to the Fleet at least on my server the fleet is usually jam packed with players.

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Does this mean it's tough to find people to group up with? Haven't started playing yet, waiting on the ridiculously slow download right now but that sounds worrying.


No it's not nessisarily difficult to find someone to run around and play with of a group for a flashpoint or whatever, but areas where you would think people would be hanging out being a community area almost completely empty. the game feels like its dying off not brand new.

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No it's not nessisarily difficult to find someone to run around and play with of a group for a flashpoint or whatever, but areas where you would think people would be hanging out being a community area almost completely empty. the game feels like its dying off not brand new.



You mean Cantinas? Who just hangs around cantinas? I'd rather be on my ship, or out working on my quests and leveling.


The Imperial/Republic Fleets are more or less the real capitols of the factions.

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I have a level 50 and I agree with the OP, at first I thought since I was leveling faster than most players on my server it was normal to not see many players, in some cases I would go through an entire planet without seeing anyone and I am not exaggerating, but I still go to the fleet which is supposed to be the place to hang out, but it feels so life less it makes me sad, I love the game, but it feels empty and I know it is not empty because numbers DO NOT lie but it feels empty, why?, I know for some of you it is not a big deal, but it is for me, matter of fact it is one of the main reason I play MMO's to play a game BIG SCALE with hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously.
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This thread is a complete and total waste of space on these boards. I see people in game all the time on many of my character. I'm not sure why you are all so obsessed with seeing other people.. It's not that special just means you'll likely be competing for quest objectives.


I see people talking in General chat all the time, and I do flashpoints plenty, also try going to the Fleet at least on my server the fleet is usually jam packed with players.


yea people are talking in general chat, from what I've seen 5 main people talking out of say 10-80 people that are on the planet.

my server is 'full' and the Fleet is FAR from jammed packed lol, there's areas that are completey empty in the fleet... 10-100 people is jammed to you?


*edit: it's like how you say this is a complete and total waste of space on these boards, yet everyone agrees with the post but you.

Edited by DigitalDigital
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I don't know about anybody else, but I prefer to be out there questing then standing around in a city for no reason. And the only reason to stand around in a city/fleet is


1- LFG Spamming

2- Put stuff into cargo hold

3- Auction Kiosk

4- buy crafting material from companion skills trader

5- Train new abilities

6- Complete a few quests

7- Check Mail

8- buy gear from vendors


If you notice that only number 1 can make someone stick around in a city for a long time, other then that I spend less then 10 minutes in a city/fleet before I am out questing again.

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My server currently is standart and I am doing a quest and there are atleast 5 other people who do it as well, you even need to wait for respawns.


This is the case most days, so I definately dont see what you people experience in your game. Could it be that you play on light servers, or are allready 50? You know most people currently are 20-35 - not everyone does play 24/7.

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I have a level 50 and I agree with the OP, at first I thought since I was leveling faster than most players on my server it was normal to not see many players, in some cases I would go through an entire planet without seeing anyone and I am not exaggerating, but I still go to the fleet which is supposed to be the place to hang out, but it feels so life less it makes me sad, I love the game, but it feels empty and I know it is not empty because numbers DO NOT lie but it feels empty, why?, I know for some of you it is not a big deal, but it is for me, matter of fact it is one of the main reason I play MMO's to play a game BIG SCALE with hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously.


Exatlly! couldn't agree with this more, I don't play a MMO to feel like I'm in a room with 30 people.

Morpheous, are you reading people's reply's? this tread is far from a waste of space, it's a serious problem...

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I see about 5 - 10 people in every questing area I go to, with many more in the hubs/quest giver ares. Your game must be broken or you're playing on your own if you can't see anyone else.


I see about the same number of people too Boundd, we must be doing something right LOL.


At times I have felt like there are too many people around especially when trying to do the standard take down quests, everyone else seems to be hunting what I am chasing and not many want to party up.


Not that that's a bother either. Regardless I am seeing quite a few playing when I do and that is usually when most US players are asleep and it's mostly us Aussies floating around the servers.

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maybe some one can help me understand:

how come servers are full or very heavy yet there's only 50-100 people on the planets I have been to?

so if there's 17 planets, max 100 people on each planet, then a full server only holds 1700?


what I am trying to say is it feels rather empty in the game yet the server is full. what am I not understanding about this? anyone know the # of people that constitute a 'full' server?


Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about?


Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.

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yea people are talking in general chat, from what I've seen 5 main people talking out of say 10-80 people that are on the planet.

my server is 'full' and the Fleet is FAR from jammed packed lol, there's areas that are completey empty in the fleet... 10-100 people is jammed to you?


*edit: it's like how you say this is a complete and total waste of space on these boards, yet everyone agrees with the post but you.


Fleet on my server usually has 200 people. :p

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Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about?


Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.


Lol? what? 1k cap are you playing on a private server or something? most MMO's have a 10k - 20k cap.


And if you read properly you can see in one of the OP and many other post we've stated that in most planets there is only 1 instance.

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Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about?


Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.


yes, I did, that's why in my OP I asked QUESTIONS, as to help me understand why the game feels empty. just too bad the dude that actually answered it with numbers missed that part.

so if each instance of a planet holds 175 people, why are they instanced with like 30 on each instance?

I played FFXI, no instancing and the servers held 3k+ with the city's having 100's of people being a community, so these 30 people worlds feels completely dead to me.

people are use to different things believe it or not....

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While I mostly argee with the OP...currently I'm on tattoine and its tough to find people. HOWEVER on high player load nights on my server the lower level planets (1-20) are packed with people...I swear even had to fight for quest stuff.





The best thing BW could do to SWTOR is cut away at all the instancing and phasing.

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While I mostly argee with the OP...currently I'm on tattoine and its tough to find people. HOWEVER on high player load nights on my server the lower level planets (1-20) are packed with people...I swear even had to fight for quest stuff.





The best thing BW could do to SWTOR is cut away at all the instancing and phasing.


Yeah because having to compete with people for quest objectives is the best thing ever right?

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I am quite new to the game, (Just bought it downloading it now) but as a veteran WoW player I have to say this isn't always a bad thing. While I do think from what I've read they should increase server population or something. This is a very good alternative to what I used to experience on Illidan in WoW. Meaning, walking into Org and having my 120 fps suddenly drop to 15 due to the 7k people sitting in one zone. Not everybodies computers can handle that. Then again, I haven't played yet so I could be blowing smoke out of my behind.
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While I mostly argee with the OP...currently I'm on tattoine and its tough to find people. HOWEVER on high player load nights on my server the lower level planets (1-20) are packed with people...I swear even had to fight for quest stuff.





The best thing BW could do to SWTOR is cut away at all the instancing and phasing.


yea I have had people trying to win pulls on quest mobs too (we normally just team up for the mob). for me it's the ports, fleets, hangers that are giant and are completely empty. it's strange to me how big some of the ports are and there is No one in there but me.


maybe they should have zones at the city's so there's no instances just inside the city's/ports/fleets ect ect. yet once you zone out into the world to quest its instanced?

idk, but I for one enjoy fighting for pulling a mob or teaming up for a mob, builds friendships and a community.

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[quote name='Lu_Bei']Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about? Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.[/QUOTE] I don't think that is the case here. There are about 125 North American servers, and 95 European servers. With about 1 million people purchasing the game, that would suggest a cap of around 5k or so. edit: My own take on this is that since the game is so new and has so much content to be played, it is only natural for every one to be dispersed. I think that will slowly change as everyone gets close to level 50. Things will start to normalize as people look for new ways to entertain themselves in the game. Also, I have to agree with the observations that maybe the zones are just to big to feel populated. If you have a server cap of 5000-7000 and only, say, 30-50% playing at a given time across 15 planets, then I think it is kind of inevitable that we will see low population zones. Edited by SpeckledHen
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Yeah because having to compete with people for quest objectives is the best thing ever right?


It wouldn't be an issue if they put reasonable spawn times on the mobs. 5 minutes is too long for a quest mob...1 minute would be more reasonable.

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My one complaint is the game world doesn't feel like its alive.....in ffxi, it was cool to feel like the game world went on without you. I cant explain it, but swtor doesn't give me that same feeling. It feels like once I turn the game off, the game world stops.....


Minor complaint Bc I absolutely love this game

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My one complaint is the game world doesn't feel like its alive.....in ffxi, it was cool to feel like the game world went on without you. I cant explain it, but swtor doesn't give me that same feeling. It feels like once I turn the game off, the game world stops.....


Minor complaint Bc I absolutely love this game



Edit: except I don't absolutely love the game yet, I'm trying but like you said it doesn't feel alive, idk if I can love dead worlds.

Edited by DigitalDigital
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