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Sith Hierarchy?


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I am more of a Jedi kind of guy. I know their rank structure, it's pretty simple. Initiate, Padawan, Knight, Master, and then Grand Master. There are other "ranks" or duty positions throughout the order, like Sentinels, Shadows, Battlemasters, etc.


What is the hierarchy of the Sith? I just hit the part in the Inquisitor story where

Zash says that I'm going to earn the title of Lord of the Sith. She says that is one step below a Darth, and for her as a Darth she answers to one other Darth (Thanaton) who answers right to the Dark Council.



I always thought Lord of the Sith was above Darth, but I guess I'm wrong?

I'd love to see a Sith Org Chart or rank pyramid. Thanks!

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I am more of a Jedi kind of guy. I know their rank structure, it's pretty simple. Initiate, Padawan, Knight, Master, and then Grand Master. There are other "ranks" or duty positions throughout the order, like Sentinels, Shadows, Battlemasters, etc.


What is the hierarchy of the Sith? I just hit the part in the Inquisitor story where

Zash says that I'm going to earn the title of Lord of the Sith. She says that is one step below a Darth, and for her as a Darth she answers to one other Darth (Thanaton) who answers right to the Dark Council.



I always thought Lord of the Sith was above Darth, but I guess I'm wrong?

I'd love to see a Sith Org Chart or rank pyramid. Thanks!


You are confusing it with "Dark Lord of the Sith", which originally would designate one person, the leader of the Sith Order or Sith Empire respectively, although how it was used changed: I believe in the Sith Empire at the time when the game takes place the members of the Dark Council use the title.


So, roughly the hierarchy would go like this:


At the top is the Emperor, below him the Dark Council. All Councillors hold the titles of Darth and Dark Lord of the Sith. Below them are "normal" Darths who are typically assigned to one of the spheres of influence (or pyramids) which the councillors lead. Thanaton is Zash's direct superior inside the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Below the Darths come Sith Lords (that would be the "Lord of the Sith" or just "Lord"), who have proven their strength in the dark side. Finally there are "regular" Sith, full members of the Order, but no Lords, such as for example Overseer Harkun.

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From what I've gathered the hierarchy in the Sith order goes something like this.


Acolyte->Apprentice->Lord->Darth->Darth that is a member of the Dark council->Emperors Wrath->Hand of the Emperor->Voice of the Emperor/Emperor himself.

There are also Overseers which only seem to have a say in training facilities and Inquisitors who are somehow in charge of interrogating someone.


Note that after the events of Shadow of revan the Emperor basically abandoned the Empire and therefore the new order is just the following:

Acolyte->Apprentice->Lord->Darth->Darth that is a member of the Dark council

The current emperors wrath is also a darth so I guess s/he takes that lower place in the hierachy again.

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The Wrath was never named a Darth, despite that you get it as a toggleable title. Originally during beta you would get "[Name], Emperor's Wrath" after completing Act 3, but it was changed to Darth after some people whined about it.


So in lore, the Wrath isn't a Darth, but a special case. It's more along the lines of Dark Councillor=Wrath, rather than Dark Councillor<Wrath. I also got the impression that the Hand is on the same level as the Wrath (and thus the Council), so really it'd be Dark Councillor=Wrath=Hand<Emperor.


And when Marr says he views you as the Empire's Wrath, he's pretty much reaffirming your position as a special case.

Edited by Sangiban
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You guys do know that there is a codex entry you get on Korriban that gives the hierarchy, yes? It is called "sith titles".


Although I think the codex system should be fixed.


I like things to be tied in a pretty bow and complete. :o

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