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Crafting Teaser


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I see some nice QOL sorting options there but it doesn't really tell us how it's going to change in the sense of companions/crits etc.


It shows a number of things. LOL going back to predictions, if this is true, it implies that the new 186 level will be 220 unless there is something not apparent such as a need for OPs pattern or mats to get to 220 as opposed to REing your way up to the top.


It seems to imply that for five levels of character progression there will be four levels of relic progression 500, 515, 530, and 545. It implies that there will be a level 500 pattern which one would expect would coordinate with character level 60 or 61 so upgrades in armor will be available (required to be viable?) early on in the expansion.


If level 500 patterns are available for levels 60 or 61 we need to be able to craft them. That would imply that either we can't craft until latter levels for earlier levels because we will not get our companions back, we get our companions back early, or crafting will be done without companions. I guess that we will get sufficient companions back to craft from the git go.


There seems to be five different mats required for the crafting of a relic and that would tend to make relics expensive (although only 3 of the top level purple verses 4 now) unless there is another way to get them such as CM or commendations. If there is another way GTN via CM or commendations then crafting is over. done, kaput.


As far as crits are concerned, you will need them to get the top level purples unless there is a total revamp of the crafting system and I don't see that. If that is the case you will probably be looking at something like we have now.


I am reading a little more into the "supposed" recipie but enough said for now with one exception. I would expect things like ears and implants to work not to differently than relics. It will be interesting to see how often one must upgrade gear with four levels of gear for five levels of character.


I don't take leaked supposed information with more than a grain of salt, but this is interesting.

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