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Bounty Hunter's heat system should be re-balanced/changed


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Heat bar reaches to max so damn quickly, I can only use my 3-4 abilities or so then I have to wait to cool down,

waiting is not that much time but I have to do that like every single time..its so frustrating I'm not even going to talk about what happens in Warzones. 1 heatseeker missilies, 1 unload, 2 rockets and done. I have to go back somewhere safe so I can be out of combat and regen, I have a ability to take care that but it have 2 minute cooldown, and its very useless.


Its not fun to play Bounty Hunter in current way, and it should be changed to a better/easier way.


what do you guys think?

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Heat bar reaches to max so damn quickly, I can only use my 3-4 abilities or so then I have to wait to cool down,

waiting is not that much time but I have to do that like every single time..its so frustrating I'm not even going to talk about what happens in Warzones. 1 heatseeker missilies, 1 unload, 2 rockets and done. I have to go back somewhere safe so I can be out of combat and regen, I have a ability to take care that but it have 2 minute cooldown, and its very useless.


Its not fun to play Bounty Hunter in current way, and it should be changed to a better/easier way.


what do you guys think?


As harsh as this may sound, this is a L2P issue. :rolleyes:


Once you get the hang of how to play the character, that's not going to be a problem anymore. I played a Commando (mirror class), a Merc, a PT and a Vanguard (again, mirror class), 3 of them to 60, the 4th is in the 40s atm. At low level I agree, managing resources is a tad tough, but that goes for all classes. One you learn, as I said, that's not a problem anymore. So, my suggestion for you is: keep playing and learn how to play the character. ;)


Besides, doing as you suggest would unbalance things a lot on higher levels, to the point that BHs/Troopers would have infinite resources, pretty much. And trust me, that would not be fun... Where's the fun where you can pretty much just push random buttons and still don't screw yourself up? :o

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As harsh as this may sound, this is a L2P issue. :rolleyes:


Once you get the hang of how to play the character, that's not going to be a problem anymore. I played a Commando (mirror class), a Merc, a PT and a Vanguard (again, mirror class), 3 of them to 60, the 4th is in the 40s atm. At low level I agree, managing resources is a tad tough, but that goes for all classes. One you learn, as I said, that's not a problem anymore. So, my suggestion for you is: keep playing and learn how to play the character. ;)


Besides, doing as you suggest would unbalance things a lot on higher levels, to the point that BHs/Troopers would have infinite resources, pretty much. And trust me, that would not be fun... Where's the fun where you can pretty much just push random buttons and still don't screw yourself up? :o



wow...a both friendly and helpful reply on SWTOR forums? not even trolling? well thats something I cant see

everyday day lol


thanks dude much appreciated, you gave me huge morale boost and I will continue to play my BH.



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Yeah, with just about any class in the game there's a bit of a balancing act and there's a reason why there's a variety of abilities to choose from. Sometimes certain abilities in your current discipline might have bonuses that reduce or remove a resource cost for another ability. You can also use your cost-free basic ability as a filler move on most classes to buy some time for resources to regenerate mid-combat. Put simply, you might want to alternate between a heavy move and the free move (or just something else that's less expensive) to keep your resource in the range where it (for half of the classes) regenerates quicker. In other words, ideally you don't want rate of resources spent to exceed the rate of resource regeneration too much. And for trooper / hunter / smuggler / agent resource regeneration gets less efficient when energy / heat goes past certain thresholds, so the more quickly you burn up your resource pool the longer it takes to recover it.


At high levels I think I recall seeing an ability on the bounty hunter / trooper that removes the cost for the next ability used, so you've got that as a backup tool in addition to the one that restores a chunk of energy. Of course, that also has a cooldown. (1 minute? maybe 2?) For abilities like those, it's really more of a band-aid than something to base your strategy around. (In much the same way that a med-pack is only temporary relief because of the limits that the game places on their use.)


Basically, look over your abilities (especially in the character's current discipline) and see if there seems to be any particular combinations of abilities that they're encouraging you to use. (Won't just be about cost. There are also perks like increased damage or automatic critical hits.) It might state directly that it helps another ability or it might mention adding charges of some sort of buff, with that buff being mentioned elsewhere as influencing another ability.


And if your resource use is still a bit heavy handed with your focus turned onto those combos, work on fitting some filler moves in to provide moments for energy to restore itself. In the end you won't be hammering enemies with your biggest attacks exclusively but you will be able to keep the attacks rolling out continuously instead of feeling like you need to retreat and rest a moment.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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wow...a both friendly and helpful reply on SWTOR forums? not even trolling? well thats something I cant see

everyday day lol


thanks dude much appreciated, you gave me huge morale boost and I will continue to play my BH.




Learning the BH rotation is well worth the effort.




Here's a *great* guide that will get you all that "bad tank" aggro in no time. :cool:

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wow...a both friendly and helpful reply on SWTOR forums? not even trolling? well thats something I cant see

everyday day lol


thanks dude much appreciated, you gave me huge morale boost and I will continue to play my BH.




Don't mention it, it's not like I did anything but explain how things are... ;)


Still, glad to see my answer encouraged you to go on. Hope you'll have fun. :D

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