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Does Ravage/DB fit in 1 Gore window with no berserk?


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Only if you run a high Alacrity build otherwise this will not work as your Ravage will have a base channel time of 2.9 seconds and Gore has a window of opportunity of only 3 seconds. Though the amount of Alacrity needed to pull it off would cripple you on other necessary stats.
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Here was my understanding -

Gore's animation is 3s, but you can clip it around 2.7s and still get the full benefit. That leaves .3s to spastically smash DB,a s Gore ignores GCD and you can transition right from Gore to Ravage. Am I missing something? None of the guides mention doing this.

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You must take FPS/Server Lag and user reaction time into account as well. Mathematically speaking, yes you are correct. However when evaluating all the contributing variables that make up that combination live in game you're highly unlikely to pull it off.
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I can reliably do it with only 2 or 3 pieces of alacrity gear (pvp geared). I get around 5.x% alacrity. The margin for error is small.


Interestingly, you can actually fit Vicious Throw > Ravage > Devastating blast into a gore window if you do it JUST right, and I mean perfect. You have to Vicious Throw a split second before you actually gore. Of course, it screws up your next gore window rotation, but if you wanted to ensure some burst and you knew that you wouldn't be interrupted during it... just a thought =).


It isn't something to where you can really just sit there and watch your ravage channel bar to clip it at the proper time. You just have to practice it and kind of "know".


I think BioWare greatly over-estimated the amount of alacrity people would stack and how it would affect their rotations and dps.


What would be vastly superior to Devastating Blast would be an ability like Furious Strike, that hits incredibly fast after the button is pressed.

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So what you're saying is that it is impractical in a PvE situation/scenario, right? Cause lets face it THAT is where your damage and rotation matter, not the training dummy ;)


That's pretty much it. Add to that the fact that fury stacks will usually build at a rate such that beserk is available every time ravage is off cooldown (assuming good APM and good target uptime), you are better off saving ravage for your beserk windows and using instant attacks on the others. On another note, It's much easier to squeeze an additional ability into your gore windows by activating viscous throw while a few meters from your target and as you are moving towards it, then hit gore, then devastating blast, then massacre. If timed correctly all three will apply damage inside the gore window and be affected by it.

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