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Question about IO merc, parsing and operations


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I have a not yet full bis 192 IO merc (few mods missing). I have a problem about gearing. I see different, seemingly effective builds around and just want to know which is overall the best (ofc dps-wise). People seem to not want to talk about this or such - seems noone knows anything for sure. Take that Hotwired guy for example. He is telling how to gear an IO yet using totally different build on his own. Tells you should use aim or power augs, yet he is using aim and accu augs. Or says any distribution of surge/alac is viable of the 3 slots they get, yet because of augs and bis he is using a 5 slot surge alac build which ofc is a huge difference to lets say someone using 2/1 surge alac. So lets at least agree on basics. Aim or Power augs? Crit? Surge/alac?


Another thing is about parsing. I dont know how to test changes in gear if the parses fluctuate with 150-200 dps, depending on crits I guess. My best was 4647 without adrenal. Ive done this with around 320 crit, 2/1 sur/alac, full aim mods. Thing is Ive tried the same using adrenals and didnt reach that number. What I think is there are so many different factors influencing final score that you cant really test anything (well maybe apart from really major changes) on the dummy. Like I go down from 400 crit to 320 crit or drop a surge or alac piece. Such small changes you cant test. What do you think about this?


Lastly, Ive recognized some things during hm raiding. Some places it seems that after using MS, PS doesnt proc, messing up my rotation totally. Is it my fault or is there something else?

Another thing: at Torque there is some effect interrupting my unloads. Could you tell me what it is? Im using Hydraulics to avoid it but cant use it all the time, and if I want to push dps with PS there is a huge chance many of these long activation abilities going to be interrupted.

Also when Im fighting lurker my dps tends to go really low. I guess its because my dots and grenade cant fully finish on adds before they are dead. I try to dps the boss more if I have another good dps on my add, so not that much dps is lost. How do you deal with this?



Thanks for reading, and answers.

Edited by MalZadane
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the reason you get so many opinions around gearing is because the difference between them is tiny. if you go for a full alacrity build and then try to compare it with a full surge build, don't forget to label the parses, because you won't be able to tell which is which otherwise. one player might have a high action per minute so alacrity helps him more than someone else. another player might be very good at priority over rotation, so surge is more valuable to him, but again, we are talking about tiny differences. same thing with augments. you're not going to see any difference in the parses between the two, so don't wast your time looking. if you absolutely have to have the bleeding edge, then go talk to the theorycrafters, just don't expect to see noticeable difference in game, the range deviation from mean is too small.


parsing. ya. the second part of that paragraph holds your correct answer. the only way around this is to enlarge sample size (a LOT of parses.)


on specific bosses, torque does a cast knockback every 45 seconds. i think the channel is 4 seconds or thereabouts, so you should be able to finish whatever ability you are using, use ho and continue on, IF you see him start the channel. otherwise you will be knocked back. for underlurker, either switch to a burst spec or quit stressing over your number. trying to stay on the boss instead of the adds is a serious mistake in hm because probably not everyone in your group has a movement immunity to counter the add slow. while the adds are out you should stay on them until they are dead.

Edited by sumquy
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on specific bosses, torque does a cast knockback every 45 seconds. i think the channel is 4 seconds or thereabouts, so you should be able to finish whatever ability you are using, use ho and continue on, IF you see him start the channel. otherwise you will be knocked back. for underlurker, either switch to a burst spec or quit stressing over your number. trying to stay on the boss instead of the adds is a serious mistake in hm because probably not everyone in your group has a movement immunity to counter the add slow. while the adds are out you should stay on them until they are dead.


Thanks. The thing I said at Torque is not the Wookiee Rage, but something which prevents my first unload to go through, making MS not proc. Only avoidable with hydraulics. I dont know what it is, its pretty annoying.


Also when is the best to use Supercharged Gas and adrenals during a bossfight?


Edit: found the answer to my proc issue. I spam my abilities and when there is lag I sometimes make the mistake of casting a 2. PS between two MS.

I don't use the alac buff.

Edited by MalZadane
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