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Server lag - Shadowslands? Alternatives?


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I've had a combo of issues lately and I'm hoping to get an opinion from someone before I jump server and move somewhere else (my roster is full and I have millions invested but why stick around if you can't play).


I'm currently playing on Shadowlands and I frequently have issues like not being able to zone, world map not opening, can't access my vaults (all stuff you'd require updates from the server to do). However I don't typically get kicked off the server (except when it goes down, which it has a couple of times lately). On it's own this looks like just server issues and so I'd ask have other people had these issues as well, and if so were they on the same server or a different one?


It's also worth noting that I've had other issues like maps failing to load (error message), invisible characters and bad textures, all of which have been fixed by file repairs - this is a frequent issue. I've reinstalled in an attempt to resolve the issue, and it seems to be a separate issue, but who knows.


Any opinions would be great.

Edited by dracoda
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I'm currently playing on Shadowlands and I frequently have issues like not being able to zone, world map not opening, can't access my vaults (all stuff you'd require updates from the server to do).


Shadowlands is a US east coast PvE server, is it close to where you live or have you selected a server that is not close to you?


Check the server list and select a server that is close to you, if Shadowlands is the closest server then perhaps there is a techinical problem that can be solved in the customer service forum.


Try delete the DiskCacheArena file in your Swtor directory and do a repair from the launcher, it has solved many problems with this game.

Edited by Icestar
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Ebon Hawk is an East Coast RP server. Though 90% of the people don't RP so there is no worry there if you don't like RP. It has a healthy population and friendly for the most part (every server has it's idiots). I have not experienced any server issues as you described on EH since I transferred about 3 months ago,
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If you are on the east side in US, then try the Jedi Covenant server that is the same style and location as Shadowlands and see if you get the same problems with server lag.


I suspect it is something technical that makes you have high latency.

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You should post this in the general forums. .you'll get more replies there


Thanks, it's good advice, but I was specifically hoping for the type of replies that you mostly see here in this section.


Shadowlands is a US east coast PvE server, is it close to where you live or have you selected a server that is not close to you?


Check the server list and select a server that is close to you, if Shadowlands is the closest server then perhaps there is a techinical problem that can be solved in the customer service forum.


Try delete the DiskCacheArena file in your Swtor directory and do a repair from the launcher, it has solved many problems with this game.


Thanks, yes I'm east coastish with a ping mostly in the mid-30s, although that never seems to change, even when problems like not being able to zone or attack occur. I did post in the customer service forum previously but didn't have any luck getting a reply. If the problem persists I'll do so again and cast a wider net.


Yea one of the first things I tried was deleting the DiskCache file, along with client and graphics prefs. I replaced the launcher and ultimately reinstalled a fresh copy. Next I'll try using a different SATA port on the board, and if that doesn't work, I'll try moving it to another drive.



Also thanks Derf and Ice for the server Req's; I'll try them both out. On Shadowlands it can run very smooth, even for an hour. The problems do occur at least once per play session though, and occasionally they don't go away. For some reason, Voss is particularly troublesome, and often requires a repair to load.

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The problems do occur at least once per play session though, and occasionally they don't go away. For some reason, Voss is particularly troublesome, and often requires a repair to load.


If you need a repair to load a planet it is not the server that is the problem, there must be something that needs to be fixed with your computer or your install. Perhaps your harddrive is corrupted and store data on areas that can not be accessed, it can also be your RAM that for some reason store data wrong.


There are programs that checks for errors in hardware, I suggest you try one of them to see if it is the problems I wrote.

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Thanks, it's good advice, but I was specifically hoping for the type of replies that you mostly see here in this section.
Actually, I think you're more likely to get the sort of help you're after in the Customer Service forum, especially if you manage to post while Owen Brooks is online. You won't get any actual EA/BW tech help, but Owen has helped tons of folks with technical issues. He'll likely want you to include stuff like your dxdiag report, and for this type of issue, a tracert and/or path ping, especially if you can get that info while the problem is occurring. Might also help to know if you've upgraded to Win 10 or no.
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If you need a repair to load a planet it is not the server that is the problem, there must be something that needs to be fixed with your computer or your install. Perhaps your harddrive is corrupted and store data on areas that can not be accessed, it can also be your RAM that for some reason store data wrong.


There are programs that checks for errors in hardware, I suggest you try one of them to see if it is the problems I wrote.


Yea I know what your saying - I'm just trying to determine if that's all of it or if I have a network / server problem as well.


I guess you have checked basic things like updating your drivers to the latest versions?


Yep! However, Asus just released new drivers for my motherboard yesterday so while they are installed I wouldn't call them fully tested yet.

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Yep! However, Asus just released new drivers for my motherboard yesterday so while they are installed I wouldn't call them fully tested yet.


Lets hope you get your computer working with the new drivers :tran_smile:


A few years ago when I played I had some connection problems with a server and updating the ethernet controller drivers solved it for me.


It does sound wierd that you have to repair the client when you enter Voss though.

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It's worth mentioning that the servers (realms) are not really all that separate. The various servers (realms) are all located together in a server (computer) "farm". There may be 2 or 3 farms - east coast, west coast, Europe - but all the East Coast game "servers" (realms), for example, would be located in the same server (computer) farm, and each game "server" (realm) most likely involves more than one physical computer. So, it's not likely that any issues you have, relate to one particular "server".

It sounds more likely that the issues are problems on your end.

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