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GSF Megatons out of August 7th cantina!


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Well, as megaton as we get around here:


From Dulfy.net:


Q: New stuff for Starfighter?

A: Backus loves GSF.Not everything about KotFE has been announced. Would love to do a lot of stuff with GSF. Come to talk later when head of Marketing is not around


Q: What about GSF?

A: Will reveal soon


Q: Cross server?

A: Not ignoring the issue, something awesome in the works


Q: What about lvl 50 space missions?

A: He smiled and then said, "Don’t worry, we have something up sleeve for that



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I'll save the thread some time Nemarus :)


GSF has been abandoned, it's all Soon™ and nothing will happen

Nerf Gunships

Nerf Battlescouts

Nerf Bombers

Premades will ruin the game


More seriously, I'm cautiously optimistic, but the proof is in actual delivery.

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Q: What about lvl 50 space missions?

A: He smiled and then said, "Don’t worry, we have something up sleeve for that

While I love GSF, nothing compared to how needed PVE space rework is (based on GSF framework) so I'm praying this is eaxctly what I think it is

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My most optimistic guess is that we'll get a new wave of CM ship skins for the remaining fighters, plus some more cosmetic customization stuff so that people are more incline to spend CC. Shark teeth/Rancor grin on the nose of my strike fighters would be...the bomb. At the extreme edge of my optimism, maybe we'll get Denon TDM but I don't think that's likely either.


As far as game balance, I'm indifferent. Personally (key word personally) I'm fine with current balance and skeptical that any tweaks will change anything other than throwing the current meta completely out of whack (which isn't in itself a bad thing in my opinion, just very unlikely to happen.) The only way I would get remotely interested in game balance is if they said that they were finally releasing the Fifth ship type and then I would be super hyped (Because yes, I am still carrying the torch for a fifth ship type).


Likewise I'm indifferent on the old space game. They'd have to be doing something super crazy with it to pique my interest.


EDIT: I have deleted this section and wanted to apologize for my negative attitude. I really do hope that the Devs have something planned for GSF and that we will learn more about those plans soon.


Sincerely, a GSF pilot.



Please note, this is all my opinion and should not be taken as fact or representation of the larger game community. If I have offended anyone with my writing, please let me know so that I may edit accordingly. It is not my intent to cause any kind of harm with my post.


Thank you.


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I'm too discombobulated from seeing actual dev acknowledgment that GSF exists to muster an appropriate degree of cynicism.


... though at this point, it kind of feels like taking the kids out for ice cream to make up for forgetting to pick them up at school for a year.


Any positive changes will be a very welcome development, and I'll happily applaud when they happen. Why they couldn't come here to post a nebulous wink wink message about the future of GSF is kind of beyond me, though.



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I'm too discombobulated from seeing actual dev acknowledgment that GSF exists to muster an appropriate degree of cynicism.


... though at this point, it kind of feels like taking the kids out for ice cream to make up for forgetting to pick them up at school for a year.


Any positive changes will be a very welcome development, and I'll happily applaud when they happen. Why they couldn't come here to post a nebulous wink wink message about the future of GSF is kind of beyond me, though.




I suspect this gets back to what we were talking about in the other thread. In short, marketing has locked down all official messaging, including any post that would show up in DevTracker.


All official channels are supposed to be hyping up KotFE, 12XP, subbing for Nico Okarr, story content, "You are the Outlander!" (ugh), etc. Talking about anything else risks derailing the marketing push.


Think about it--we're in a state right now where there are already players complaining about KotFE because it has no Warzone or Operation content. If a dev made a post in this forum to say, "Hey guys, don't worry ... GSF news is coming," then it would appear on the Dev Tracker and start a firestorm of vocal protest from the Warzone and Operations crowd.




However, an off-the-cuff comment at a Cantina event is noticed mainly only by people who visit Dulfy.net or r/swtor. It isn't as broadly advertised as a DevTracker comment.


Look at the above--the guy literally says, "Ask me later about GSF when marketing isn't nearby."

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While I love GSF, nothing compared to how needed PVE space rework is (based on GSF framework) so I'm praying this is eaxctly what I think it is


This expansion would be the opportunity to make GSF PvE content. Just think about what if the AI from Battlefront was compatible with SWtoR's engine and EA can manage to let SWtoR profit from that (probably not how it works).

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