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am i doing something wrong as a sentinel?

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So im a level 42 jedi sentinel and im using the combat disciplne but i keep dieing soo fast and it taks a while for me to kill someone im not sure if im doing something wrong or i get my high dps later or something, also anyone got tips and what skills and lightsaber form i should use?
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So im a level 42 jedi sentinel and im using the combat disciplne but i keep dieing soo fast and it taks a while for me to kill someone im not sure if im doing something wrong or i get my high dps later or something, also anyone got tips and what skills and lightsaber form i should use?


I can't remember pub side names, but sometimes they are the same as imp side. Use ataru form for combat. Make sure to take slash (or the vicious slash pub equivalent) off your quickbar as blade rush replaces it. Blade rush will proc auto crit clashing blast, but you dont get clashing blast till 57 so until then use blade storm (pretty sure that is the force scream equivalent). Don't waste gore (precision strike....i think is the pub name) window on master strike. Use gore + blade storm. At level 48 you will get a proc that allows you do use dispatch (obtained at lvl 46) at any health level. Ideally, you should gore + clashing blast + dispatch for highest burst....but you can't do that yet at your level. For now just use blade rush and blade storm in gore window.


Basically as combat you are spamming blade rush a lot and using your gore windows for clashing blast and dispatch. You will feel weak until you are in the late 50s. You get your surge bonus for blade rush and clashing blast at lvl 59. Plus you can't get unbound (not sure what its called on pub side....trancendence breaks roots + more speed bonus) until level 51. Keep at it and as you go through the 50's you will notice that you will kill things a lot quicker.


As far as defenses go....don't play like a guardian. I know they are part of the same base class, but I find that marauders do better when you play them more like a sin or an operative. Stay on high priority targets (healers and squishy/bursty dps) and take them down. Don't be afraid to camo out and run away for a bit. Camo and transendence are your best friends.


Anyway...I'm sure some others will offer you some advice as well....just hold out. You will not regret leveling a sentinel. They are one of the funnest classes there is IMO.

Edited by Saikochoro
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I can't remember pub side names, but sometimes they are the same as imp side. Use ataru form for combat. Make sure to take slash (or the vicious slash pub equivalent) off your quickbar as blade rush replaces it. Blade rush will proc auto crit clashing blast, but you dont get clashing blast till 57 so until then use blade storm (pretty sure that is the force scream equivalent). Don't waste gore (precision strike....i think is the pub name) window on master strike. Use gore + blade storm. At level 48 you will get a proc that allows you do use dispatch (obtained at lvl 46) at any health level. Ideally, you should gore + clashing blast + dispatch for highest burst....but you can't do that yet at your level. For now just use blade rush and blade storm in gore window.


Basically as combat you are spamming blade rush a lot and using your gore windows for clashing blast and dispatch. You will feel weak until you are in the late 50s. You get your surge bonus for blade rush and clashing blast at lvl 59. Plus you can't get unbound (not sure what its called on pub side....trancendence breaks roots + more speed bonus) until level 51. Keep at it and as you go through the 50's you will notice that you will kill things a lot quicker.


As far as defenses go....don't play like a guardian. I know they are part of the same base class, but I find that marauders do better when you play them more like a sin or an operative. Stay on high priority targets (healers and squishy/bursty dps) and take them down. Don't be afraid to camo out and run away for a bit. Camo and transendence are your best friends.


Anyway...I'm sure some others will offer you some advice as well....just hold out. You will not regret leveling a sentinel. They are one of the funnest classes there is IMO.


thank you soooooooooooo much man i appreciate it

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Rebuke is your friend; use the crap out of it. Reduces damage you take, and deals damage to targets attacking you. Refreshes its duration up to 30s, with a 1min CD. One of the stronger defensive cooldowns in the game, in my opinion. Are you running with Doc? That alone should up your survivability the most.


As to not killing things fast, what level is your gear rated for? Are you using green quest rewards, or are you using orange shells and using comms from quests to upgrade as needed?

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Rebuke is your friend; use the crap out of it. Reduces damage you take, and deals damage to targets attacking you. Refreshes its duration up to 30s, with a 1min CD. One of the stronger defensive cooldowns in the game, in my opinion. Are you running with Doc? That alone should up your survivability the most.


As to not killing things fast, what level is your gear rated for? Are you using green quest rewards, or are you using orange shells and using comms from quests to upgrade as needed?


yeah i have doc, and my gear might be my fault actually my chestplate is like half my level because i avent found any quest that give me a new better one and same goes for the rest of my gear

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Don't level as combat, and don't PVP with it at all sub 59. When the expansion came out they moved the surge talent all the way to 59 and nerfed Master Strike into the dirt. You have no burst whatsoever until level 59 currently. Concentration is substantially better for both leveling and PVP atm.


Use Rebuke on every pack of mobs, or every other one (aka, as often as possible). You're missing Awe at that level, but you can use Force Stasis to delay one mob's damage. Force Sweep stuns weak and standard enemies, take advantage of that (again, easier in other specs). Camo for a second and let the mobs attack your companion to take some heat off. Use Saber Ward early and often. etc etc this isn't a class that you can just run around and damage things into the ground without using any dcds ever like pt/sin/jugg.

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  • 2 months later...
I used Kira as my companion all the way to lvl 55. Honestly like previous posters stated....update your gear with adaptive and always take Comms as your quest reward as they are +12 right nnow. Spend a little time in fleet every 5 to 7 lvls updating your mods. Doing this with you and your companion fully modded will insure a breeze through with much more room for error. Make sure to focus on mods that update your strength and endurance stats. Don't worry about any other. Edited by cc_matt
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