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Any PvP guilds that Love Huttball?


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Looking for some peeps to pvp with. I am active duty Coast Guard stationed on a ship so I will have months at a time where I am inactive due to being in the Middle of the Bearing Sea. But when I have time I enjoy teamwork pvp. Huttball is my favorite but all pvp is good with a group of peeps coordinating together to win.
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I've thought about proposing a Huttball League!


But then there'd be a lot of WZ dropping because there's no way to activate huttball queues...


What if:


Teams are broken down into 4-Man Squads... (alt characters cannot represent the team member)


A screen capture at the end of every match is required to confirm Win/Loss


A huttball season could coincide with the PvP Ranked Season...


Both Huttball maps.

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