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[The Shadowlands Server] Conquest Leaderbroads Missing


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Hello, after the Shadowlands server came back on a lot of us noticed that the Conquest Leaderbroads were missing


Instead of seeing the leaderbroads we saw this



We should be seeing this



We hope that this does not interfere with the final score for the conquest, considering many of us are expecting achievements, titles, and Guild Rewards tomorrow after all the effort we put into this intensive conquest , and we hope you can please resolve this issue as soon as possible thank you.

Edited by Zenetos
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Hello, after the Shadowlands server came back on a lot of us noticed that the Conquest Leaderbroads were missing


Instead of seeing the leaderbroads we saw this



We should be seeing this



We hope that this does not interfere with the final score for the conquest, considering many of us are expecting achievements, titles, and Guild Rewards tomorrow after all the effort we put into this intensive conquest , and we hope you can please resolve this issue as soon as possible thank you.


Shows up the same way for me on the Shadowlands. After my guild mates and I put so much effort into conquest last week, I hope this issue is resolved and rewards are designated appropriately.

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I too see blank leaderboards and a "Failed" status towards Guild Rewards despite meeting personal conquest goal and the guild being on the leaderboard when time ran out.


Hope this gets resolved quick. This is the first conquest where we made a real run at it and were proud to have finished where we did. To have come this far and get bitten by what looks to be a bug would be disheartening to say the least.

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I really hope its just an interface bug like the one you get when you get a d/c and come back in on that toon. Our guild put a lot of work into winning Belsavis! :(


Doesn't look like an interface bug. Sadly, it looks like it may be related to the Shadowlands crash yesterday. We're in the same boat. Our guild had our first top 10 finish and may have nothing to show for it.

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Our guild was placed first on the conquest board for Voss, and as yet no-one has received the rewards for meeting their targets. I'm assuming this is a bug from the unexpected crash, but it's damned annoying not having the rewards we worked hard for. The new conquest has already begun and it's like the last conquest never happened :(
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It seems this bug is indeed what we feared. This morning when we logged in we did not receive our Conquer of Correlia Achievement for placing top 1 or our Guild Personal Reward for placing in top 10. We spend over 150 million credits in mats for this conquest and generated over 13 Million points, but have been denied our reward by this bug. Please fix it as soon as you can Bioware.
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I, as well, didn't receive my Guild Reward for the conquest that we won. On any of my 9 toons.


It never ceases to amaze me how fragile these servers can be and how no backup seems to be done on them to record events that can't happen in the same way again.



Edited by DarthBatemanJ
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I made conquest on 5 characters and had what I think would have been a win on one character. Nada. I put a ticket into bioware. I hope this gets resolved.


If it doesn't I want my mats back that I wasted.

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I am also on Shadowlands. I have three toons on which I completed my conquest goal. My guild was one of them who placed at the top of the leader boards. As of 1929 Central time, I have yet to receive my guild conquest rewards.


Please fix this promptly.



et al




(Edit added after original post)



To add insult to injury, I attempted to file an in game ticket but was unable to do so. It seems that since I reported all the spammers, I now have too many open tickets and am unable to open any more; however, I am still able to report spammers, which opens up new tickets.

Edited by DarthBaizer
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Hey folks,


I'm back from Germany and playing a bit of catch up! I'll see what I can find out about the current status of this.





For what it's worth, my guild and I put in tickets individually for our rewards and titles and we are getting them roughly in the order we submitted them. The CS team is doing a good job on that front.

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my problem is due to the fact I submit every gold spam mail, I am unable to create a ticket to get my rewards. Somethng has to give here, I have 10 characters waiting on rewards.


For those of us who are unable to create tickets how should we go about getting the rewards?

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To anyone who has received rewards on multiple toons, did you file tickets on each character or did you file only on one of them (with details on each character that hit their personal)?


I got mine from the week ending with the server crash on 2 characters using one ticket.

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