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Tempted by the darkside


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So we've heard that our character is going to be tempted by the darkside, as part of the "Empire Strikes Back" type of theme. What do you think is that going to entail? Anything different from before? What about characters who are already darkside? I mean I expect my Sith characters wouldn't have to be "tempted" to follow the darkside. In fact they'd probably have to be "tempted" to follow anything else. What about when it comes to gameplay mechanics? Are we getting expanded alignment meters? Are they being reset? Or are they just staying as they are?
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Presumably Zakuul is going to push Light characters to the breaking point. Either out of desperation or revenge for the various sackings and war crime's. Possibly both.


For Sith who want to murder every sentient being in the Eternal Empire for their laying waste to Korriban...it loses a weeeee bit of that edge.

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