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I got it Galactic Star Fighters New Name is....


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Well hey, that's what Forums are for eh? Subjectivity, & dealing with it. Sure it takes skill to fly some ships, but it certainly takes more to fly some than others. GS's being at the lowest on the list.


Personally I made extremely bad experiences when I tried gunships for the first time. Railguns are nice, but as a new player without having practiced enough it's extremely difficult to run away. I had so little fun with gunships that I didn't touch them again until the T3 came out.


Saying gunship doesn't require much skill is just ignorant. Maybe it's easier to get a surprise hit with a railgun but the downside to this is every only half decent pilot is able to easily farm a gunship with a new pilot in it.

Edited by Danalon
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Personally I made extremely bad experiences when I tried gunships for the first time. Railguns are nice, but as a new player without having practiced enough it's extremely difficult to run away. I had so little fun with gunships that I didn't touch them again until the T3 came out.


Saying gunship doesn't require much skill is just ignorant. Maybe it's easier to get a surprise hit with a railgun but the downside to this is every only half decent pilot is able to easily farm a gunship with a new pilot in it.


I wouldn't say it is ignorant as I first adapted incredibly quickly to using the Gunship. You sit still & fire your cannons - much different than what finesse you might need to triumph in a pulse-quickening dogfight as a Strikefighter pilot or a Scout (not to mention such gameplay is simply more enjoyable anyhow, from my standpoint).

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I wouldn't say it is ignorant as I first adapted incredibly quickly to using the Gunship. You sit still & fire your cannons - much different than what finesse you might need to triumph in a pulse-quickening dogfight as a Strikefighter pilot or a Scout (not to mention such gameplay is simply more enjoyable anyhow, from my standpoint).

If all you are doing is sitting still and firing your 'cannons,' you are far from maximizing the potential of the ship. You're also making yourself an easy target. Flying a T1 gunship requires strong tactical awareness and constant repositioning to find the best angle of attack, and demands that you know who the enemy scouts are and where they are or you're going to be in trouble. It also involves getting close to a satellite and fighting close-range in Domination matches when the situation calls for it. There is plenty of finesse needed to stay alive and help your team in a T1 gunship.


The T3 gunship has a whole different playstyle based on mobility and evasiveness which definitely does not involve sitting still.


The T2 gunship is the only one that encourages sitting still, with Fortress Shield being its default shield component, and that ship is poorly armed and immobile leading experienced pilots to consider it a deathtrap.


There is more to the game than you seem to believe.



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If all you are doing is sitting still and firing your 'cannons,' you are far from maximizing the potential of the ship. You're also making yourself an easy target. Flying a T1 gunship requires strong tactical awareness and constant repositioning to find the best angle of attack, and demands that you know who the enemy scouts are and where they are or you're going to be in trouble. It also involves getting close to a satellite and fighting close-range in Domination matches when the situation calls for it. There is plenty of finesse needed to stay alive and help your team in a T1 gunship.


The T3 gunship has a whole different playstyle based on mobility and evasiveness which definitely does not involve sitting still.


The T2 gunship is the only one that encourages sitting still, with Fortress Shield being its default shield component, and that ship is poorly armed and immobile leading experienced pilots to consider it a deathtrap.


There is more to the game than you seem to believe.




I of course under-exaggerate the effortlessless that it is to fly said Gunship, but such a modicum of sarcastic grammatical construction is difficult to convey over a Star Wars internet forum. Though I appreciate your near-warrior like devotion to protect the ship. I am sure you're very good piloting the vessel.

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I first adapted incredibly quickly to using the Gunship.


My first experience in a gunship was very similar. In the first month, I was able to do 30k damage in the gunship and only 5-10k damage in a strike or scout. Bombers are also easier for new players to play. This is why there are so many posts about OP gunships or OP bombers.


Basically all of these debates are the same. Someone who is a beginner/intermediate notes that the ships that are easiest for them to fly are the ones they do not want to fly. Then they come and post how the ships are ruining the game. And since there are many matches where most/all of the players are in this beginner/intermediate skill set, there is a degree of truth to the argument. This is why I advocate buffing the starting scouts and strikes.


However, once we are talking about a group that has high level skills in the T2 scout, the decision to fly gunship is not at all a clear cut winner. It is extraordinarily hard for even an elite gunship to stay alive vs a good scout in a 1 vs 1 setting. It is also very hard for 3 intermediate gunships to stay alive against a good scout unless they have help. Gunship is the hardest ship to fly defensively in. I mostly fly gunship when the other team stacks too many bombers. It is important for good scouts to be adequate gunships because there is a lot of bomber stacking by the opposition.


The top 3/4 ships are clearly in balance for the advanced players but not the beginner/intermediate players. That is the problem with your argument and all of these arguments. There are two sets of discussion going on representing two separate sets of players. However, it is the beginner/intermediate players who lack a full understanding (by definition).


It would really be nice if we could keep the balance discussion in the gsf forum focused on the easiest possible fixes to the broken components. You know, something that might actually happen.


By the way, there was a time when early afternoon republic gsf chat on Begeren was a nonstop whine about how Despon would not be any good at all if it wasn't for his scout ship. Just an FYI.

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Bad gunships are pretty much the best farm targets in TDM. I wouldn't recommend gunships to an absolute beginner—they might do a bit more damage in one, but they will die so much more. The easiest way to not be dead weight for your team is to learn to bomber, at least in Dom. There's a huge gulf between not being dead weight and actually being good, though.
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Bad gunships are pretty much the best farm targets in TDM. I wouldn't recommend gunships to an absolute beginner—they might do a bit more damage in one, but they will die so much more. The easiest way to not be dead weight for your team is to learn to bomber, at least in Dom. There's a huge gulf between not being dead weight and actually being good, though.


The downside to Bombers is that if the opposition knows what they're doing even a little bit, they will simply stay away from the Bombers. Especially on huge maps like TDM. They are so much more effective in DM.

Edited by DewyMossEmpire
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By the way, there was a time when early afternoon republic gsf chat on Begeren was a nonstop whine about how Despon would not be any good at all if it wasn't for his scout ship. Just an FYI.

The funny thing is that I was terrible in a gunship initially. I put off learning how to fly one for a long time because I had such a hard time staying alive long enough to land any shots, and my aim was lousy, especially under pressure. Like a lot of pilots new to the class, I often kept charging shots too long while under fire, and paid for it. Lessons learned the hard way. I flew my Ocula most of the time on BC, and strikes quite a bit before the Barrel Roll nerf.


It would really be nice if we could keep the balance discussion in the gsf forum focused on the easiest possible fixes to the broken components. You know, something that might actually happen.

It would be completely awesome if they buffed Rapid Fire Lasers, Light Laser Cannon, Quick Charge Shield, Concussion Missile, EMP Missile, Ion Missile and strike fighters in general, to varying degrees and in a manner that takes the best elements from the enormous discussion in the strike fighter thread.


It's unquestionably true that new players shouldn't be stuck in paper thin deathtraps with broken, worst-in-class components when they start.


I am less defending a specific ship class than I am defending variety and tactical depth. The best possible outcome is for GSF to have four ship classes that are valid choices for anyone, each with its own menu of interesting choices to be made concerning loadout.



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The top 3/4 ships are clearly in balance for the advanced players but not the beginner/intermediate players. That is the problem with your argument and all of these arguments. There are two sets of discussion going on representing two separate sets of players. However, it is the beginner/intermediate players who lack a full understanding (by definition).


Just quoting this because I believe it's a pretty insightful way to explain these frequent anti-GS whingefests. Sure, this general sentiment has been expressed before, but I think the above is a particularly succinct summary.

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I of course under-exaggerate the effortlessless that it is to fly said Gunship, but such a modicum of sarcastic grammatical construction is difficult to convey over a Star Wars internet forum. Though I appreciate your near-warrior like devotion to protect the ship. I am sure you're very good piloting the vessel.


Speaking just for me, I defend gunships because of the overexaggerated accusations made against them. I understand people being annoyed by gunships. I understand people finding it boring to fly gunships themselves. If people came to this forum and asked for advice against gunships because of those reasons, then it'd be okay. But so many come here and just complain abut gunships being overpowered, gunship pilots being cheaters and they call for gunship nerfs. And that's why I defend gunships in those cases.



By the way, there was a time when early afternoon republic gsf chat on Begeren was a nonstop whine about how Despon would not be any good at all if it wasn't for his scout ship. Just an FYI.


It's a human weakness, we're tend to find reasons for our flaws everywhere except within ourselves.

If they admitted the reason someone is good is actually the person then it would automatically mean they are worse pilots than him. It's hard to admit you're worse than someone else. So people say it's the ship that's good because then their only fault would be chosing a different ship.

Edited by Danalon
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