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Battle Of Dromund Kaass


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Seeing as how that's from the fanon wiki, no, it hasn't happened, and it may not, for all we know. At least not in that year.


Besides, it mentions the death of the Emperor, and the Emperor isn't actually dead. Seems like it was made by someone who only played the Jedi Knight story, did not play the Warrior story, and is also incredibly out of date.

Edited by Rodyn
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With Shadow Of Revan expansion we are at year 3637 BTC yep ? (If not then correct me) Then does this ever happened in game ?


It would be interesting . Fall of the Empire and it's Capital .KOTFE expansion isn't canon yep ? So we won't probably know in what time it does happen.


SOR is in fact 3640 BBY.


Keep in mind also that you're getting that information not from the actual Star Wars wiki (Wookieepedia)... but from a wiki that literally says on its front page that it's fan fiction.

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