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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Credit limit cartel unlock


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Since 350 000 credits is an old limit set long before expansions and level increases, why not allow you to buy credit limit increase unlock from cartel market? Perhaps make it non-sellable in GTN to make it more fair for those who are actually paying for the game.

If it would be something like 1 000 cartel coins for +100 000 credit cap, it would certainly be fair for subs.

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Since 350 000 credits is an old limit set long before expansions and level increases, why not allow you to buy credit limit increase unlock from cartel market? Perhaps make it non-sellable in GTN to make it more fair for those who are actually paying for the game.

If it would be something like 1 000 cartel coins for +100 000 credit cap, it would certainly be fair for subs.


There are already escrow unlocks in the Cartel Market (under consumables)

Credits Escrow Transfer 50k




May not be what you are looking for, but the other option is a sub!

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Since 350 000 credits is an old limit set long before expansions and level increases, why not allow you to buy credit limit increase unlock from cartel market? Perhaps make it non-sellable in GTN to make it more fair for those who are actually paying for the game.

If it would be something like 1 000 cartel coins for +100 000 credit cap, it would certainly be fair for subs.


there's a reason that the credit limit has never been raised.

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Because if the limit was removeable people wouldnt sub. Many people have stated that they only stay subbed to not have to deal with the credit cap.


Star Trek Online has an option to buy the credit cap removal, and guess what? Neither I, or anyone else i know has subbed since getting the cap unlock.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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i think from now on they should up the credit cap because of the higher levels, and the higher level items are more expensive, so it would be nice. to see it go up every now and then or at a certain level it would go up, like lvl 50 would be 300,000 free play and 400,000 for perfered, and 55 be 350,000 Free play and 500,000 perfered and 60 would be 400,000 for freeplay and 550,000 perfered. or something of that nature.
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i think from now on they should up the credit cap because of the higher levels, and the higher level items are more expensive, so it would be nice. to see it go up every now and then or at a certain level it would go up, like lvl 50 would be 300,000 free play and 400,000 for perfered, and 55 be 350,000 Free play and 500,000 perfered and 60 would be 400,000 for freeplay and 550,000 perfered. or something of that nature.

You know there isn't any such thing as level 55 free-to-play, don't you? F2P means you haven't bought anything, and that includes not buying RotHC which is what enables getting beyond level 50.

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They'll never sell a credit cap unlock because that's one of the major subscriber perks.


The best you can hope for is that they'll sell larger escrow unlocks so you don't have to keep buying them individually and stacking them.

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You know there isn't any such thing as level 55 free-to-play, don't you? F2P means you haven't bought anything, and that includes not buying RotHC which is what enables getting beyond level 50.


F2P is hard locked at 15.

Preferred is the one that allows over 15. Preferred means you have spent money at some point (maybe to buy the expansion even, imagine that).


There are plenty of non-subs at 60 running around waiting on the expansion.

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F2P is hard locked at 15.

Preferred is the one that allows over 15. Preferred means you have spent money at some point (maybe to buy the expansion even, imagine that).


There are plenty of non-subs at 60 running around waiting on the expansion.


Yeah no. I know several free to play players that are level 50 and -not- preferred.


Woohoo way to purposely spread misinformation :rolleyes:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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F2P is hard locked at 15.

Preferred is the one that allows over 15. Preferred means you have spent money at some point (maybe to buy the expansion even, imagine that).


There are plenty of non-subs at 60 running around waiting on the expansion.


please stop

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You know there isn't any such thing as level 55 free-to-play, don't you? F2P means you haven't bought anything, and that includes not buying RotHC which is what enables getting beyond level 50.


The idea was interesting even if some of the examples were bad. The idea was that credit caps could scale with level the same way that "companions deployable" does. So as one of their characters reaches certain threshold levels, the maximum amount that they can hold on that character at one time (without using escrow transfers) creeps up a bit.


Subscribers would continue to have no credit cap, of course. The devs would just have to decide:

1) where the thresholds should be (like 15, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, etc.)

2) what the free and preferred caps should start at for characters below the lowest threshold (like 100k free and 150k pref)

3) amount that should be added to cap for each account type at each threshold (like 50k at a time for free and 100k at a time for pref)

4) or instead of the above, predefine specific caps without following a formula / pattern (so for example maybe the thresholds are at every 5 levels but the caps may be set at the same value for some consecutive thresholds and the caps may increase by smaller or larger amounts in the places where the caps do change)


The numbers above were all given as examples, and the exact values can be debated. But with those specific values that I gave in points 1-3, the free player's cap reaches 300k at level 50 and the preferred player's cap reaches 550k at level 50. The theoretical upper limit for free players (IF the devs were to open up RotHC and SoR to everybody without paying (yes that's a big if)) at the current level cap would then be 400k at level 60 while preferred could currently reach 750k at level 60.


It should be noted though that at low levels this actually puts both types of non-subscribers in a worse position than they're in right now. Right now they can accumulate 250k or 350k per character regardless of level. With this suggested change they can build up to a larger cap than that but they start out at level 1 with a much lower cap than that.

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