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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class mission failure


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What if, in the future, class/main missions in certain places could be failed, resulting in story differences and/or physical differences?


For example, if Anakin Skywalker was a story path, the first fight with Dooku would be "failable," as would the Mustafar fight. If you don't fail, you keep your limbs intact. If you do, you need a mechanical suit to keep you alive.


I feel that having options like this would deepen the storytelling, and encourage individuality.


I also would love a larger companion pool, with a strict limit (based on your ship's size) you can actually have. So we don't see 150 Knights with Kira on the fleet.

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The QQ from bads would be endless. Hell, even though I'm a much, much better player than I used to be, my first toon, a JK, would have failed the fight at the end of Chapter 3 if I didn't get multiple tries at it. As would have many, many players at launch because it can take more than one pull to figure out the mechanics thereof.


I've also had some weird pulls where I'm like, "Huh? Why did that mob 100m away aggro me?" that could have caused me to "fail" a mission.


It's one thing if you can "fail" a class mission with a conversation choice, but IMO class missions should give more than one chance. (If they only gave one chance, the difficulty would need to be toned down, and I certainly don't want that.) There's a reason why "one death and character's done" is a ruleset followed only by those who want hardcore RP.


As it is, I feel it's enough for bads to be shunned by the community as such and not invited to group content, and I say this as someone who has cleared and frequently carries in such content.

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What if, in the future, class/main missions in certain places could be failed, resulting in story differences and/or physical differences?


For example, if Anakin Skywalker was a story path, the first fight with Dooku would be "failable," as would the Mustafar fight. If you don't fail, you keep your limbs intact. If you do, you need a mechanical suit to keep you alive.


I feel that having options like this would deepen the storytelling, and encourage individuality.


I also would love a larger companion pool, with a strict limit (based on your ship's size) you can actually have. So we don't see 150 Knights with Kira on the fleet.


and would result in about a 1000 tickets asking to have the mission reset or complaining about something. I.e in middle of fight lagged out and died, DCed, glitched etc.


If you need more reason not to. They originally allowed people to kill your companions, and people were complaining putting in tickets to get their companions back because they are now at a disadvantage.


if sounds like a good idea to have a "failable mission" but reality is a different beast.

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Let me be clear. I'm not talking about failure via combat. That would be subject to bugs and other problems, and the tickets would be ridiculous.


I'm thinking more along the lines of bonus missions having real meaning.






Imagine if there was a bonus mission where you could figure out Baras' plot against you before the bomb goes off. You could fake your death, somehow, and be smarter for it. And imagine if you failed to complete that bonus, your character must wear a mask, like Malgus.






Something similar to that would be nice, and completely optional. And if you fail, and realize you made a mistake, reset the mission.

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