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[Video] level 60 carnage marauder gameplay on Novare Coast


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This is definitely one of my better games, although there are multiple spots where I messed up the rotation.


Constructive criticism and comments are welcome- I am always aiming to improve!


A few things:


First about your utilities,


Drop Overwhelm, pick up Inexplorable. Warzones are great for having a 30 sec CD reduction on oyur stun break. However if you do Ranked, the way you have it is fine.


Masterful. This one is tricky. I would actually drop Phantom, and get Relentless. Having predation on a 30 second CD means you can have almost 33% uptime during a match. Thats 10% extra defense, and speed, and a Root break(will get to that one in the next tier) up a large amount of time. It was hard for me to drop it in exchange for it, but I didnt go back. It sucks that half of the Masterful Skills are all PvP oriented so its hard to choose which ones we want, when in reality we NEED most of them.



Drop Expunging Camoflauge and get Unbound. You can get the same root cleanse from Camo on Predation, and its on a 15 sec shorter CD, AND it effects your entire team who are in range. DO NOT underestimate this ability. Your healer is getting foces and full resolve? Pop Predation and watch him scurry out. The ops ability that makes them zip forward actually stacks with predation so they go even further. It also helps us move between points, or the entire team move between points.


Drop Inescapable, you didnt get the other utilities for buffing Crippling slash so this one isnt needed. Yeah a root is great but without the rage and Range decrease/increase, its only a lack luster ability, especially with all the changes to snares and roots and resolve now. I wish Maiming Reach and Inescapable were combined into 1. Instead get Blood Ward. I was very skeptical about this utility, even after Dirty-Sanchez said he used it....But it mitigates so much more damage. it can tick for as high as 1k-1.2k, thats extra damage reduction right there. Its saved my *** numerious times and makes Saber ward so worth popping now


So as for your gameplay,


Use DB and Vicious throw every chance you get, a few times DB just stood there all bright and shiny waiting for its lucious crit and you didnt satiate it. At one point you waited so long, you could have done it twice, and another time, thrice. Make sure to keep DB on CD as much as possible and obviously only use it when execute is up, which you did :)


Make sure you are popping Berserk before a DB. You reduce the CD of it by a few seconds during a Berserk. I have a macro setup to pop Gore, Berserk, Arendal, then DB all in one go, since they dont share a GCD. Several times you waited till the right setup


Dont be hesitant to pop Bloodthirst. When you returned to East, you should have popped it. Majority of your team was there. I have contemplated creating a macro strictly for popping Frenzy and Bloodthirst together, since i hate popping it when I could be doing Berserk. We have a CD reduction on Frenzy thanks to our set bonus, might as well make sure it stays on CD as well. You should be able to pop Bloodthirst twice in a Warzone, more depending on the warzone and how its going.


You were slowed so often in that game, that having predation utilities would have helped alot to cleanse them and keep you moble.


Only use Ravage to goad a Stun out of a player, or if everything else is on CD. It should really only be used as a filler.


I did like your opening with Dual Saber throw, I had not considered that to get the VT proc ready. I tend to wait till my charge is on CD and they are out of reach to use it.

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