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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Merc Heal Changes


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You can't heal your buddies anymore? Have you done this:


"All Commandos [or mercs] may want to visit their class trainer to make sure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above."


Maybe this helps?

Edited by JattaGin
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By 'shoot and heal their buddies', do you mean using the basic 'Rapid Shots' attack to heal a friendly target?


If so, that was taken out a long time ago, and healing Mercenaries instead get 'Kolto Shot' to replace it, which is basically the same thing (generates no heat, does a small heal, no cooldown other than the global).


From what I recall, they made the change so only the Healing spec got it, rather than every Mercenary.


And of course Commandos got the same change on their side.

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There is a new kolto shot heal which takes the place of the old pew pew.


Oh, you mean that one. That "new" kolto shot is rather old actually. Did you take a break from your merc for a while? I'm sure this shot has been in the game for at least a year now.

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From what I recall, they made the change so only the Healing spec got it, rather than every Mercenary.


I have no idea whether this was the reasoning, but if anything it is the other way around. Every merc does have access to kolto shot right now, while they had to switch to combat support cylinder in order to use rapid shots as a heal before this change.

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