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Do your lightside/darkchoices throughout levels 1-50 heavily affect the storyline?


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I just recently started playing again and have a couple characters who are lower level but have a good amount of money put into them with adaptive gear that i want to continue but seem to have played them a different way than i want to now. What i mean is:


I have a sith inquisitor who has 400 lightside points and 50 dark about to go to Nar Shadda. I want to play a darkside Inquisitor, if i play darkside from here on out would i be able to pull it off or while lightside decisions from Korriban-DK-Bel make a difference?


Similar situation with Sith Warrior. Mostly lightside, about to enter NS and i want to play him dark.

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Actually Inquisitor is the only class where alignment actually has a tiny effect on some dialogue at the very end.



Your new name as a Darth differs depending on alignment.



Otherwise, your decisions influence the story (a bit at least) and obviously influence your alignment, but your alignment doesn't restrict your choices. You can be dark V and still take a lighside choice if you feel it fit's your character better.


As for the 400 lightside points, once you've reached 10000 dark points all further dark points you gain will reduce that taint.

Edited by Mubrak
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u wont be able to receive small bonuses in the mail from the choices of keeping people alive. They aren't much so it doesn't really matter. Besides sith should kill everyone they encounter. Its just the sith way. There are gear that are dark/light side only that you might not be able to wear unless u have the appropriate level. As far as missions I don't think it really matters.
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It seems after a certain threshold (not 400) in some conversations some choices are changed. I have a lightside sorcerer and a darkside assassin and they had very different options when talking to a certain jedi female on Taris...


People you killed/let live will sometimes have a cameo later on but so far I've seen only minor stuff.

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Otherwise, your decisions influence the story (a bit at least) and obviously influence your alignment, but your alignment doesn't restrict your choices. You can be dark V and still take a lighside choice if you feel it fit's your character better.

The inquisitor has at the end one choice that only works if you are light sided.


you can't redeem the ghosts, if you aren't lightsided


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Doesn't the Jedi lose the ability to be on the Council or become a Master (forget which) if Darkside at the end?



DS Consular becomes a Master at the end of Act II but loses out on a Council seat at the end of Act III - instead, you become the Order's tactical advisor or...something like that.


DS Knight doesn't get to become a Master, but instead gets recognition from the military, as I recall. Not that it stops you getting and using the in-game title.


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