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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Adjusting DPS spec for PvP


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One more useless thread about how u can improve mandos for PvP. Let's be honest we won’t get any new escape skill prior 4.0. Revamp utilities? I think same story as new skill.


But. Let's look on our offheal capabilities:


Bacta infusion - instant, cooldown

Medical probe - cast, no-cooldown


With 3.3 now u can "h2f", but you'll burn all ur ammo on healz, and u need ~10(depends on crits) to get full HP. But u simply don't have time to do that:

Regs - yes u can do that, but in 95% u just don't need it. In 3% it will cost u node/objective, rest %- will help you

Ranked - you will use it only after procs (instant, or reduced cast time). Because no one will let you to freecast MP.


My personal thoughts on this:

Remove medical probe and give us Kolto bomb back (low CD, instant heal)


Procs: Assault - IR + mag shot will reset CD on Bacta infusion, Gunnery - every stack of grav round will increase healing output of your next BI/KB by x% (let's take 4%, for example, total - 20%) and internal cd (15 sec?)


Balance. It will not help us, but will be some QoL. In Yolo u can kite and use instant healing to help in surviving.

Yes, not that much help, BUT now u can use BI as instant and MP with procs (let's be honest on paper u can spam MP, but u'll be dead before cast ends with decent team, so u need move'n'heal). In regs - increasing off-healing (now sorcs doing 200-600k per match, opers 100-300k, and mercs ...50-200k, so we can use some help). In t-r nothing special.

So with Kolto bomb u gain more healing “on flight”, procs will give you or more “burst” healing (in 4GCDs: BI – IR – Mag – BI) or increased healing output


Q: if u'll give mercs additional healing they will be op!!

A: BI heals for 5k, i think. MP heals for 3k with no CD and cast time. IF Kolto Bomb will heal for 3k with 5sec CD it won’t do that much difference, but will help to kite on run.


Q: This is useless, we need new escapes/utilities etc!

A: Let's be honest here: BW lazy and with 4.0 around corner, chances to see something new -----> 0.00...01%. BUT with small patch like 3.3.2 or 3.4 they can swap some skills.


Q: But KB AoE heal, it will be OP as hell

A: LoL? Even if it will be, aoe 3k per 5 sec not that much, BUT u always can make KB single-target with AoE perk for healing tree.



Tl'DR. Medical Probe - boo, remove it and add Kolto bomb, revamp procs. It wil give some small QoL for yolos and regs where u need to run'n'kite just to survive.


And yes, my english bad, just Deal with it and move on :)

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