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Effect of class stories on KoTFE, chance to retcon?


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So is there a general consensus on how much effect decisions from the class stories will have on KOTFE, and whether we will have a chance to retcon or adjust any of them ala the Keep from DA?


I can't speak for everyone else, but I know I levelled my main at release, and in many instances don't recall exactly what decisions were made. And in the case of my inquisitor, I think I may not have really realized what I was doing and

released the ghosts

at the end of the story, but it's been so long I don't rightly recall.


Do we think those sorts of choices will even be acknowledged? Is anyone else in that situation where they might like to change some choices?

Edited by Lord_Velan
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I wish I could retcon the end of my Imperial Agent story. Telling Arden Koth about the Star Cabal makes it preemptively impossible to side with the Sith when you find the Black Codex. But I'm certain that there will be no chance to change old decisions. But it's possible they won't be acknowledged at all. Edited by OldVengeance
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They said that your choices will be aknowledged in kotfe, here is the quote:

The Outlander: your character’s past will be a key part of their identity as the Outlander moving forward. The choices you’ve made, romances you’ve pursued, your class, etc are all a part of who your character is, and those decisions will be honored in KOTFE; often in unexpected ways. How that works for characters who are created at level 60 is something we’ll dive into in the future, but we will not be setting a “canon” version of any class or world storyline. Your choices matter – that’s at the heart of our storytelling philosophy at BioWare.

I doubt that you can retcon your choices and that they will matter that much and it's likely that only "important" choices will be honored. Imo for the si the choices could be:

your cult, what happens to the ghosts, the direction of your followers(protect the empire, look for more power, kill darth thanaton's followers)


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Just roll new character.

with xp boosts you can get to 60 in 2-3 days like nothing with only zergging through class story missions.


then go back and do whichever quests you wish without holding your breath.


since the 12xp started I leveled about 10 toons to 57... still 5 more.

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Just roll new character.

with xp boosts you can get to 60 in 2-3 days like nothing with only zergging through class story missions.


then go back and do whichever quests you wish without holding your breath.


since the 12xp started I leveled about 10 toons to 57... still 5 more.


That's a perfectly reasonable option for many people with one crippling drawback- you don't get all the items and skills you've acquired on the original. I've also levelled a lot of new characters thanks to the 12x, and I already have another inquisitor (tho a sorc), but my main has many items from release time that are not reacquirable, such as armor/weapons/costumes, crew skills, mounts, cm items, items added to character only collections, and other items. Not to mention that nagging feeling that "this isn't *really* the same character".


Realistically, I think the choices made prior (other than romances) will likely at best get a cursory acknowledgement, but aren't likely to make huge changes to the KoTFE narrative, as all classes are being directed to the same general narrative. I think it's infintiely more plausible that choices made within KOTFE will have major effects.

Edited by Lord_Velan
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That's a perfectly reasonable option for many people with one crippling drawback- you don't get all the items and skills you've acquired on the original. I already have another inquisitor (tho a sorc), but my main has many items from release time that are not reacquirable, such as costumes, crew skills, mounts, and other items. Not to mention that nagging feeling that "this isn't *really* the same character".


Realistically, I think the choices made prior (other than romances) will likely at best get a cursory acknowledgement, but aren't likely to make huge changes to the KoTFE narrative, as all classes are being directed to the same general narrative. I think it's infintiely more plausible that choices made within KOTFE will have major effects.


Agreed on the want for a retcon! Seems like a good way to make money on the CM for them too.

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People have been asking for "Hard Mode" class stories since launch, KotFE would be as good a time as any to implement them. I would honestly not mind losing all my maxed companion affection and having to re-recruit everybody if it meant replaying (and replacing) some of the wrong choices my main made a million years ago before I had her personality (or all the characters in the story) completely figured out.


Not that they'll do it. They've mentioned it being on the "wall of crazy" before I think. We'll probably see it right around the same time they give us hood toggles. Just saying, OP is right, it'd be nice.

Edited by Quething
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Maybe they implement something like they did with Dragon Age, the Keep. There you can change your previous choices, the game pulls the information from there and then all the consequences came from the keep instead of your playthrough. I personally wouldn't retcon any of my current choices if their consequences on the expansion are not perfect, it would make an interesting twist.
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