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Is the Imperial Agent Force Sensitive?


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Being Force sensitive and having a magic sword doesn't keep you from getting shot in the face.

Actually, it does, as seen in: every single Star Wars work to date that included Force-users with lightsabers.


Though I agree that not every character needs to be a Force-user with or without lightsabers. In fact, even taking any and all Star Wars stories every created into consideration, such individuals would still be in the minority.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Actually, it does, as seen in: every single Star Wars work to date that included Force-users with lightsabers.


And does not, as demonstrated by almost every single Star Wars work to date that's included Force users with lightsabers.


Lots and lots of Jedi and Sith die from guns, knives, explosives, and other mundane weapons in games, books, and movies alike.

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And does not, as demonstrated by almost every single Star Wars work to date that's included Force users with lightsabers.


Lots and lots of Jedi and Sith die from guns, knives, explosives, and other mundane weapons in games, books, and movies alike.

Can you find an arbitrary number greater than one, of examples that don't come from gameplay?


You could probably find some, but not many. Proving your original statement literally false. Now how many examples are there of guns, knives, explosives and mundane weapons succeeding vs how many failing? If the ratio is heavily skewed towards the latter (which it is), than my statement is more accurate.

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Can you find an arbitrary number greater than one, of examples that don't come from gameplay?


You could probably find some, but not many. Proving your original statement literally false. Now how many examples are there of guns, knives, explosives and mundane weapons succeeding vs how many failing? If the ratio is heavily skewed towards the latter (which it is), than my statement is more accurate.


The part of the movies where the Republic's clone army guns down the entire Jedi Order bar a few special snowflakes comes to mind, complete with explicit scenes of soldiers simply ganging up on Jedi and shooting them from multiple directions at once, and throwing grenades at them. As does all the Jedi who died fighting on Geonosis.


Hell, even Luke gets shot on the sail barge in Return of the Jedi, making him drop his saber.


In addition, go play KOTOR2 and ask Atton and HK about killing Jedi. They happily recite lots of ways for normal people to kill Jedi and Sith, and they both have the body count in story to prove it.

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I posted this question in the sniper thread but I think it should be here instead. Anyway, having played through the Agents story missions I've developed this theory about the fact that I believe the Agent really seems to be force sensitive. Here are my points:

1 the relationship between he Agent and Darth Jadus is very similar to that of a master and apprentice.

2 the story seems somewhat similar to that of the Tie pilot, Stele, from the star wars game Tie Fighter.

3 All the other classes have their backstory explained at some point except the agent which, and yes this reaching here, I believe he was a secret apprentice of Jadus, mind wiped to be a plant in Intelligence. If you go to the private meeting between Jadus and the agent he talks to him with a great level of familiarity. Plus the agent is one of the few to be less effected by Jadus' dark side power.


Well I hope this sparks some thought and I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts.


1. Did you even listen to stuff said about Jadus during the story? He surrounds himself with non-force sensitives. And i am sure you remember his crazy believes about spreading the dark side in a weird way to non force sensitives.

2. what!?

3.He wasn't a secret apprentice of Jadus. He wasn't mind wiped to be part of intelligence. The familiarity has nothing to do with the force. No, he was, as you remember when you first meet him. And also the Agent is a tough bad as$.


If the agent was force sensitive he would be sent to Korriban and would not even be an imperial agent.


I am not sure into what kind of weird and to be frank stupid RP are you into but the imperial agent is in no way or form force sensitive.

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There is no actual universal canon for the 8 classes right so your head canon does not contradict anything but you can not say your canon is the only one.

You are right as long as its only about your character nobody can say its force sensitive or not force sensitive it the players decision and there is no universal canon to contradict it.

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The part of the movies where the Republic's clone army guns down the entire Jedi Order bar a few special snowflakes comes to mind, complete with explicit scenes of soldiers simply ganging up on Jedi and shooting them from multiple directions at once, and throwing grenades at them. As does all the Jedi who died fighting on Geonosis.


Hell, even Luke gets shot on the sail barge in Return of the Jedi, making him drop his saber.


In addition, go play KOTOR2 and ask Atton and HK about killing Jedi. They happily recite lots of ways for normal people to kill Jedi and Sith, and they both have the body count in story to prove it.

So your examples (apart from Luke, technically still in training) mostly consist of overwhelming force, or betrayal in very specific circumstances? I rest my case. Anything can be zerg rushed.


I made no absolute claim that Force-users were invulnerable to conventional weapons. I merely contested your absolute claim that they go down like chumps. Having a lightsaber and the Force to use it does prevent you from being shot unless there's entire squads shooting at you or they come at you with freakin rockets and nerve gas. You have not proven this wrong.

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So your examples (apart from Luke, technically still in training) mostly consist of overwhelming force, or betrayal in very specific circumstances? I rest my case. Anything can be zerg rushed.


I made no absolute claim that Force-users were invulnerable to conventional weapons. I merely contested your absolute claim that they go down like chumps. Having a lightsaber and the Force to use it does prevent you from being shot unless there's entire squads shooting at you or they come at you with freakin rockets and nerve gas. You have not proven this wrong.


Should have known you'd put wheels on the goalposts.


As for my original point, the Imperial Agent is not Force sensitive and has no need to be. They kill more than their fair share of Jedi and Sith regardless, to the point that in act 3 a Jedi Master can comment that the Order drastically underestimated Imperial Intelligence, which evidently trains its operatives to be just as deadly as Sith Lords and then some.

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Should have known you'd put wheels on the goalposts.


As for my original point, the Imperial Agent is not Force sensitive and has no need to be. They kill more than their fair share of Jedi and Sith regardless, to the point that in act 3 a Jedi Master can comment that the Order drastically underestimated Imperial Intelligence, which evidently trains its operatives to be just as deadly as Sith Lords and then some.

There are no goal posts. You wrote:


Being Force sensitive and having a magic sword doesn't keep you from getting shot in the face.

implying the Force and the lightsaber have no impact or negligible defense value vs conventional weapons. I corrected that, since being Force sensitive and having a magic sword does prevent you from being shot most of the time.


I don't even know why you're arguing this as I basically agree the IA is not Force-sensitive, nor do they need to be to do what they do. That's the whole point of their story.

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Storyline-wise, there isn't any strong evidence for the IA to be force-sensitive. In fact, the events on Voss are fairly clear about the background of the storyline IA. Now, as for your particular individual, could you be the tiniest bit force-sensitive? Possibly. Hypothetical situation: you were a soldier, when you did something in a battle situation that showed a teeny-tiny bit of Force awareness, that caught the attention of the Sith. After some attempted training on Korriban (which you survived thanks to your existing military training), you were determined to be not force-sensitive enough for Sith training. However, you couldn't be sent back to the military proper, without impugning on the reputation of the Sith, so they decided to send you to Imp Intel to be used as an agent. Your background would be erased from record as part of the process, and a potential useful tool was preserved (I mean, you did survive Korriban, after all, a non-Sith who could do that would be useful indeed). Long-winded, but you can do whatever you want with your character.


Also, a force-user doesn't need a lightsaber to protect from getting shot (some can absorb the energy with their hand, for example, or pull things in to block the shot), just as force-users are only a little more difficult to kill than any other professionally trained individual. For example, disorient a force-user and they'll have trouble bringing their force abilities to bear on you. Misdirection as well, if you're shooting at them, they're going to pay attention to you and not the trap that's in place.

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Also, a force-user doesn't need a lightsaber to protect from getting shot (some can absorb the energy with their hand, for example, or pull things in to block the shot), just as force-users are only a little more difficult to kill than any other professionally trained individual. For example, disorient a force-user and they'll have trouble bringing their force abilities to bear on you. Misdirection as well, if you're shooting at them, they're going to pay attention to you and not the trap that's in place.

Absorbing energy with your hands is fairly rare if I recall correctly, and maybe not even a Force power, but something Vader could do with his cybernetics. But it's true your lightsaber isn't your only option. You could snatch the weapons out of your enemies hands with the Force or crush them if you're strong enough and have enough control. You could move other objects (or people) in front of shots intended for you. Or you can mess with their minds to prevent them from firing at all.


I wouldn't say a Force user is "only a little more difficult" to kill. The Force isn't just for minor telekinetics. It can warn you of danger and where it's coming from, it can let you sense people's feelings around you and that's just detection. The thing that's often overlooked in favor of style and flash is that the Force is non-physical and thus can't be blocked or interfered with in any way other than itself (and certain plot stuff like ysalamiri which doesn't see widespread usage). A fight against a non-Force user should take all of three seconds- reach out with the Force and snap their neck (or if you're a Jedi, their arm). The feel of Star Wars though is that whether you're a noble Jedi or an evil Sith when you have to fight, you take out a lightsaber and start swinging away, and maybe you telekinetically throw or grab something or shoot some lightning. No work, whether movie, book or game is really going to deviate from this, just like how the Sith always have triangle ships and the music is always John Williams or similar orchestral scoring. Or how a Terminator in that franchise never actually just crushes someone's skull or punches through their chest, instead just tossing them around over and over.


But really, if you think about it, given what the Force can do, no regular person should just fight a Force user like it's no thing- unless they have some way of getting the drop, not just on them but on the Force as well as using overwhelming force and numbers.

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Absorbing energy with your hands is fairly rare if I recall correctly, and maybe not even a Force power, but something Vader could do with his cybernetics. But it's true your lightsaber isn't your only option. You could snatch the weapons out of your enemies hands with the Force or crush them if you're strong enough and have enough control. You could move other objects (or people) in front of shots intended for you. Or http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/smilies/rakghouls/rakghoul_02.pngyou can mess with their minds to prevent them from firing at all.


I wouldn't say a Force user is "only a little more difficult" to kill. The Force isn't just for minor telekinetics. It can warn you of danger and where it's coming from, it can let you sense people's feelings around you and that's just detection. The thing that's often overlooked in favor of style and flash is that the Force is non-physical and thus can't be blocked or interfered with in any way other than itself (and certain plot stuff like ysalamiri which doesn't see widespread usage). A fight against a non-Force user should take all of three seconds- reach out with the Force and snap their neck (or if you're a Jedi, their arm). The feel of Star Wars though is that whether you're a noble Jedi or an evil Sith when you have to fight, you take out a lightsaber and start swinging away, and maybe you telekinetically throw or grab something or shoot some lightning. No work, whether movie, book or game is really going to deviate from this, just like how the Sith always have triangle ships and the music is always John Williams or similar orchestral scoring. Or how a Terminator in that franchise never actually just crushes someone's skull or punches through their chest, instead just tossing them around over and over.


But really, if you think about it, given what the Force can do, no regular person should just fight a Force user like it's no thing- unless they have some way of getting the drop, not just on them but on the Force as well as using overwhelming force and numbers.


You can not snap necks that easily its takes more then 3 seconds to do that I would say around 30 seconds. You have to know what to snap and you have to overcome the neck muscles. In real life people really struggle to break someones neck if that guy is prepared. Or better said in movies as I never saw someone having his neck broken in real life.

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Should have known you'd put wheels on the goalposts.


As for my original point, the Imperial Agent is not Force sensitive and has no need to be. They kill more than their fair share of Jedi and Sith regardless, to the point that in act 3 a Jedi Master can comment that the Order drastically underestimated Imperial Intelligence, which evidently trains its operatives to be just as deadly as Sith Lords and then some.


The Jedi during the prequel and rebellion era were having their minds clouded by the overwhelming dark side coming from Sidious. Most were having trouble using their abilities and even foreseeing the future. It wasn't a normal case.


You can not snap necks that easily its takes more then 3 seconds to do that I would say around 30 seconds. You have to know what to snap and you have to overcome the neck muscles. In real life people really struggle to break someones neck if that guy is prepared. Or better said in movies as I never saw someone having his neck broken in real life.


He wasn't talking about normal people he was talking about Sith/Jedi. Some sith are capable of crushing droids effortlessly and even have the ability to tear a starship in half. For a sith or jedi that powerful doing it to a non force sensitive would take all but a second.

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The Jedi during the prequel and rebellion era were having their minds clouded by the overwhelming dark side coming from Sidious. Most were having trouble using their abilities and even foreseeing the future. It wasn't a normal case.




He wasn't talking about normal people he was talking about Sith/Jedi. Some sith are capable of crushing droids effortlessly and even have the ability to tear a starship in half. For a sith or jedi that powerful doing it to a non force sensitive would take all but a second.


Does that not work because droids and starship's lack the force completely? Even non force sensitives still have the force that might count for something as I never saw a human being crushed with the force as a droid is. Or ripped in half with the force as with a starship. I once saw Vader the best known sith in terms of force telekinesis kill a person trough a holoterminal but id did take almost a minute. He once crushed the heart of jedi after a great fight with that jedi but I never saw him kill someone in 1 second or crush a person or tear it in half with the force. I did saw him crush a droid on the other hand. Just saying it seems you can not do the same things with people who have the force.

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Does that not work because droids and starship's lack the force completely? Even non force sensitives still have the force that might count for something as I never saw a human being crushed with the force as a droid is. Or ripped in half with the force as with a starship. I once saw Vader the best known sith in terms of force telekinesis kill a person trough a holoterminal but id did take almost a minute. He once crushed the heart of jedi after a great fight with that jedi but I never saw him kill someone in 1 second or crush a person or tear it in half with the force. I did saw him crush a droid on the other hand. Just saying it seems you can not do the same things with people who have the force.


Darth Baras has also killed people through holo terminals. Darth Thanaton as he was trying to crawl away from the Sith Inquisitor also had his neck snapped immediately. People have been force crushed (the name of a technique), had their neck snapped, been disintegrated, and more in the star wars Mythos. Sidious in the clone wars while hunting for Darth Maul raised his hands lifting his two death watch guards off the floor and they died in seconds. Luke Skywalker with the wave of his hand choked out the Gamorean (and he didn't keep the motion either.) in return of the Jedi.


Jedi and Sith alike with a simple gesture have thrown entire squads of soldiers far enough that survival was likely not guaranteed. Nihilus drained people to nothing with just a glance. Heck, he did it without being in people's presence. The same with Vitiate. Kento Marek, a Jedi master, had his neck snapped with the force by Darth Vader who wasn't even looking at him. Jedi and Sith are harder to do this to because they use force shielding techniques that have to be breached. Regular people don't have this same protection and against the more powerful Sith are utterly helpless in comparison.


In fact you have it backwards. Affecting droids and sensing them through the force is harder to do because they don't have the force. Using the force on a non force sensitive is easier than a droid. Which is why Palpatine has turned entire platoons into ashes via his lightning. You might say "But this is palpatine" except Tulak Horde himself soloed an entire army single handedly. An entire army couldn't touch him. That's the reality against the most powerful force users.


Also if you don't know Darth Bane even used the force to make his father have a heart attack. ;) The strongest force users are very scary.

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Darth Baras has also killed people through holo terminals. Darth Thanaton as he was trying to crawl away from the Sith Inquisitor also had his neck snapped immediately. People have been force crushed (the name of a technique), had their neck snapped, been disintegrated, and more in the star wars Mythos. Sidious in the clone wars while hunting for Darth Maul raised his hands lifting his two death watch guards off the floor and they died in seconds. Luke Skywalker with the wave of his hand choked out the Gamorean (and he didn't keep the motion either.) in return of the Jedi.


Jedi and Sith alike with a simple gesture have thrown entire squads of soldiers far enough that survival was likely not guaranteed. Nihilus drained people to nothing with just a glance. Heck, he did it without being in people's presence. The same with Vitiate. Kento Marek, a Jedi master, had his neck snapped with the force by Darth Vader who wasn't even looking at him. Jedi and Sith are harder to do this to because they use force shielding techniques that have to be breached. Regular people don't have this same protection and against the more powerful Sith are utterly helpless in comparison.


In fact you have it backwards. Affecting droids and sensing them through the force is harder to do because they don't have the force. Using the force on a non force sensitive is easier than a droid. Which is why Palpatine has turned entire platoons into ashes via his lightning.


Okay Thanaton died after he was exhausted with the fight against SI probably no more force protection. Nihilus was a special kind of sith that had only a weakness against another kind of special force user. He was wound in the force and that makes him very special. Kento Marek had his neck snapped after he was defeated by Vader meaning exhausted. His son on the other hand took Vader's lightsaber from his hand when he was 10 if not younger the greatest lightsaber duelist lost his sword against a kid sometimes catching people unprepared increases the damage. That is why I said that for people who are prepared is harder to break necks and for the ones who are not prepared its easier.

That is also true with force crushing if the person is not exhausted and its prepared it can take a while. When you are injured like hell barely holding up I doubt you can put a fight when someone tries to snap your neck. Like in movies after a fight have you ever seen the loser putting up resistance when the oponent is breaking his neck to finish him?

Also is not easier to kill non force sensitive then a droid. For gods sake a droid is made of circuits that a little electricity can burn them but that kind of electricity will not kill a sentient. What do you think droid disable force ability is?

Now yeah Sidious killed the 2 death watch guards in seconds after lifting them and then pretty much hanging them and yes he killed entire platoons with his force storm but we are talking here about a sith where even among the best master did not survived more then the death watch guards survived. That dude is on a whole other level. With powerful sith like him you have to be exceptional to live minutes no matter if you are force sensitive or not.

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Okay Thanaton died after he was exhausted with the fight against SI probably no more force protection. Nihilus was a special kind of sith that had only a weakness against another kind of special force user. He was wound in the force and that makes him very special. Kento Marek had his neck snapped after he was defeated by Vader meaning exhausted. His son on the other hand took Vader's lightsaber from his hand when he was 10 if not younger the greatest lightsaber duelist lost his sword against a kid sometimes catching people unprepared increases the damage. That is why I said that for people who are prepared is harder to break necks and for the ones who are not prepared its easier.

That is also true with force crushing if the person is not exhausted and its prepared it can take a while. When you are injured like hell barely holding up I doubt you can put a fight when someone tries to snap your neck. Like in movies after a fight have you ever seen the loser putting up resistance when the oponent is breaking his neck to finish him?

Also is not easier to kill non force sensitive then a droid. For gods sake a droid is made of circuits that a little electricity can burn them but that kind of electricity will not kill a sentient. What do you think droid disable force ability is?

Now yeah Sidious killed the 2 death watch guards in seconds after lifting them and then pretty much hanging them and yes he killed entire platoons with his force storm but we are talking here about a sith where even among the best master did not survived more then the death watch guards survived. That dude is on a whole other level. With powerful sith like him you have to be exceptional to live minutes no matter if you are force sensitive or not.


Your point is that they were weakened. As mentioned, Even Baras has force choked people via holo recordings. Yes those people were weakened but those people are force users who constantly shield themselves in the force. When weakened those barriers become weaker allowing a Sith or Jedi to break through those barriers in order to kill them. Non Force sensitives have no such barriers. They can't prepare to resist a force choke or anything like that. Also Corran Horn at one point mentioned he wished he was stronger with the force so he could trip Kyp Durron. Mara Jade commented if he was stronger in the force he could pinch his fingers and give him a brain aneurysm.


I also mentioned how Darth Bane gave his own father a heart attack. I'm not talking about burning out a drain via disabling their wires. I'm talking about throwing droids and crushing them. Which there's many Sith Masters and Jedi Masters who can do that to droids with ease. Do remember Dooku force choked Obi Wan Kenobi in the middle of battle while also fending off Anakin. Jedi Masters are harder to break through their defenses than non force sensitives. What would have happened to a non force sensitive against Dooku? There's Jedi/Sith that can move so quickly a normal person would not be able to follow them with their eyes. It doesn't matter how good you are. There's Jedi/Sith that even the Imperial Agent logically wouldn't be able to deal with. That no amount of skill will allow you to deal with it.


Boba Fett in the novels avoided certain Jedi/Sith for that very reason. Can someone skilled enough take on a Jedi? Sure. Jango took on Obi Wan Kenobi. Jedi/Sith above Obi Wan's level though.. it becomes much less likely.


Han Solo is very skilled but in a fight against Vader it was useless.

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Your point is that they were weakened. As mentioned, Even Baras has force choked people via holo recordings. Yes those people were weakened but those people are force users who constantly shield themselves in the force. When weakened those barriers become weaker allowing a Sith or Jedi to break through those barriers in order to kill them. Non Force sensitives have no such barriers. They can't prepare to resist a force choke or anything like that. Also Corran Horn at one point mentioned he wished he was stronger with the force so he could trip Kyp Durron. Mara Jade commented if he was stronger in the force he could pinch his fingers and give him a brain aneurysm.


I also mentioned how Darth Bane gave his own father a heart attack. I'm not talking about burning out a drain via disabling their wires. I'm talking about throwing droids and crushing them. Which there's many Sith Masters and Jedi Masters who can do that to droids with ease. Do remember Dooku force choked Obi Wan Kenobi in the middle of battle while also fending off Anakin. Jedi Masters are harder to break through their defenses than non force sensitives. What would have happened to a non force sensitive against Dooku? There's Jedi/Sith that can move so quickly a normal person would not be able to follow them with their eyes. It doesn't matter how good you are. There's Jedi/Sith that even the Imperial Agent logically wouldn't be able to deal with. That no amount of skill will allow you to deal with it.


Boba Fett in the novels avoided certain Jedi/Sith for that very reason. Can someone skilled enough take on a Jedi? Sure. Jango took on Obi Wan Kenobi. Jedi/Sith above Obi Wan's level though.. it becomes much less likely.


Han Solo is very skilled but in a fight against Vader it was useless.


Obi Wan Kenobi is probably the best example, you see when he is at his best he can defeat Grevious the second best jedi killer, Darth Maul twice, Darth Vader once but then he remained without legs, Darth Krayth and at his worst he can not even defeat Jango Fett, hell not even that awesome blue guy that replaced Fett as the best bounty hunter or even Ventress for that matter.

It might seem unbelievable but the masters that the agent killed where not at their best they might have understimated him and they died as a result.

Just watched the phantome menance and noticed Qui-Gon Jinn did not knew Anakin was force sensitive only when he knew him better he was convinced and and when he tested for the midiclorians or whatever so people can not really sense other force sensitives. Or at least it depends on the level of the force user.

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Obi Wan Kenobi is probably the best example, you see when he is at his best he can defeat Grevious the second best jedi killer, Darth Maul twice, Darth Vader once but then he remained without legs, Darth Krayth and at his worst he can not even defeat Jango Fett, hell not even that awesome blue guy that replaced Fett as the best bounty hunter or even Ventress for that matter.

It might seem unbelievable but the masters that the agent killed where not at their best they might have understimated him and they died as a result.

Just watched the phantome menance and noticed Qui-Gon Jinn did not knew Anakin was force sensitive only when he knew him better he was convinced and and when he tested for the midiclorians or whatever so people can not really sense other force sensitives. Or at least it depends on the level of the force user.


Yeah, but as mentioned Obi Wan is not the strongest Jedi. There's quite a few in the history of star wars who are much more powerful than him. Though, he is my favorite Jedi mostly because perfect super characters aren't as interesting as strong characters who have genuine flaws. :p You are right about that though but usually at some point some evidence of force sensitivity reveals itself. As the person is growing up etc it only took Qui Gon a few days with Anakin to figure out that he might have force sensitivity. Going your entire life in the empire without any signs or without anyone noticing was well as through the entire time at the imperial academy and your training is unlikely.


Though, I will admit it is still possible. As unlikely isn't the same as "Impossible." then again you can still head canon it as people say. You can have legacy force powers that you can use.

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