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KotFE and 1-50


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Do we know yet how the KotFE expansion will change the level 1-50 questing process? Because if it is going to add any content whatsoever, I want to wait until then to start a big play through of the game. I've seen rumors that it will make the class quests edgier and more mature, or let us have more choices in our stories like killing certain companions and stuff like that. Is any of this true? Or is KotFE only changing the leveling process for 1-50 and not modifying any story content?
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I hope they remove the xp reward and the level of the side quests and just offer a commendation or commendations depending on the quest, that way it doesn't matter if it goes gray or not and you would be doing it just for the commendations anyway.
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All speculation of course:


They're probably going to take away more than they give. They said they wanted to 'streamline' the process so I'm expecting something along the lines of a permanent boost to class missions while removing all but the main planet missions. TBH, I have no more clue than you though.

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All speculation of course:


They're probably going to take away more than they give. They said they wanted to 'streamline' the process so I'm expecting something along the lines of a permanent boost to class missions while removing all but the main planet missions. TBH, I have no more clue than you though.


They said the side quests will be there, but they will be 100% optional....though I will likely still do them anyway.

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I imagine it working sort of like 12XP is working now, but reduced (like 6XP) and applied to main planetary arc as well.

Probably make it more obvious as to what is the next planetary story quest.


But I highly doubt they will remove anything. A lot of work has been put into those things to just flat out remove them.

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They said the side quests will be there, but they will be 100% optional....though I will likely still do them anyway.


The way they said it, the side missions will be repurposed. Also they alluded to them as being a part of the companion system. While we don't know what exactly that means, they mentioned if you wanted certain companions you would have to go do certain quests to get them. I'm assuming this is what they are talking about. It sounds alot like a reputation or new affection system for companions the way they told it.


We'll just have to wait and see until they release solid information about it. Hopefully soon.

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