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Crash = Queue of Doom!


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Can we seriously do something about this?

Crashed ingame and now i gotta wait 30 minutes to get back in, pretty ridiculous.


I can only imagine how bad it is for people who have even longer queues.

Edited by JoxerNL
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Damn you are lucky!i sneaked to create a thread about this after beeing crashed and placed in 1412 position in que! 1h30 min waiting time


I know there is a sticky that they dont plan to lock servers yet but some are in desperate need of it!"We plan to extend capacity on full servers" bla bla!Launch limited capacity servers and go in vacation is not what we pay for,nor waiting 1+hour in que cause server cant handle the population! Already missing my 50 euros

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It's nice especially in Taris.

Was doing the final quest there and.


- Loot mob crash


- Instantly logging back and 20 min queue, moment it's over crash before logging in.


- Again back in the queue for 30 minutes,same thing.


- Same thing longer queue and a crash.


Got to love a buggy game and no grace period , good work Bioware.

Let's reinvent the wheel but this time make it square.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Yeah a grace period is so badly needed right now. I tend to crash out so often and when you get hit by huge queues it's just plain annoying. So far I've been ready waiting to play for three hours managed to get ingame twice and the longest I stayed in before my client stopped responding was 5 minutes. This has to change soon. I love this game and really want to play it but I don't see why I'd pay a monthly fee to either spend 80% of my time queueing or play at ridiculous hours.
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They have improved it 10 fold.


In Early access if you disconnected for a micro second you were at the back of a 2000 queue on the tomb of freedon nadd, 30 min queues are VERY acceptable.


Give me time to beat one off or make a tea.

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