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[POLL] Shadowlands OWPVP Event 7/31/15


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Hello! The Imperial guild, Vis Potiri, will be hosting another OWPVP event on the Shadowlands tomorrow (Friday, 7/31/15) @ 7:30PM EST. The community vote had strong support for Yavin 4 and CZ-198, but Yavin 4 edged ahead! The second location will be Oricon so that people can make some progress towards their Scare Bear title. We will have ops groups forming on pub and imp side ahead of the event, so make sure you keep an eye out on fleet chat!


We hope to see everyone there!


People from all servers are welcome to join us for this event :) Server transfers are cheap, so come join us!

Edited by Pujaradactyl
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A few of us from something shadow whatever are willing to show up, planets sorted yet?

The poll will close tomorrow! So far Yavin 4 is in the lead by 4 votes, with CZ-198 in second place. If the results hold, the two planets we will be using for the event will be Yavin 4 and Oricon.

Hope you all can make it! The more people we have, the more fun it is. We will be forming an ops group (or 2 if the turnout is huge) on the fleet for both sides 10 minutes before the event starts :)

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Ok cool who should we be looking out for on the imp side to get involved?

There will be an ops group forming on imp fleet. You can whisper any member of the guild Vis Potiri for an invite if you are not on the fleet.

Pub Side, PST a toon named Sinerva for invite.

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Thanks all for coming! I was leading things on pub side on Sinerva, but was coordinating with guildies on imp side through TS. We had a great time; everyone got their 100 Yavin 4 kills for the achievement and everyone got around 300-500 kills on Oricon for their Scare Bear title. I will be hosting this again in a month so keep an eye out for the next one!
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Just wanted to say thanks for putting that together.


That was my 1st OWPVP event and I had a blast. I was able to get 1/3 of the Oricon Scare Bear Achievement done and I was able to get the 100 PvP kills on Yavin achievement.


Dirtyratz was our group leader and I thought he did a great job. I'm looking forward to the next event.

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