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Hayete's Final Analysis of Combat/Carnage Optimal Stat Profile


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Hey there all!


As many are aware on July 6th a post was put up showcasing optimal PvE stats for all 24 Disciples as they relate to DPS, DTPS, and HPS. You can view the post through the following link http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=821885 As with many of you I was highly intrigued after reading the post. As an Engineer and one very familiar with MATLAB let me first say that the work put into the testing and analysis contained in that post is very impressive. I, like many of you, wanted to see how the stat build held up both on the dummy and in live raid. Keep in mind that the testing done for their post was done under the assumption of numerous and specific conditions which can be found within the "DPS and Healer Assumptions" part of their post. So with that said I was able to acquire the pieces needed to exactly match the suggested build. The following is the build in it's entirety which from here on will be referred to as Build A.


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel Combat

5060 DPS | 4201 (6xAug) Strength | 2164 Power | 0 Critical | 338 (4xAug) Surge | 532 (1xAug) Alacrity | 756 (3xAug) Accuracy


After matching this build I set out to test the build both on the dummy and in live raid. For the dummy testing I did a sample testing of 5 parses back to back on a 1 Million dummy with the Shattered Armor Debuff applied. The following results are my numbers from those five parses. As there are MANY factors and variables that compose a parse please take these numbers for what they are. This is not optimal testing but realistic testing designed to present some idea of what to expect so that an informed opinion could be made.


1 Million Dummy Parse (Build A)


1) 4971 DPS | 53.2 APM | 23.6% Crit

2) 5032 DPS | 53.1 APM | 23.3% Crit

3) 4925 DPS | 52.9 APM | 22.3% Crit

4) 4978 DPS | 53.2 APM | 20.3% Crit

5) 4955 DPS | 53.2 APM | 20.9% Crit


I then applied the following build, my original build, under the same circumstances and conditions. (This build will be referred to as Build B)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel Combat

3827 Strength | 2466 Power | 252 Critical | 610 Surge | 0 Alacrity | 756 (3xAug) Accuracy | 11x Overkill Augs


Below are the results of the Dummy Parse testing.


1 Million Dummy Parse (Build B)


1) 4784 DPS | 50.2 APM | 27.9% Crit

2) 4765 DPS | 50.0 APM | 27.5% Crit

3) 4693 DPS | 50.2 APM | 23.3% Crit

4) 4827 DPS | 50.4 APM | 27.0% Crit

5) 4842 DPS | 50.6 APM | 25.2% Crit


Note: These tests were done using the exact same rotational priorities, opening rotation, stim, adrenal, inspiration etc.



Opinion of Results:


First and foremost, as stated earlier, ideally these test should be conducted many MANY times to gain a confident average. With that said I personally felt that with my extensive experience with the class and spec, both on the dummy and off it, that this was good enough for me to formulate some kind of opinion that I could then present to you guys. So with that an average difference of 190 DPS was determined favoring Build A compared to Build B. I took this build into HM Rav/ToS/Colossal Monolith and saw ABOUT the same difference. On some fights this was a bit more dramatic and on others it was slightly less. However across the board Build A held up either on par with Build B or ahead of it on all boss fights. There are obviously several considerations to account for during live fights such as strategy, RNG, uptime etc. Again though relying on experience with expected DPS per fight Build A appeared superior in all cases. One thing to note with Build A is that it seemed much more dependent on attacks per minute (APM) than Build B. What this boils down to is that speed seemed directly proportional to DPS output more so in Build A than Build B. While on the dummy this was not to apparent, it was however highly noticeable during boss fights. So if you have problems with APM or if you have significant lag while playing then Build A may prove less useful. Taking all of that and my testing into account I feel confident in promoting Build A as an optimal build for the Combat/Carnage spec. With that said I will be updating my Combat and Carnage guides in the coming days to reflect this build.



After testing I was able to pull the highest parse to date. You can view that parse here. Keep in mind this is definitely a "lucky" parse so take it with a grain of salt so to speak. http://parsely.io/parser/view/48722/0

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Soo it means carnage or combat need that 532 alacrity more than crit


If you look between the two build Parses the Crit differs only slightly so not as impactful, or dare I say "critical", a concern :D Seriously though Crit has been that way for as long as I can remember. Either with a lot of Crit or zero Crit the difference was always very little.

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