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Looking for Rishi Class spoilers


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I'm trying to decide what class I want to play from 55-60 I have all of them so it is going to be determined by what class story continuation seems most appealing.


Could you guys tell me how the class stories progress for each of the classes?


Thanks in advance.

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JK - Your old mentor comes back to tell you that with all the danger you've been facing on a galactic scale, you need to do some good deeds on a lower threat then the Revanites. So he instructs you to help those down on their luck on Rishi, when you do this he tells you of a coming danger and finally becomes one with the force.


JC - Satele Shan thought it was about time that you make your own holocron, to do this you go to the jedi's resident holocron maker, who tells you that you must achieve true clearance of your mind. So you set out to perform various rituals to obtain this, in doing so you experience visions of the future of characters from other storylines (Your own Irresso telling you that ''It's been a honor fighting by you, Jedi''), when you finish you answer a few questions about how you would tell people in the future when they find your holocron and then it is made.


Trooper - After your mission on Manaan, Garza has not only found out about it, but had a secret team go in and take the left over rakata technology for herself, she uses this to experiment on volunteers to try and make a new Havoc squad. She tells you that this squad (Eclipse Squad) has now gone insane due to the experimental implants and has caused the deaths of 200 civilians, now comming to Rishi to attack the Revanites. You are instructed to hunt dow and kill each of them, with each kill providing you the dialogue of them thanking you for granting them freedome from their torture with death (You later receive a mail from the leader, thanking you for it). When you return to Garza, you are given two options, keep everything hush hush about the operation, or tell her that you will be testifying against her in court so that the senate knows what she has done.


BH - Crysta's daughter contacts you to give you the news that Crysta (That lovable space-texan) has been gunned down, you naturally go out to avenge your friend (Or just go out to get the bounty on the pirate's heads)


SI - You are contacted by your Moff to talk over matters in the galaxy, you get an array of choices on how to respond to some activities occurring (One of them concerning Darth Ravage), after that the Moff informs you that there is a Sith Lord on Rishi that thinks you'll be interested in the strange devices on the planet. You meet hima nd he tells you about the devices, you inspect them and find that they tell you that your cycle has been increased, when returnign to the sith lord he tells you that the devices might of just extended your life span and requests permission to use your resources to possibly find the key to immortality.


SW - You are contacted by Darth Vowrawn, who requests to meet, when you meet him he starts off by asking you a few questions about your motivations and how you feel about your place in the Empire. When he's done he informs you that there are squads of droids that have been following you around Rishi, he gives you a way of finding them and you go out to deal with them. When you kill the droids they chant strange sentences about someone power and eternal darkness, upon returning to Vowrawns meeting point you are greeted by Servant Two. Servant Two informs you that the emperor has labled Vowrawn a traitor and orders you to tell him where Vowrawn is, while also telling you that the droids watching you were in fact the Emperor's. You can either give Vowrawn away, lie or choke Two (LIKE A BOSS!)


IA - The previous minister of intelligence asks for your aid in rescuing Keeper, who turns out to have been more damaged by the Star Cabal's trap then initially thought. Keeper is the frozen prise of a pirate crew, the Minister tells you to go around and gain blackmail material and pull with the crew by killing their enemies. You return to the Minister after this as he talks over holo with Watcher two, you are told that Watcher Two is going to be taken to a facility to go back to full health. You are given a chance to say goodbye to her (In a rather heart tugging scene) before leaving.

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I havn't gone through it, but from what I know you steal tickets to a pleasure barge that's going into the Rishi Maze. When you steal the tickets, you find out that the barge is only for certain species and that you can't get on.

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JC - Satele Shan thought it was about time that you make your own holocron, to do this you go to the jedi's resident holocron maker, who tells you that you must achieve true clearance of your mind. So you set out to perform various rituals to obtain this, in doing so you experience visions of the future of characters from other storylines (Your own Irresso telling you that ''It's been a honor fighting by you, Jedi''), when you finish you answer a few questions about how you would tell people in the future when they find your holocron and then it is made.


Awesome thanks so much. I'm going to chose JC making my own holocron sounds like so much fun.

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